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Last active September 21, 2016 03:59
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Unityプロジェクトをコマンド1発でiOS実機にデプロイ&起動する ref:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class BatchBuild : MonoBehaviour {
static private string ApplicationName = "Hoge-application";
//for Android
static void BuildProject_Android(){
Debug.Log ("AndroidBuild...");
string[] scenePaths = GetEnabledScenePaths();
string outputPath = Application.dataPath + "/../"+ApplicationName+".apk";
BuildTarget target = BuildTarget.Android;
BuildOptions opt = BuildOptions.None;
//for iOS Device
static void BuildProject_iOS(){
Debug.Log ("iOSBuild...");
string[] scenePaths = GetEnabledScenePaths();
string outputPath = "Device";
BuildTarget target = BuildTarget.iOS;
BuildOptions opt = BuildOptions.SymlinkLibraries;
//ProjectDataSize Reduction
EditorUserBuildSettings.symlinkLibraries = true;
//Prevent SimulatorBuild
PlayerSettings.iOS.sdkVersion = iOSSdkVersion.DeviceSDK;
static void ApplicationBuild(string[] scenePaths,string outputPath,BuildTarget target,BuildOptions opt){
string error = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(scenePaths,outputPath,target,opt);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
Debug.LogError(error); //BuildFailed
EditorApplication.Exit(string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) ? 0 : 1);
//return Enabled Scene in BuildSettings's Scenes In Build
static string[] GetEnabledScenePaths() {
List<string> sceneList = new List<string>();
//Check Scenes Enabled
foreach(var scene in EditorBuildSettings.scenes){
sceneList.Add (scene.path);
return sceneList.ToArray();
#Locate this script under an empty directory.
PROJECT_BUILD_DIR=`pwd`/`dirname $BASH_SOURCE` # <= Must be absolute path
PROJECT_BASE=/path/to/unity-project-base-directory # <= Edit this # <= Edit this
echo "Copying sources"
rm -r Assets 2>/dev/null
rm -r ProjectSettings 2>/dev/null
cp -r $PROJECT_BASE/Assets/ Assets/
cp -r $PROJECT_BASE/ProjectSettings/ ProjectSettings/
echo "Building Unity"
/Applications/Unity/ -batchmode -projectPath $PROJECT_BUILD_DIR -executeMethod BatchBuild.BuildProject_iOS -quit
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Unity Build failed"
exit $?
echo "Building Xcode Project"
xcodebuild -project $PROJECT_BUILD_DIR/Device/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj -target Unity-iPhone -configuration Release build
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Xcode Build failed"
exit $?
echo "Deploying to the device"
ios-deploy --debug --bundle $PROJECT_BUILD_DIR/Device/build/Release-iphoneos/$APP_NAME
if [ $? -eq 254 ]; then
echo "Deploying finished, but couldn't run app"
exit $?
elif [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Deploying failed"
exit $?
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