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Last active October 9, 2022 16:46
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Y-Combinator in Clojure based on Jim Weirich's talk Y-NOT
;; This gist roughly transribes the demo
;; by Jim Weirich during his talk on Y-Combinator
;; called Y-Not.
;; Jim does a phenomenal job of explaining in the demo.
;; Therefore, this gist only attempts to provide
;; the code example from the poor quality video
;; The examples are simplified at some places
;; based on how I tried to understand it
;; Higher order functions
(def add1 (fn [n] (+ n 1)))
(def mul3 (fn [n] (* n 3)))
(mul3 (add1 10))
;; introduce a Higher Order functions 'make-adder'
;; 'make-adder' returns a function that adds 1
;; introduce 'compose' as a higher order function
;; 'compose' takes two functions as arguments and returns
;; a composition of those 2 functions
;; 'compose' is a higher order function in its parameters
;; as well as its return value
(def make-adder
(fn [x]
(fn [n] (+ n x))))
(def compose
(fn [f, g]
(fn [n] (f (g n)))))
(def add1 (make-adder 1))
(def mul3 (fn [n] (* n )))
(def mul3add1 (compose mul3 add1))
(mul3add1 10)
;; Functional refactorings
;; 1) Tennent Correspondence principle
;; 2) Introduce Binding
;; 3) Wrap a function
;; 4) Inlining
;;let use the simple example and take it through all
;;4 refactoring steps
(def add
(fn [n] ( + n 1)) ;; change this using tenent correspondence principle
(add 1 2)
;; Tennent Correspondence Principle
;; wrap an expression 's-exp' in a lambda expression (fn [] s-exp) and
;; immediately call it ((fn [] s-exp)) [notice the extra braces]
(def add
(fn [n] ((fn [] ( + n 1)))) ;;Tennent
(add 1)
;; 2) Introduce Binding
;; Add an argument to a function, that is not bounded already
;; Wrap sexp => (fn [n] (+ n1)) with ((fn [v] sexp) 1).
;; 1 is a dummy variable that is never used, therefore no change in behavior
(def add
((fn [v] (fn [n] (+ n 1))) 1) ;;binding v
(add 1)
;; 3) Wrap function
;; This refactoring just wraps around a function and calls the
;; wrapped function with the value pass to it.
;; sexp' = (fn [x] ...) => (fn [y] ((sexp') y))
(def add
((fn [y]
((fn [v] (fn [n] (+ n 1))) 1)) ;;function wrapping
(add 1)
;; 4) inlining
;; take defintion of the function and replace any call to that definition
;; with the definition
;; Here we replace the definition of add into (add 1)
(((fn [y]
((fn [v] (fn [n] (+ n 1))) 1)) ;;inlining
y) 1)
;;the above expression does not have any names function
;;hence forms a nice lambda expression
;; Done with 4 refactoring on the original example
;; Example of arriving at Y-combinator
;; using the example of recursive factorial function
;; Start with the naive implementation
;; of factorial function
(def fact-1 (fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact-1 (dec n))))))
(fact-1 10)
;; try converting the above expression
;; into a pure lambda expression without any named functions
;; try function inlining
(fact-1 (fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact-1 (dec n)))))) ;; compiler error
;;but the above expression does not work. Since, the compiler
;;does not find fact-1
;; Try passing function name as parameter
;; Create a higher-order function that takes the definition of
;; fact-1 and return another function
(def make-fact (fn [fact-1]
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact-1 (dec n)))))))
(make-fact ???) ;; in catch-22 mode, we still can't get fact-1
;; Get hold off a partial defintion of factorial
;; that is a factorial function works only for smaller domain of inputs.
;;define eror
(def error (fn [n] (throw "This should never get called")))
;;call the function the the factorial function the 'improver'
(def improver
(fn [partial]
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (partial (dec n)))))))
;; factorial works for 0
(def f0 (improver error))
(f0 0)
(f0 1) ;; fails
;;but we can use f0 to make g1
(def f1 (improver f0))
(f1 1)
;;so we can go on with the next factorial..
