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Created December 30, 2012 17:28
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Require Import List.
Section phoas.
Inductive type : Type :=
| Tunit : type
| Tint : option nat -> type
| Tfunc : list type -> type -> type
Variable var : type -> Type.
Inductive expr' : type -> Type :=
| Let' : forall aty bty,
expr' aty ->
(var aty -> expr' bty) ->
expr' bty
| Func' : forall argtypes restype,
expr' restype ->
expr' (Tfunc argtypes restype)
| Call' : forall argtypes restype,
expr' (Tfunc argtypes restype) ->
expr_list' argtypes ->
expr' restype
| Var' : forall t, var t -> expr' t
| Seq' : forall t, expr' Tunit -> expr' t -> expr' t
| Prim' : forall t, prim_expr' t -> expr' t
with expr_list' : list type -> Type :=
| Lnil' : expr_list' nil
| Lcons' : forall t (e : expr' t) tl,
expr_list' tl -> expr_list' (t :: tl)
with prim_expr' : type -> Type :=
| Pint : forall (n : nat), prim_expr' (Tint None)
| Padd : prim_expr'
(Tfunc (Tint None :: Tint None :: nil)
(Tint None))
End phoas.
Implicit Arguments Let' [var aty bty].
Implicit Arguments Func' [var argtypes restype].
Implicit Arguments Call' [var argtypes restype].
Implicit Arguments Var' [var t].
Implicit Arguments Seq' [var t].
Implicit Arguments Prim' [var t].
Implicit Arguments Lnil' [var].
Implicit Arguments Lcons' [var t tl].
Implicit Arguments Pint [var].
Definition expr t := forall var, expr' var t.
Definition expr_list t := forall var, expr_list' var t.
Definition prim_expr t := forall var, prim_expr' var t.
Definition Call
{A R}
(f : expr (Tfunc A R )) (a : expr_list A)
expr R
fun _ => Call' (f _) (a _)
Definition Let {A B} (a : expr A) (ab : expr A -> expr B) : expr B.
unfold expr in *.
refine (fun (v : type -> Type) => @Let' v A B _ _).
exact (a v).
exact (fun _ : v A => ab a v).
Print Let.
Definition PrimFunc
{A R}
(p : prim_expr (Tfunc A R))
expr (Tfunc A R)
fun _ => Prim' (p _)
Definition Lcons {A B} (h : expr A) (t : expr_list B)
: expr_list (A :: B)
:= fun _ => Lcons' (h _) (t _)
Definition Lnil : expr_list nil := fun _ => Lnil'.
Definition f_add_int (a b : expr (Tint None)) : expr (Tint None)
:= Call (PrimFunc Padd) (Lcons a (Lcons b Lnil))
Notation "x + y" := (f_add_int x y)
(at level 50, left associativity).
Definition add_3_ints (a b c : expr (Tint None)) : expr (Tint None).
(Let (a + b) (fun ab => ab + c)).
Definition Int (n : nat) : expr (Tint None) :=
fun v => Prim' (Pint n).
Definition one := Int 1.
Definition two := Int 2.
Definition three := Int 3.
Section flatten.
Variable var : type -> Type.
Lemma prim_expr_conv : forall {va vb A}, prim_expr' va A -> prim_expr' vb A.
intros va vb A H.
destruct H.
(* *)
apply (Pint n).
(* *)
apply Padd.
Show Proof.
Fixpoint flatten_expr' A (e : expr' (expr' var) A) : expr' var A
with flatten_expr_list' A (e : expr_list' (expr' var) A) : expr_list' var A
with flatten_prim_expr' A (pe : prim_expr' (expr' var) A) : prim_expr' var A
(match e with
| Let' aty bty a body =>
_ (* (flatten_expr' A a) (fun af => body _) *)
| Func' argtypes restype body => _
| Call' argtypes restype func args => _
| Var' t v => _
| Seq' t e1 e2 => _
| Prim' t pe => _
(* *)
apply (@Let' var aty).
exact (flatten_expr' aty a).
exact (fun var_a => flatten_expr' _ (body ((Var' var_a)))).
(* *)
apply Func'.
exact (flatten_expr' restype body).
(* *)
apply (Call' (argtypes := argtypes)).
exact (flatten_expr' _ func).
exact (flatten_expr_list' _ args).
(* *)
exact v.
(* *)
exact (Seq' (flatten_expr' _ e1) (flatten_expr' _ e2)).
(* *)
exact (Prim' (flatten_prim_expr' _ pe)).
( (fix _self_ (L : list type) (e : expr_list' (expr' var) L) {struct e}: expr_list' var L :=
match e with
| Lnil' => Lnil'
| Lcons' _ _ _ _ => Lcons' _ _
A e
); clear e
(* *)
exact (flatten_expr' _ e1).
(* *)
exact (_self_ tl e2).
apply (prim_expr_conv pe).
Show Proof.
End flatten.
Fixpoint simpl_expr' (var : type -> Type) (A : type) (e : expr' (expr' var) A) {struct e} : expr' var A :=
(match e with
| Let' aty bty a body => flatten_expr' var bty (body (flatten_expr' var aty a))
| Func' argtypes restype body => flatten_expr' var _ (Func' body)
| Call' argtypes restype func args => flatten_expr' var _ (Call' func args)
| Var' t v => flatten_expr' var _ (Var' v)
| Seq' t e1 e2 => flatten_expr' var _ (Seq' e1 e2)
| Prim' t pe => flatten_expr' var _ (Prim' pe)
Definition six := add_3_ints one two three.
Definition simpl_expr A (e : expr A) : expr A :=
fun v => simpl_expr' v A (e _).
Eval compute in six.
Eval compute in simpl_expr _ six.
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