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Created July 30, 2020 23:45
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// Token: 0x06000002 RID: 2 RVA: 0x00002058 File Offset: 0x00000258
.method public static
void Macro (
class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext '',
class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState '',
int32 ''
) cil managed
// Header Size: 12 bytes
// Code Size: 721 (0x2D1) bytes
// LocalVarSig Token: 0x11000001 RID: 1
.maxstack 26
.locals init (
[0] int32,
[1] int32,
[2] int32,
[3] int32,
[4] int32,
[5] int32,
[6] int32,
[7] int32,
[8] int32,
[9] int32
/* 0x00000264 04 */ IL_0000: ldarg.2
/* 0x00000265 0A */ IL_0001: stloc.0
/* 0x00000266 16 */ IL_0002: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x00000267 2044000000 */ IL_0003: ldc.i4 68
/* 0x0000026C 58 */ IL_0008: add
/* 0x0000026D 25 */ IL_0009: dup
/* 0x0000026E 25 */ IL_000A: dup
/* 0x0000026F 26 */ IL_000B: pop
/* 0x00000270 25 */ IL_000C: dup
/* 0x00000271 20FF0F0000 */ IL_000D: ldc.i4 4095
/* 0x00000276 5F */ IL_0012: and
/* 0x00000277 1308 */ IL_0013: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000279 200C000000 */ IL_0015: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x0000027E 64 */ IL_001A: shr.un
/* 0x0000027F 203F000000 */ IL_001B: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x00000284 5F */ IL_0020: and
/* 0x00000285 1309 */ IL_0021: stloc.s V_9
/* 0x00000287 200C000000 */ IL_0023: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x0000028C 64 */ IL_0028: shr.un
/* 0x0000028D 203F000000 */ IL_0029: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x00000292 5F */ IL_002E: and
/* 0x00000293 03 */ IL_002F: ldarg.1
/* 0x00000294 1108 */ IL_0030: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000296 280200000A */ IL_0032: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x0000029B 1108 */ IL_0037: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x0000029D 1109 */ IL_0039: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x0000029F 58 */ IL_003B: add
/* 0x000002A0 1308 */ IL_003C: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x000002A2 16 */ IL_003E: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x000002A3 20001D0000 */ IL_003F: ldc.i4 7424
/* 0x000002A8 58 */ IL_0044: add
/* 0x000002A9 02 */ IL_0045: ldarg.0
/* 0x000002AA 280300000A */ IL_0046: call instance int32 [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::FetchParam()
/* 0x000002AF 1303 */ IL_004B: stloc.s V_3
/* 0x000002B1 25 */ IL_004D: dup
/* 0x000002B2 20FF0F0000 */ IL_004E: ldc.i4 4095
/* 0x000002B7 5F */ IL_0053: and
/* 0x000002B8 1308 */ IL_0054: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x000002BA 200C000000 */ IL_0056: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x000002BF 64 */ IL_005B: shr.un
/* 0x000002C0 203F000000 */ IL_005C: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x000002C5 5F */ IL_0061: and
/* 0x000002C6 1309 */ IL_0062: stloc.s V_9
/* 0x000002C8 16 */ IL_0064: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x000002C9 2000000000 */ IL_0065: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x000002CE 58 */ IL_006A: add
/* 0x000002CF 26 */ IL_006B: pop
/* 0x000002D0 02 */ IL_006C: ldarg.0
/* 0x000002D1 280300000A */ IL_006D: call instance int32 [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::FetchParam()
/* 0x000002D6 1302 */ IL_0072: stloc.s V_2
/* 0x000002D8 16 */ IL_0074: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x000002D9 2000000000 */ IL_0075: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x000002DE 58 */ IL_007A: add
