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Created March 17, 2015 18:27
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Python period generator
from datetime import datetime
import calendar
def genDatePeriods(startDate, endDate, format='%Y-%m-%d'):
dt1 = datetime.strptime(startDate, format)
dt2 = datetime.strptime(endDate, format)
for year in range(dt1.year, dt2.year + 1):
for month in range(1, 13):
day0 = if month == dt1.month and year == dt1.year else 1
day1 = if month == dt2.month and year == dt2.year else calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
if (year == dt1.year and month < dt1.month) or (year == dt2.year and month > dt2.month):
d0 = (year, month, day0)
d1 = (year, month, day1)
yield [datetime(*d).strftime(format) for d in [d0, d1]]
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