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Created November 27, 2012 18:13
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Set path to node_modules bin
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"
# Checks that the child directory is a subdirectory of the parent
is_subdirectory() {
local child="$1"
local parent="$2"
if [[ "${child##${parent}}" != "$child" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Activates a new environment
activate_env() {
# Check if the directory we've cd'ed into is a node environment directory
# (i.e., it contains a node_modules folder) and that a node envrionment
# does not already exist before creating a new one.
if [ -d "node_modules" ] && [ -z "$_ENV_DIR" ]; then
# Save the old PATH variable so we can revert back to it when we leave
# the environment
export _OLD_PATH="$PATH"
# An environment is essentially nothing more than an environment
# variable (_ENV_DIR) pointing the parent directory of our node
# environment. Create the variable and point it to $PWD.
export _ENV_DIR="$PWD"
# Add the bin folder for all local NPM installs to the PATH
export PATH="$(npm bin):$PATH"
# If an activation script exists, execute it
if [ -e ".activate" ]; then
source .activate
# Deactivates the current envrionment
deactivate_env() {
# Make sure that an envrionment does exist and that the new
# directory is not a subdirectory of the envrionment directory
if [ -n "$_ENV_DIR" ] && ! is_subdirectory "$PWD" "$_ENV_DIR"; then
# Run the deactivation script if it exists
if [[ -e "$_ENV_DIR/.deactivate" ]]; then
source "$_ENV_DIR/.deactivate"
# Revert back to the original PATH
export PATH="$_OLD_PATH"
# Destroy the environment
unset _ENV_DIR
unset _OLD_PATH
env_cd() {
builtin cd "$@" && deactivate_env && activate_env
alias cd="env_cd"
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