/* 0x000002DF 25 */ IL_007B: dup
/* 0x000002E0 26 */ IL_007C: pop
/* 0x000002E1 03 */ IL_007D: ldarg.1
/* 0x000002E2 1108 */ IL_007E: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x000002E4 280200000A */ IL_0080: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x000002E9 1108 */ IL_0085: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x000002EB 1109 */ IL_0087: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x000002ED 58 */ IL_0089: add
/* 0x000002EE 1308 */ IL_008A: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x000002F0 1103 */ IL_008C: ldloc.s V_3
/* 0x000002F2 2000000000 */ IL_008E: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x000002F7 58 */ IL_0093: add
/* 0x000002F8 25 */ IL_0094: dup
/* 0x000002F9 26 */ IL_0095: pop
/* 0x000002FA 03 */ IL_0096: ldarg.1
/* 0x000002FB 1108 */ IL_0097: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x000002FD 280200000A */ IL_0099: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x00000302 1108 */ IL_009E: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000304 1109 */ IL_00A0: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x00000306 58 */ IL_00A2: add
/* 0x00000307 1308 */ IL_00A3: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000309 1102 */ IL_00A5: ldloc.s V_2
/* 0x0000030B 2000000000 */ IL_00A7: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x00000310 58 */ IL_00AC: add
/* 0x00000311 25 */ IL_00AD: dup
/* 0x00000312 26 */ IL_00AE: pop
/* 0x00000313 03 */ IL_00AF: ldarg.1
/* 0x00000314 1108 */ IL_00B0: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000316 280200000A */ IL_00B2: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x0000031B 1108 */ IL_00B7: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x0000031D 1109 */ IL_00B9: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x0000031F 58 */ IL_00BB: add
/* 0x00000320 1308 */ IL_00BC: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000322 16 */ IL_00BE: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x00000323 20C4080000 */ IL_00BF: ldc.i4 2244
/* 0x00000328 58 */ IL_00C4: add
/* 0x00000329 25 */ IL_00C5: dup
/* 0x0000032A 26 */ IL_00C6: pop
/* 0x0000032B 25 */ IL_00C7: dup
/* 0x0000032C 20FF0F0000 */ IL_00C8: ldc.i4 4095
/* 0x00000331 5F */ IL_00CD: and
/* 0x00000332 1308 */ IL_00CE: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000334 200C000000 */ IL_00D0: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x00000339 64 */ IL_00D5: shr.un
/* 0x0000033A 203F000000 */ IL_00D6: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x0000033F 5F */ IL_00DB: and
/* 0x00000340 1309 */ IL_00DC: stloc.s V_9
/* 0x00000342 1100 */ IL_00DE: ldloc.s V_0
/* 0x00000344 2000000000 */ IL_00E0: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x00000349 58 */ IL_00E5: add
/* 0x0000034A 25 */ IL_00E6: dup
/* 0x0000034B 26 */ IL_00E7: pop
/* 0x0000034C 03 */ IL_00E8: ldarg.1
/* 0x0000034D 1108 */ IL_00E9: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x0000034F 280200000A */ IL_00EB: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x00000354 1108 */ IL_00F0: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000356 1109 */ IL_00F2: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x00000358 58 */ IL_00F4: add
/* 0x00000359 1308 */ IL_00F5: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x0000035B 03 */ IL_00F7: ldarg.1
/* 0x0000035C 16 */ IL_00F8: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x0000035D 201A0D0000 */ IL_00F9: ldc.i4 3354
/* 0x00000362 58 */ IL_00FE: add
