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Created December 9, 2013 03:19
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some sample code from my experimentations with using quil for game development. very rough first cut. will evolve into something cleaner Note: This is a direct port from a Java tutorial for Processing by Jules Jacobs
(ns quilgame
(:use quil.core))
(defn setup []
(def ball-x (atom 200))
(def ball-y (atom 100))
(def speed-x (atom 10))
(def speed-y (atom 2))
(def hit (atom 0))
(def miss (atom 0)))
(defn draw []
(def paddle (/ 1000.0 (+ @hit 10)))
(when (or (neg? @ball-x) (> @ball-x (width))) (swap! speed-x -))
(if (> @ball-y (height))
(do (swap! speed-y -)
(if (< (abs (- (mouse-x) @ball-x)) paddle)
(swap! hit inc) (swap! miss inc)))
(swap! speed-y #(+ 1 %)))
(swap! ball-x #(+ @speed-x %))
(swap! ball-y #(+ @speed-y %))
(background 100 200 50)
(fill 200 100 50)
(ellipse @ball-x, @ball-y, 50, 50)
(fill 50 100 200)
(rect (- (mouse-x) paddle) (- (height) 10) (* 2 paddle), 10)
(fill 0)
(text (str "Hit: " @hit) 10 10)
(text (str "Miss: " @miss) 10 20))
(defsketch bouncey-paddle-balley
:title "OMG OMG OMG Bouncey Ball!!!"
:setup setup
:draw draw
:size [600 400])
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