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Last active July 8, 2020 05:35
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Golang cheatsheet for beginners

Golang cheatsheet

This cheatsheet was created by one of my colleague Austin. Just sharing it here because I found it useful

Install Go on your MAC

Follow these steps to install go onto your mac and test out the installation

Brief Intro

  • fmt is the main package for printing stuff
    • fmt.Println(“something”)
    • fmt.Printf(“I have %d items”, 4)
  • Initializing variables
    • var a string default to “”
    • var b int default to 0
    • var c bool default to false
    • a := “” will infer a is a string
    • b := 0 will infer b is an int
    • c := false will infer c is a bool
    • var d int
    • d = 5
    • Is the same as d := 5
  • Case matters!!
    • Uppercase first letter means exporting variable, struct, function outside the package
    • Lowercase means variable, struct, function can only be used within package
  • for is the only looping expressions
    • for {... somewhere a break} is a while loop with some condition to break out
    • for i := 0; i < N; i++ {...} is the standard for loop
    • for key, val := range myMap {...} iterates over each key in a map or in python a dict
    • for index, val := range mySlice {...} enumerates over a slice or in python a list
  • Slices are like lists in the python
    • s := []int{1,2,3} creates a slice of int with 3 integers
    • s := make([]int, 5) initializes a slice of int set to 0 with a len and capacity of 5
    • s := make([]int, 0, 5) initializes a slice of int with len of 0 and capacity of 5
  • Maps are like dicts in python
    • Must make before using
    • var b map[string]int results in b == nil and setting a key will result in a panic: assignment to entry in nil map
    • b := make(map[string]int) results in b != nilFunnnna
  • Functions
    • func myFuncName(a, b int) int { return a+b }
    • In go everything is pass by value - Rob Pike
    • Treat structs, ints, float64, bool all as copied into a function
    • Maps and slices are passed in by their pointer so changing the values in the function changes the passed in map/slice
    • To retain the changes made to a struct, be sure to pass the struct’s address into the function instead of the struct itself
  • Go routines
    • Very light weight ~ 4-8kb
    • Are scheduled onto threads
    • Could have thousands or millions of these running
import (

func main() {
  for i := 1; i < 4; i ++ {
    go func(sleepTime int) {
      time.Sleep(sleepTime *time.Seconds)
      fmt.Printf(“Finished sleeping %d seconds”, sleepTime)
  time.Sleep(5 * time.Seconds)
  • Sync waitgroup

    • Wait for a set number of go routines to complete
    • Add(n int) - set the number of go routines the wait group will wait to finish
    • Done() - lets a go routine signal it is done
    • Wait() - holds here for all go routines to finish
  • Mutex

    • Allows you to lock a particular data structure, be it a struct or different levels of the struct
    type MyStruct {
      Data []int
    • Lock()
    • Unlock()
    • b := MyStruct{}
    • b.Lock()
    • Do some stuff to the data field
    • b.Unlock()
    • Allows another go routine to modify the struct
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