/* 0x00000363 280400000A */ IL_00FF: call int32 [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Read(class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x00000368 1300 */ IL_0104: stloc.s V_0
/* 0x0000036A 1100 */ IL_0106: ldloc.s V_0
/* 0x0000036C 2000000000 */ IL_0108: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x00000371 64 */ IL_010D: shr.un
/* 0x00000372 20FF000000 */ IL_010E: ldc.i4 255
/* 0x00000377 5F */ IL_0113: and
/* 0x00000378 2000000000 */ IL_0114: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x0000037D 62 */ IL_0119: shl
/* 0x0000037E 16 */ IL_011A: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x0000037F 2000FFFFFF */ IL_011B: ldc.i4 -256
/* 0x00000384 5F */ IL_0120: and
/* 0x00000385 60 */ IL_0121: or
/* 0x00000386 1300 */ IL_0122: stloc.s V_0
/* 0x00000388 1100 */ IL_0124: ldloc.s V_0
/* 0x0000038A 20FEFFFFFF */ IL_0126: ldc.i4 -2
/* 0x0000038F 58 */ IL_012B: add
/* 0x00000390 1300 */ IL_012C: stloc.s V_0
/* 0x00000392 1100 */ IL_012E: ldloc.s V_0
/* 0x00000394 3A05000000 */ IL_0130: brtrue IL_013A
/* 0x00000399 38B2000000 */ IL_0135: br IL_01EC
/* 0x0000039E 03 */ IL_013A: ldarg.1
/* 0x0000039F 16 */ IL_013B: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x000003A0 20000D0000 */ IL_013C: ldc.i4 3328
/* 0x000003A5 58 */ IL_0141: add
/* 0x000003A6 280400000A */ IL_0142: call int32 [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Read(class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x000003AB 1300 */ IL_0147: stloc.s V_0
/* 0x000003AD 16 */ IL_0149: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x000003AE 2001000000 */ IL_014A: ldc.i4 1
/* 0x000003B3 58 */ IL_014F: add
/* 0x000003B4 1301 */ IL_0150: stloc.s V_1
// loop start (head: IL_0152)
/* 0x000003B6 1100 */ IL_0152: ldloc.s V_0
/* 0x000003B8 6E */ IL_0154: conv.u8
/* 0x000003B9 1101 */ IL_0155: ldloc.s V_1
/* 0x000003BB 6E */ IL_0157: conv.u8
/* 0x000003BC 59 */ IL_0158: sub
/* 0x000003BD 25 */ IL_0159: dup
/* 0x000003BE 210000000001000000 */ IL_015A: ldc.i8 4294967296
/* 0x000003C7 FE05 */ IL_0163: clt.un
/* 0x000003C9 1307 */ IL_0165: stloc.s V_7
/* 0x000003CB 6D */ IL_0167: conv.u4
/* 0x000003CC 1300 */ IL_0168: stloc.s V_0
/* 0x000003CE 1100 */ IL_016A: ldloc.s V_0
/* 0x000003D0 3A05000000 */ IL_016C: brtrue IL_0176
/* 0x000003D5 384A010000 */ IL_0171: br IL_02C0
/* 0x000003DA 16 */ IL_0176: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x000003DB 2040000000 */ IL_0177: ldc.i4 64
/* 0x000003E0 58 */ IL_017C: add
/* 0x000003E1 25 */ IL_017D: dup
/* 0x000003E2 25 */ IL_017E: dup
/* 0x000003E3 26 */ IL_017F: pop
/* 0x000003E4 25 */ IL_0180: dup
/* 0x000003E5 20FF0F0000 */ IL_0181: ldc.i4 4095
/* 0x000003EA 5F */ IL_0186: and
/* 0x000003EB 1308 */ IL_0187: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x000003ED 200C000000 */ IL_0189: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x000003F2 64 */ IL_018E: shr.un
/* 0x000003F3 203F000000 */ IL_018F: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x000003F8 5F */ IL_0194: and
/* 0x000003F9 1309 */ IL_0195: stloc.s V_9
/* 0x000003FB 200C000000 */ IL_0197: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x00000400 64 */ IL_019C: shr.un
/* 0x00000401 203F000000 */ IL_019D: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x00000406 5F */ IL_01A2: and
/* 0x00000407 03 */ IL_01A3: ldarg.1
/* 0x00000408 1108 */ IL_01A4: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x0000040A 280200000A */ IL_01A6: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x0000040F 1108 */ IL_01AB: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000411 1109 */ IL_01AD: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x00000413 58 */ IL_01AF: add