(def f2 (improver f1))
(f2 2)
(def f3 (improver f2))
(f3 3)
;; So far: introduced a partial function with a placeholder function 'error'
;; which never gets called since we build the first version of the function
;; using the base value of 0.
;; Generalize the improver
;; we can generalize f1, f2, ...fn with fx, fx takes improver
;; as its parameter in the above examples. Therefore,
(def fx
((fn [improver] (improver error))
(fn [partial]
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (partial (dec n))))))
;;but version again works for only (fact 0)
(fx 0)
(fx 1)
;; replace (improver error) with (improver improver)
(def fx
((fn [improver] (improver improver)) ;;change here
(fn [improver] ;;change here
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((improver improver)(dec n)))))) ;;change here
(fx 5)
;; So, whats happening above is we are setting up a lazy
;; sequence of recursive calls. For a call like
;; each subsequent calls sets up the improver for a smaller value
;; of n. Thefore, the inner most call will be similar to the call
;; ((improver improver) 0), when the recursive part of the function
;; is not evaluated.
;; replace improver with x
((def fx
((fn [x] (x x))
(fn [x]
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((x x) (dec n)))))))
) 5)
;; semantics of factorial and recursion is mixed up here
;; we want to get two pieces of the factorial function out
;; a) the base case and 2) the recursive call
;; In refactoring these 2 pieces out, we will use a bind variable and pass these pieces
;; into the function using the bind variable. To achive this we need to use the functional
;; refactoring techniques. First we will wrap the sexp that needs to be refactored out,
;; perform Tennent Correspondence Principle on the outer sexp, then we
;; we create a binding and then pass a value to that binding. Here the value will be the
;; piece we are factoring out. Finally, we will do the inlining
;;let refactor out the recursive piece first
;; we want to tease out (x x) => (fn [] ((x x)) v)
;; here we see we extracted out (x x) by
(((fn [x] (x x))
(fn [x]
((fn [code] ;; tennent correspondence and binding
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (code (dec n))))))
(fn [v] ((x x) v)))
;; Factor out '(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (code (dec n)))))'.
;; Perform the same number of steps tennent, bind, wrap and pass the argument
;;tennent correspondence principle
(((fn [x] (x x))
((fn []
(fn [x]
((fn [code]
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (code (dec n)))))
(fn [v] ((x x) v)))
;; 120
;; before we bind, we rename code to partial
(((fn [x] (x x))
((fn []
(fn [x]
((fn [partial]
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (partial (dec n)))))
(fn [v] ((x x) v)))
;; 120
;; Notice both the base and recursive parts of
;; factorial function was extracted
(((fn [code] ;;exract into y
((fn [x] (x x))
(fn [x]
(fn [v] ((x x) v)))
(fn [partial] ;;extract into fact-improver
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (partial (dec n)))))))
;;extract two pieces from above expressions
(def y
(fn [code]
((fn [x] (x x))
(fn [x]
(fn [v] ((x x) v)))
(def fact-improver
(fn [partial]
(fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (partial (dec n)))))))
((y fact-improver
(def fact (y fact-improver))
(fact 5)
;;therefore here y is the y-combinator
;;usually called the z-combinator or applicative order y-combinator
;; Start formating y the same way the y-combinator is defined on
;; wikipedia
;; rename code to f
(def y
(fn [f]
((fn [x] (x x))
(fn [x]
(fn [v] ((x x) v)))
;; calling f on (x x ) does not change anything
;; since (x x) returns a fixed-point function
(def y
(fn [f]
((fn [x] (f (x x)))
(fn [x]
(fn [v] ((x x) v)))
;; tennent principle, binding and wrap on (x x)
(def y
(fn [f]
((fn [x] (f (fn [v] ((x x) v))))
(fn [x]
(fn [v] ((x x) v)))
;;rearranging, we have a definition similar to
;;the one available on wikepedia
(def y
(fn [f]
((fn [x] (f (fn [v] ((x x) v))))
(fn [x] (f (fn [v] ((x x) v)))
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