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Last active July 11, 2018 16:57
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an example of updating an oracle database from clojure the server, user names, and passwords have been changed to protect the innocent
(ns db-test.core
(:require [ :as j])
(use [korma.db])
(use [korma.core])
(defn setup-connection []
(def oracle-db {:classname "oracle.jdbc.odbc.OracleDriver"
:subprotocol "oracle"
:subname "thin:@//remotehost:1521/derpina1"
:user "user"
:password "pass" })
(j/get-connection oracle-db)
(default-connection oracle-db)
(defentity PGDV_REPAIR))
(def records (select PGDV_REPAIR (fields :PROD_ID :RETAIL :GOTO_RETAIL) (where {:REPAIR_ID [in [2 5]]})))
(defn alter-goto-repair []
(doseq [row records]
(set-fields {:GOTO_RETAIL (+ (rand-int 100) (:RETAIL row))})
(where {:REPAIR_ID [in [2 5]]})
(where {:PROD_ID (:PROD_ID row)}))))
(defn -main
"This function is where all the functions in this namespace come together"
[& args]
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