/* 0x00000414 1308 */ IL_01B0: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000416 16 */ IL_01B2: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x00000417 3A14000000 */ IL_01B3: brtrue IL_01CC
/* 0x0000041C 03 */ IL_01B8: ldarg.1
/* 0x0000041D 16 */ IL_01B9: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x0000041E 20000D0000 */ IL_01BA: ldc.i4 3328
/* 0x00000423 58 */ IL_01BF: add
/* 0x00000424 280400000A */ IL_01C0: call int32 [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Read(class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x00000429 1300 */ IL_01C5: stloc.s V_0
/* 0x0000042B 3886FFFFFF */ IL_01C7: br IL_0152
// end loop
/* 0x00000430 03 */ IL_01CC: ldarg.1
/* 0x00000431 16 */ IL_01CD: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x00000432 20000D0000 */ IL_01CE: ldc.i4 3328
/* 0x00000437 58 */ IL_01D3: add
/* 0x00000438 280400000A */ IL_01D4: call int32 [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Read(class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x0000043D 1300 */ IL_01D9: stloc.s V_0
/* 0x0000043F 16 */ IL_01DB: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x00000440 2000000000 */ IL_01DC: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x00000445 58 */ IL_01E1: add
/* 0x00000446 26 */ IL_01E2: pop
/* 0x00000447 2A */ IL_01E3: ret
/* 0x00000448 16 */ IL_01E4: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x00000449 2000000000 */ IL_01E5: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x0000044E 58 */ IL_01EA: add
/* 0x0000044F 26 */ IL_01EB: pop
/* 0x00000450 16 */ IL_01EC: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x00000451 200A000000 */ IL_01ED: ldc.i4 10
/* 0x00000456 58 */ IL_01F2: add
/* 0x00000457 1301 */ IL_01F3: stloc.s V_1
// loop start (head: IL_01F5)
/* 0x00000459 1101 */ IL_01F5: ldloc.s V_1
/* 0x0000045B 20FFFFFFFF */ IL_01F7: ldc.i4 -1
/* 0x00000460 58 */ IL_01FC: add
/* 0x00000461 1301 */ IL_01FD: stloc.s V_1
/* 0x00000463 1101 */ IL_01FF: ldloc.s V_1
/* 0x00000465 3941000000 */ IL_0201: brfalse IL_0247
/* 0x0000046A 16 */ IL_0206: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x0000046B 2040000000 */ IL_0207: ldc.i4 64
/* 0x00000470 58 */ IL_020C: add
/* 0x00000471 25 */ IL_020D: dup
/* 0x00000472 25 */ IL_020E: dup
/* 0x00000473 26 */ IL_020F: pop
/* 0x00000474 25 */ IL_0210: dup
/* 0x00000475 20FF0F0000 */ IL_0211: ldc.i4 4095
/* 0x0000047A 5F */ IL_0216: and
/* 0x0000047B 1308 */ IL_0217: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x0000047D 200C000000 */ IL_0219: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x00000482 64 */ IL_021E: shr.un
/* 0x00000483 203F000000 */ IL_021F: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x00000488 5F */ IL_0224: and
/* 0x00000489 1309 */ IL_0225: stloc.s V_9
/* 0x0000048B 200C000000 */ IL_0227: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x00000490 64 */ IL_022C: shr.un
/* 0x00000491 203F000000 */ IL_022D: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x00000496 5F */ IL_0232: and
/* 0x00000497 03 */ IL_0233: ldarg.1
/* 0x00000498 1108 */ IL_0234: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x0000049A 280200000A */ IL_0236: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x0000049F 1108 */ IL_023B: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x000004A1 1109 */ IL_023D: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x000004A3 58 */ IL_023F: add
