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Last active October 4, 2019 12:51
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// Add Google Analytics eCommerce tracking for MemberPress
function echo_ga_tracking_script() {
global $wpdb;
if(isset($_GET['membership']) && isset($_GET['trans_num'])) {
// get transaction info for one time payments
$txn = MeprTransaction::get_one_by_trans_num($_GET['trans_num']);
// check if it has subscription info attached
if(isset($_GET['subscr_id']) && ($_GET['subscr_id'] == $_GET['trans_num'])) {
// Get subscription id from the subscr_id
$sid = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}mepr_subscriptions WHERE subscr_id LIKE '{$_GET['subscr_id']}'" );
// get array of transactions for recurring payments
//$txn = MeprTransaction::get_one_by_subscription_id($sid);
$txns = MeprTransaction::get_all_by_subscription_id($sid);
// For Stripe CC, 2 transactions are added: txn_type = subscription_confirmation and txn_type = payment
// We want the 2nd one that holds the payment amount
// For paypal express there is one transaction with txn_type = subscription_confirmation that gets updated after the first load of the thank-you page
// with payment info, so we need to do a page reload in that case
if ($txns[0]->txn_type == 'payment') {
$txn = $txns[0];
else if ( ($txns[0]->txn_type == 'subscription_confirmation') && isset($txns[1]) && ($txns[1]->txn_type == 'payment') ) {
$txn = $txns[1];
else { // reload thank-you page to get the updated transaction info for Paypal payments
echo '<script>setTimeout((function() { window.location.reload(true); }), 5000);';
echo 'document.getElementById("et-boc").innerHTML = "<div style=\"padding:10%;text-align:center;font-size:2em;\">Please keep this window open until we finish processing your payment...</div>";</script>';
} // end isset $_GET['subscr_id']
} // end isset($_GET['membership']
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-xxxx-x', 'auto');
if(isset($txn->id) && $txn->id > 0 && ($txn->txn_type == 'payment')) {
//Echo the script
ga('require', 'ecommerce');
ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', {
id: '<?php echo $txn->trans_num; ?>', // Transaction ID - this is normally generated by your system.
affiliation: 'XXXXXXXXXXX', // Affiliation or store name
revenue: '<?php echo $txn->total; ?>', // Grand Total
shipping: '0', // Shipping cost
tax: '<?php echo $txn->tax_amount; ?>'
}); // Tax.
ga('ecommerce:addItem', {
id: '<?php echo $txn->trans_num; ?>', // Transaction ID.
sku: '', // SKU/code.
name: '<?php echo urldecode($_GET['membership']); ?>', // Product name.
category: '', // Category or variation.
price: '<?php echo $txn->amount; ?>', // Unit price.
quantity: '1'
} // end isset txn
ga('send', 'pageview');
//echo "<!-- ecom tracking ";
//echo "-->";
add_action('wp_footer', 'echo_ga_tracking_script', 20);
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