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Created July 14, 2017 20:25
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Proposed syntax tree data structure for Lean
/- syntax -/
structure position :=
(line : ℕ) (column : ℕ)
structure range :=
(left : position) (right : position)
structure location :=
(file : string) (range : range)
inductive origin
| file (loc : location)
| synthetic
meta inductive syntax
| num (n : ℕ)
| name (n : name)
| string (s : string)
| quote (e : expr)
| var (i : ℕ) | lconst (n : name)
| node (o : origin) (kind : name)
(bound : list name) (children : list syntax)
protected meta def syntax.to_format : syntax → format | s := $ format.nest 2 $ match s with
| (syntax.num n) := "(num " ++ n ++ ")"
| ( n) := "(name `" ++ to_fmt n ++ ")"
| (syntax.string n) := "(string " ++ to_fmt n ++ ")"
| (syntax.quote n) := "(quote " ++ to_fmt n ++ ")"
| (syntax.var n) := "(var " ++ to_fmt n ++ ")"
| (syntax.lconst n) := "(lconst `" ++ to_fmt n ++ ")"
| (syntax.node o k b cs) :=
let cs := cs.foldr (λ c cs, format.line ++ syntax.to_format c ++ cs) format.nil in
"(node `" ++ to_fmt k ++ " " ++ to_fmt b ++ cs ++ ")"
meta instance : has_to_format syntax := ⟨syntax.to_format⟩
meta instance : has_to_string syntax := ⟨to_string ∘ to_fmt⟩
meta instance : has_repr syntax := ⟨to_string ∘ to_fmt⟩
private meta def syntax.lconsts_core : rb_set name → syntax → rb_set name
| s (syntax.lconst n) := s.insert n
| s (syntax.node _ _ _ cs) := cs.foldl syntax.lconsts_core s
| s _ := s
meta def syntax.lconsts (s : syntax) : list name :=
(syntax.lconsts_core mk_rb_set s).to_list
meta def syntax.abstract_core (lcs : list name) : ℕ → syntax → syntax
| off (syntax.lconst n) :=
match lcs.indexes_of n with
| (i::_) := syntax.var (i+off)
| [] := syntax.lconst n
| off (syntax.node o k b cs) :=
syntax.node o k b ( (syntax.abstract_core (off+b.length)))
| off s := s
meta def syntax.abstract (s : syntax) (lcs : list name) : syntax :=
s.abstract_core lcs 0
meta def syntax.instantiate_core (subst : list syntax) : ℕ → syntax → syntax
| off (syntax.var i) :=
if i < off then syntax.var i else
match subst.nth (i - off) with
| some repl := repl
| none := syntax.var i
| off (syntax.node o k b cs) :=
syntax.node o k b ( (syntax.instantiate_core (off + b.length)))
| off s := s
meta def syntax.instantiate (s : syntax) (subst : list syntax) : syntax :=
s.instantiate_core subst 0
meta def syntax.node' (o : origin) (k : name) (bs : list name) (lcs : list name) (cs : list syntax) : syntax :=
syntax.node o k bs ( (λ c, c.abstract lcs))
private meta def syntax.idents_core : rb_set name → syntax → rb_set name
| s (syntax.node _ `ident _ [ n]) := s.insert n
| s (syntax.node _ _ _ cs) := cs.foldl syntax.lconsts_core s
| s _ := s
meta def syntax.idents (s : syntax) : list name :=
(syntax.idents_core mk_rb_set s).to_list
/- name resolution -/
open tactic
@[reducible] meta def resol_ctx := list (name × name)
meta structure resol_state :=
(lctx : resol_ctx := [])
(in_pattern : bool := ff)
(introduced_binders : list name := [])
meta def resol := state_t resol_state tactic
meta instance : monad resol := by delta resol; apply_instance
meta instance : alternative resol := by delta resol; apply_instance
meta instance {α} : has_coe (tactic α) (resol α) := ⟨state_t.lift⟩
meta def resol.pattern {α} (x : resol α) : resol α := do
s₀ ←,
state_t.write {s₀ with in_pattern := tt},
a ← x,
state_t.modify $ λ s₁, {s₁ with in_pattern := s₀.in_pattern},
return a
meta def resol.in_pattern : resol bool :=
resol_state.in_pattern <$>
meta def resol.new_binder (n : name) : resol name := do
lc ← mk_fresh_name,
state_t.modify $ λ s, {s with introduced_binders := lc :: s.introduced_binders,
lctx := (lc, n) :: s.lctx},
return lc
meta def resol.pretty_of_lc (lc : name) : resol name := do
s ←,
⟨_, p⟩ ← returnopt (s.lctx.find (λ a, a.fst = lc)),
return p
meta def resol.scoped (r : resol syntax) : resol syntax := do
s₀ ←,
state_t.write {s₀ with introduced_binders := []},
(syntax.node o k [] cs) ← r | fail "resol.scopes: not a syntax node",
s₁ ←,
let fv_lcs := s₁.introduced_binders,
fvs ← fv_lcs.mmap resol.pretty_of_lc,
state_t.write {s₁ with introduced_binders := s₀.introduced_binders, lctx := s₀.lctx},
return $ syntax.node' o k fvs fv_lcs cs
meta def resolve : syntax → resol syntax
| syn := do
lctx ← resol_state.lctx <$>,
