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WooCommerce Gateway Amazon Payments Advanced REST API introduced in 1.6.0

WooCommerce Gateway Amazon Payments Advanced REST API

The WooCommerce Gateway Amazon Payments Advanced REST API allows you to authorize, capture, and close authorization. The endpoint is /wp-json/wc/v1/orders/<order_id>/amazon-payments-advanced/.

List of orders paid via Amazon Payments

There's no custom endpoint to retrieve list of orders paid via Amazon Payments. The built-in orders point can be used with _payment_method=amazon_payments_advanced filter.

GET /wp-json/wc/v1/orders?filter[_payment_method]=amazon_payments_advanced
curl -g -X GET '[_payment_method]=amazon_payments_advanced' -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

For CURL request that involves filter query ([]), you need to specify -g (to turn off URL globbing).

JSON response example:

    "id": 132,
    "status": "on-hold",
    "order_key": "wc_order_57bb41b6eeb32",
    "number": 4606,
    "currency": "GBP",
    "amazon_reference": {
      "amazon_reference_state": "Open",
      "amazon_reference_id": "S02-0312204-2022855",
      "amazon_authorization_state": "",
      "amazon_authorization_id": "",
      "amazon_capture_state": "",
      "amazon_capture_id": "",
      "amazon_refund_ids": []

Orders paid via Amazon Payments will have amazon_reference on order item.

The filter parameter can be used with status parameter to retrieve list of orders that have been authorized but not captured yet.

curl -g -X GET '[_payment_method]=amazon_payments_advanced&filter[amazon_authorization_state]=Open&status=on-hold' -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

Authorize the order

POST /wp-json/wc/v1/orders/<order_id>/amazon-payments-advanced/authorize 
curl -X GET ' ' -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

JSON response example:

  "authorized": true,
  "amazon_authorization_id": "S02-6972444-9928455-A066187"

Possible JSON response with error:

  "code": "TransactionAmountExceeded",
  "message": "OrderReference S02-6972444-9928455 has already been authorized for amount 21.85 GBP. A new Authorization with amount 21.85 GBP cannot be accepted as the total Authorization amount cannot exceed 25.13 GBP.",
  "data": null
  "code": "woocommerce_rest_order_invalid_id",
  "message": "Invalid order ID.",
  "data": {
    "status": 404

Close authorization

POST /wp-json/wc/v1/orders/<order_id>/amazon-payments-advanced/close-authorization 
curl -X GET ' ' -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

JSON response example:

  "authorization_closed": true

Possible JSON response with error:

  "code": "woocommerce_rest_order_missing_amazon_authorization_id",
  "message": "Specified resource does not have Amazon authorization ID",
  "data": {
    "status": 400

Capture the order

POST /wp-json/wc/v1/orders/<order_id>/amazon-payments-advanced/capture 
curl -X GET ' ' -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

JSON response example:

  "captured": true,
  "amazon_capture_id": "S02-6972444-9928455-C066187"

Possible JSON response with error:

  "code": "InvalidAuthorizationStatus",
  "message": "Authorization S02-6972444-9928455-A066187 is currently in Closed state. Capture can only be requested in Open state.",
  "data": null

Authorize and capture the order

POST /wp-json/wc/v1/orders/<order_id>/amazon-payments-advanced/authorize-and-capture 
curl -X GET ' ' -u consumer_key:consumer_secret

JSON response example:

  "authorized": true,
  "amazon_authorization_id": "S02-4966596-9591203-A079366",
  "captured": true,
  "amazon_capture_id": "S02-4966596-9591203-C079366"

Possible JSON response with error:

  "code": "InvalidAuthorizationStatus",
  "message": "Authorization S02-6972444-9928455-A066187 is currently in Closed state. Capture can only be requested in Open state.",
  "data": null

Refund the order

POST /wp-json/wc/v1/orders/<order_id>/amazon-payments-advanced/refund
curl -X GET '' \
  -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"amount": "20.00", "reason": "reason for refund"}'

JSON response example:

  "refunded": true,
  "amazon_refund_id": "S02-1228806-5112466-R043423"
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