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Last active July 14, 2021 17:24
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React vs Angular at Kin

React vs Angular at Kin

Disclaimer: Some of this is anecdotal or opionion based - take with a grain of salt.

Category Notes Edge
Documentation Documentation looks to be very good for both, but because Angular comes with more out of the box, more concepts are covered in official Angular docs. Angular
Resources (tutorials, training courses, stackoverflow) Both frameworks are popular and have been around for a long time. Tie
SSR and SSG Next.js (React SSR framework - which plays very nicely with TinaCMS) and Gatsby.js (React SSG framework) are by far more popular than Angular Universal (Angular SSR framework) and Scully.js (Angular SSG framework) React
Learnability and Grokability Angular is infamous for being overly complex, while React is reknown for being simple and straightforward React
Release Cadence Angular strives for a major releases every 6 months. React has no set cadence - they try to minimize number of major releases. React
Popularity React is more popular, which has several benefits, one of which is larger candidate pool. React
Fragmentation Sticking with Angular could prevent us from being more fragmented. LitElements can be ported to Angular components with relative ease. Moving to React will cause further fragmentation of Frontend Frameworks. Angular
Tooling Angular has a robust CLI to bootstrap new apps, components, etc. React has create-react-app for spinning up new apps Angular
Core Packages Angular comes with routing, state management, form validation, and more out of the box. React takes a more a la carte approach, and most of these things are provided by different packages, many of which are not maintained by Facebook. Angular
Opinionated Angular is opinionated about file structure, component structure, etc. This can be helpful in estabslishing patterns for teams. Much like Rails, there's an Angular way of doing things. React tends to be less opinionated. Angular
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