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Last active February 28, 2024 12:32
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Calculate exact equity for Texas hold 'em by exhaustive enumeration.
module Poker (Rank(..), Suit(..), Card, rank, suit, Hand, hand, equity) where
import Control.Applicative ((<**>))
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List ((\\), foldl1', group, sortOn)
import Data.Ord (Down(Down))
import Data.Ratio ((%))
data Rank = Two
| Three
| Four
| Five
| Six
| Seven
| Eight
| Nine
| Ten
| Jack
| Queen
| King
| Ace
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
data Suit = Diamonds
| Clubs
| Hearts
| Spades
deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
type Card = (Rank, Suit)
rank :: Card -> Rank
rank = fst
suit :: Card -> Suit
suit = snd
deck :: [Card]
deck = [Diamonds ..] <**> map (,) [Two ..]
data Hand = HighCard Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
| OnePair Rank Rank Rank Rank
| TwoPair Rank Rank Rank
| Trips Rank Rank Rank
| Straight Rank
| Flush Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
| FullHouse Rank Rank
| Quads Rank Rank
| StraightFlush Rank
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
hand :: [Card] -> Hand
hand cards = case ranks of
[[Ace],[Five],[_],[_],[_]] -> (if flush then StraightFlush else Straight) Five
[[a],[_],[_],[_],[e]] | straight a e -> (if flush then StraightFlush else Straight) a
[[a],[b],[c],[d],[e]] -> (if flush then Flush else HighCard) a b c d e
[[a,_],[c],[d],[e]] -> OnePair a c d e
[[a,_],[c,_],[e]] -> TwoPair a c e
[[a,_,_],[d],[e]] -> Trips a d e
[[a,_,_],[d,_]] -> FullHouse a d
[[a,_,_,_],[e]] -> Quads a e
where ranks = sortOn (Down . length) $ group $ sortOn Down $ rank <$> cards
flush = null $ drop 1 $ group $ suit <$> cards
straight high low = on (-) fromEnum high low == 4
equity :: Int -> [Card] -> [Card] -> (Rational, Double)
equity opponents holeCards board = (q, fromRational q) where
q = uncurry (/) $ foldl1' (\(x, _) (y, n) -> (x + y, n)) $ flip zip [1 ..]
[ uncurry (on (%) toInteger) (foldr (split (board ++ board') holeCards) (1, 1) hands)
| ([[board'], hands], _) <- partition [(5 - length board, 1), (2, opponents)] (deck \\ (board ++ holeCards))
split :: [Card] -> [Card] -> [Card] -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
split board player opponent ~(_, n) =
case on compare (maximum . map hand . choose 5 . (board ++)) player opponent of
LT -> (0, 1)
GT -> (1, n)
EQ -> (1, n + 1)
choose :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
choose 0 _ = [[]]
choose _ [] = []
choose k (x : xs) = map (x :) (choose (k - 1) xs) ++ choose k xs
partition :: [(Int, Int)] -> [a] -> [([[[a]]], [a])]
partition (_ : _) [] = []
partition [] xs = [([], xs)]
partition [(0, 1)] xs = [([[[]]], xs)]
partition [(1, 1)] (x : xs) =
([[[x]]], xs) : [(ysss, x : zs) | (ysss, zs) <- partition [(1, 1)] xs]
partition [(k, 1)] (x : xs) =
[([[x : ys]], zs) | ([[ys]], zs) <- partition [(k - 1, 1)] xs] ++
[(ysss, x : zs) | (ysss, zs) <- partition [(k, 1)] xs]
partition [(k, n)] (x : xs) =
[ ([(x : ys) : yss], zs')
| ([[ys]], zs) <- partition [(k - 1, 1)] xs
, ([yss], zs') <- partition [(k, n - 1)] zs
] ++
[(ysss, x : zs) | (ysss, zs) <- partition [(k, n)] xs]
partition (k : ks) xs =
[ (yss : ysss, zs')
| ([yss], zs) <- partition [k] xs
, (ysss, zs') <- partition ks zs
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