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Last active November 3, 2023 15:44
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  • Save gearonix/aba88869737e02acc4a99959ce3565fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gearonix/aba88869737e02acc4a99959ce3565fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
custom .gitconfig aliases
ln = "!f() { git clone $1; }; f"
c = "!f() { category=\"$1\"; commit_message=\"$2\"; git add . && git commit -m -n \"$category: $commit_message\"; }; f"
cd = "!f() { git add . && git commit -m -n \"$1\"; }; f"
pu = "!f() { branch=\"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)\"; git push origin $branch; }; f"
a = add
p = "!f() { category=\"$1\"; commit_message=\"$2\"; branch=\"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)\"; git add . && git commit -m \"$category: $commit_message\" && git push origin $branch; }; f"
pd = "!f() { branch=\"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)\"; git add . && git commit -m -n \"$1\" && git push origin $branch; }; f"
di = diff
pl = pull
f = fetch
reb = "!f() { branch=${1:-master}; git rebase $branch; }; f"
rebnpm = "!f() { npm i && git add . && git rebase --continue; }; f"
rebc = "!f() { git add . && git rebase --continue; }; f"
reba = "!f() { git add . && git rebase --abort; }; f"
mr = "!f() { branch=${1:-master}; git merge $branch; }; f"
mrnpm = "!f() { npm i && git add . && git merge --continue; }; f"
rebc = "!f() { git add . && git merge --continue; }; f"
reba = "!f() { git add . && git merge --abort; }; f"
backup = "!f() { branch_name=\"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)\"; new_branch_name=\"${1:-$branch_name}_backup\"; git checkout -b $new_branch_name && git checkout $branch_name; }; f"
res = "!f() { git stash && git stash drop stash@{0}; }; f"
bs = checkout
bc = checkout -b
bd = branch -d
bl = branch
rem = remote add origin
l = log --oneline
dwn = reset --soft HEAD~1
hd = rm --cached -r
st = stash
stl = stash list
stp = stash pop
sta = stash apply
stf = "!f() { git stash push -m \"Stashing $1\" -- \"$1\"; }; f"
rh = reset --hard
rs = reset --soft
remove-remote = "!f() { branch=\"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)\"; git reset --hard $1 && git push origin $branch --force}; f"
move = "!f() { git stash && git checkout -b $1 && git stash pop;} f"
bempty = git switch --orphan
bemptypush = "!f() { git switch --orphan $1 && git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit" && git push -u origin $1}; f"
rfg = reflog
cpk = cherry-pick
cpkf = cherry-pick --strategy-option theirs
chlatest = "!f() { branch=\"$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)\"; git --ammend --no-edit && git push origin $branch --force f"
[filter "lfs"]
required = true
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
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