match syn with
| (syntax.node o `ident [] [ n]) :=
(do resol.in_pattern >>= guardb ∘ bnot,
some ⟨lc, _⟩ ← return $ lctx.find (λ x, x.snd = n) | failure,
return $ syntax.lconst lc)
(do d ← get_decl n,
return $ syntax.node o `const [] [ d.to_name])
(do resol.in_pattern >>= guardb,
lc ← resol.new_binder n,
return $ syntax.lconst lc)
(do s ←,
(fail ("cannot resolve " ++ n.to_string ++ " in " ++ to_string s.lctx) : resol syntax))
| (syntax.node o `lambda [] [pat, bi, ty, body]) := resol.scoped $ do
ty' ← resolve ty,
pat' ← resol.pattern $ resolve pat,
body' ← resolve body,
return $ syntax.node o `lambda [] [pat', bi, ty', body']
| (syntax.node o `notation [] ( `plus :: _ :: es)) :=
return $ syntax.node o `notation [] ([ `plus,
syntax.node origin.synthetic `notation.choices [] [
syntax.node origin.synthetic `const [] [ `has_add.add]
] ++ es)
| (syntax.node o `match_case [] (rhs::lhs)) := resol.scoped $ do
lhs' ← resol.pattern $ lhs.mmap resolve,
rhs' ← resolve rhs,
return $ syntax.node o `match_case [] (rhs'::lhs')
| (syntax.node o k [] cs) :=
syntax.node o k [] <$> cs.mmap resolve
| (syntax.node o k b cs) := do
b_lcs ← b.mmap (λ _, mk_fresh_name),
let cs' := (λ s, s.instantiate ( syntax.lconst)),
cs' ← cs'.mmap resolve,
return $ syntax.node' o k b b_lcs cs'
| s := return s
private meta def pick_fresh_vars : list name → list name → list name × list name
| [] ctx := ([], ctx)
| (b::bs) ctx :=
if b ∈ ctx then
let b' := match b with
| (name.mk_numeral i n) := name.mk_numeral (i+1) n
| n := name.mk_numeral 1 n
in pick_fresh_vars (b'::bs) ctx
let (bs', ctx') := pick_fresh_vars bs (b :: ctx) in
(b :: bs', ctx')
meta def unresolve : list name → syntax → syntax
| ctx (syntax.node o k bs cs) :=
let (bs, ctx) := pick_fresh_vars bs ctx in
let syn_bs := (λ b, syntax.node origin.synthetic `ident [] [ b]) in
syntax.node o k [] ( (λ c, unresolve ctx $ syntax.instantiate c syn_bs))
| ctx s := s
/- elaboration -/
@[reducible] meta def elab := tactic
meta def elab.expected_type : elab (option expr) := do
tgt ← target,
return $ match tgt with (expr.mvar _ _) := none | _ := some tgt end
meta def parse_binder_info : name → binder_info
| `default := binder_info.default
| _ := binder_info.default
meta def focus_on {α} (goal : expr) (tac : tactic α) : tactic α := do
goals₀ ← get_goals,
set_goals [goal],
res ← tac,
set_goals goals₀,
return res
meta def expand_core : syntax → elab unit | syn := do
match syn with
| (syntax.node o `placeholder [] []) := skip
| (syntax.node o `lambda [b] [pat, bi, ty, body]) := do
ty_mvar ← mk_mvar,
body_mvar ← mk_mvar >>= mk_meta_var,
focus_on ty_mvar $ expand_core ty,
focus_on body_mvar $ expand_core body,
exact (expr.lam b (parse_binder_info bi) ty_mvar body_mvar)
| _ := fail $ "cannot expand unknown syntax:\n" ++ repr syn
meta def expand (syn : syntax) (expected_type : option expr := none) : tactic expr := do
expected_type ← match expected_type with none := mk_mvar | some t := return t end,
main_mvar ← mk_meta_var expected_type,
focus_on main_mvar $ expand_core syn,
instantiate_mvars main_mvar
/- examples -/
match x with
| list.cons x xs := x
| _ := 42
meta def match_ex :=
let o l1 c1 l2 c2 := origin.file ⟨"example1.lean", ⟨l1,c1⟩, ⟨l2,c2⟩⟩ in
syntax.node (o 1 0 4 3) `match [] [
syntax.node (o 1 6 1 7) `ident [] [ `x],
syntax.node (o 2 0 2 21) `match_case [] [
syntax.node (o 2 20 2 21) `ident [] [ `x],
syntax.node (o 2 2 2 16) `app [] [
syntax.node (o 2 2 2 11) `ident [] [ `list.cons],
syntax.node (o 2 12 2 13) `ident [] [ `x],
syntax.node (o 2 14 2 16) `ident [] [ `xs]
syntax.node (o 3 2 3 3) `placeholder [] [],
syntax.node (o 3 7 3 9) `num [] [syntax.num 42]
#eval match_ex
#eval do
(resolved, st) ← resolve match_ex {lctx := [(`x122,`x)]},
trace resolved,
trace $ unresolve [`x] resolved
λ x, x + 2
meta def lam_ex :=
let o l1 c1 l2 c2 := origin.file ⟨"example2.lean", ⟨l1,c1⟩, ⟨l2,c2⟩⟩ in
syntax.node (o 1 0 1 10) `lambda [] [
syntax.node (o 1 2 1 3) `ident [] [ `x], `default,
syntax.node origin.synthetic `placeholder [] [],
syntax.node (o 1 5 1 10) `notation [] [ `plus,
syntax.node origin.synthetic `notation.choices [] [],
syntax.node (o 1 5 1 6) `ident [] [ `x],
syntax.node (o 1 9 1 10) `num [] [syntax.num 2]
#eval do
(resolved, st) ← resolve lam_ex {},
trace resolved,
trace $ unresolve [] resolved
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