/* 0x000004A4 1308 */ IL_0240: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x000004A6 38AEFFFFFF */ IL_0242: br IL_01F5
// end loop
/* 0x000004AB 16 */ IL_0247: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x000004AC 2040000000 */ IL_0248: ldc.i4 64
/* 0x000004B1 58 */ IL_024D: add
/* 0x000004B2 25 */ IL_024E: dup
/* 0x000004B3 25 */ IL_024F: dup
/* 0x000004B4 26 */ IL_0250: pop
/* 0x000004B5 25 */ IL_0251: dup
/* 0x000004B6 20FF0F0000 */ IL_0252: ldc.i4 4095
/* 0x000004BB 5F */ IL_0257: and
/* 0x000004BC 1308 */ IL_0258: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x000004BE 200C000000 */ IL_025A: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x000004C3 64 */ IL_025F: shr.un
/* 0x000004C4 203F000000 */ IL_0260: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x000004C9 5F */ IL_0265: and
/* 0x000004CA 1309 */ IL_0266: stloc.s V_9
/* 0x000004CC 200C000000 */ IL_0268: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x000004D1 64 */ IL_026D: shr.un
/* 0x000004D2 203F000000 */ IL_026E: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x000004D7 5F */ IL_0273: and
/* 0x000004D8 03 */ IL_0274: ldarg.1
/* 0x000004D9 1108 */ IL_0275: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x000004DB 280200000A */ IL_0277: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x000004E0 1108 */ IL_027C: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x000004E2 1109 */ IL_027E: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x000004E4 58 */ IL_0280: add
/* 0x000004E5 1308 */ IL_0281: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x000004E7 2A */ IL_0283: ret
/* 0x000004E8 16 */ IL_0284: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x000004E9 2040000000 */ IL_0285: ldc.i4 64
/* 0x000004EE 58 */ IL_028A: add
/* 0x000004EF 25 */ IL_028B: dup
/* 0x000004F0 25 */ IL_028C: dup
/* 0x000004F1 26 */ IL_028D: pop
/* 0x000004F2 25 */ IL_028E: dup
/* 0x000004F3 20FF0F0000 */ IL_028F: ldc.i4 4095
/* 0x000004F8 5F */ IL_0294: and
/* 0x000004F9 1308 */ IL_0295: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x000004FB 200C000000 */ IL_0297: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x00000500 64 */ IL_029C: shr.un
/* 0x00000501 203F000000 */ IL_029D: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x00000506 5F */ IL_02A2: and
/* 0x00000507 1309 */ IL_02A3: stloc.s V_9
/* 0x00000509 200C000000 */ IL_02A5: ldc.i4 12
/* 0x0000050E 64 */ IL_02AA: shr.un
/* 0x0000050F 203F000000 */ IL_02AB: ldc.i4 63
/* 0x00000514 5F */ IL_02B0: and
/* 0x00000515 03 */ IL_02B1: ldarg.1
/* 0x00000516 1108 */ IL_02B2: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000518 280200000A */ IL_02B4: call void [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.MME.MacroJitContext::Send(int32, class [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu]Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State.GpuState, int32)
/* 0x0000051D 1108 */ IL_02B9: ldloc.s V_8
/* 0x0000051F 1109 */ IL_02BB: ldloc.s V_9
/* 0x00000521 58 */ IL_02BD: add
/* 0x00000522 1308 */ IL_02BE: stloc.s V_8
/* 0x00000524 16 */ IL_02C0: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x00000525 2000000000 */ IL_02C1: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x0000052A 58 */ IL_02C6: add
/* 0x0000052B 26 */ IL_02C7: pop
/* 0x0000052C 16 */ IL_02C8: ldc.i4.0
/* 0x0000052D 2000000000 */ IL_02C9: ldc.i4 0
/* 0x00000532 58 */ IL_02CE: add
/* 0x00000533 26 */ IL_02CF: pop
/* 0x00000534 2A */ IL_02D0: ret
} // end of method MacroJit::Macro
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