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Require Import String.
Definition named_goal (A : Type) (s : string) := A.
Notation _as s := (_ : named_goal _ s).
Tactic Notation "proving" "goal" constr(name) :=
match goal with
| |- named_goal _ name => unfold named_goal
| _ => fail 1 "current goal is not '" name "'"
Definition get_existent
(k : kt)
forall (mr : list (kt * vt)) (H_in_mr : in_mr vt k mr), vt
( (fix _self_ lst :=
match lst as lst0 return in_mr vt k lst0 -> vt with
| nil => fun Hin => (_as "nil")
gdsfh / gist:4588118
Last active December 11, 2015 10:38
Definition get_existent
(k : kt)
(mr : list (kt * vt))
(H_in_mr : in_mr vt k mr)
( (fix _self_ lst (Hin : in_mr vt k lst) :=
Require Import String.
Definition named_goal (A : Type) (s : string) := A.
Notation _as s := (_ : named_goal _ s).
Tactic Notation "proving" "goal" constr(name) :=
match goal with
| |- named_goal _ name => unfold named_goal
| _ => fail 1 "current goal is not '" name "'"
Require Import List.
Inductive prop : list (bool * nat) -> Prop :=
| Case_cons : forall hb hn t, hb = true -> prop ((hb, hn) :: t)
| Case_nil : prop nil
Goal prop ((true, 0) :: nil).
apply Case_cons; reflexivity.
Ltac users know that Ltac 'match' involves backtracking when one of match cases
has failed. Sometimes it's undesirable, and Ltac code should fail without
checking other match branches.
Here is a dumb solution.
Module Deep_fail.
Inductive deep_failure (A : Type) (s : A) : Type :=
Require Import List.
Section phoas.
Inductive type : Type :=
| Tunit : type
| Tint : option nat -> type
| Tfunc : list type -> type -> type
; create before first run:
(defun user-macro-file() "~/.emacs.d/custom-macros.el")
(load (user-macro-file))
(defun save-macro (name)
"save a macro. Take a name as argument and save the last defined macro under this name at the end of your .emacs"
(interactive "SName of the macro: ") ; ask for the name of the macro
(kmacro-name-last-macro name) ; use this name for the macro
(find-file (user-macro-file)) ; open ~/.emacs or other user init file