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Last active September 1, 2018 02:45
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  • Save geek0x23/8546e8ca0e711bc3ff77060d086e277e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Creates a healer, and normal BigWigs profile that cooperates with KlixUI on ultrawide monitors
local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI);
local KUF = E:NewModule('Klix_Ultrawide_Fixer');
SlashCmdList["KLIXUWFIXER"] = function()
-- fix bigwigs
BigWigs3DB = {
["namespaces"] = {
["BigWigs_Plugins_Victory"] = {
["BigWigs_Plugins_Colors"] = {
["BigWigs_Plugins_Alt Power"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["KlixUI"] = {
["posx"] = 466,
["posy"] = 450,
["fontSize"] = 13,
["disabled"] = true,
["fontOutline"] = "",
["font"] = "Expressway",
["KlixUI Healer"] = {
["posx"] = 466,
["posy"] = 450,
["fontSize"] = 13,
["disabled"] = true,
["fontOutline"] = "",
["font"] = "Expressway",
["BigWigs_Plugins_InfoBox"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["KlixUI"] = {
["posx"] = 446,
["posy"] = 355,
["KlixUI Healer"] = {
["posx"] = 446,
["posy"] = 355,
["BigWigs_Plugins_BossBlock"] = {
["BigWigs_Plugins_Bars"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["KlixUI"] = {
["BigWigsAnchor_width"] = 228,
["BigWigsAnchor_height"] = 20,
["BigWigsAnchor_x"] = 681.5,
["BigWigsAnchor_y"] = 132,
["BigWigsEmphasizeAnchor_x"] = 1021,
["BigWigsEmphasizeAnchor_y"] = 133.5,
["BigWigsEmphasizeAnchor_width"] = 227,
["BigWigsEmphasizeAnchor_Height"] = 20,
["fontSize"] = 13,
["growup"] = false,
["emphasizeGrowup"] = false,
["texture"] = "Klix",
["barStyle"] = "|cfff960d9KlixUI|r",
["font"] = "Expressway",
["outline"] = "OUTLINE",
["emphasizeScale"] = 1,
["KlixUI Healer"] = {
["BigWigsAnchor_width"] = 227,
["BigWigsAnchor_height"] = 20,
["BigWigsAnchor_x"] = 612.5,
["BigWigsAnchor_y"] = 19.5,
["BigWigsEmphasizeAnchor_x"] = 1090,
["BigWigsEmphasizeAnchor_y"] = 21,
["BigWigsEmphasizeAnchor_width"] = 227,
["BigWigsEmphasizeAnchor_Height"] = 20,
["fontSize"] = 13,
["growup"] = true,
["emphasizeGrowup"] = true,
["texture"] = "Klix",
["barStyle"] = "|cfff960d9KlixUI|r",
["font"] = "Expressway",
["outline"] = "OUTLINE",
["emphasizeScale"] = 1,
["BigWigs_Plugins_Super Emphasize"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["KlixUI"] = {
["font"] = "Expressway",
["KlixUI Healer"] = {
["font"] = "Expressway",
["BigWigs_Plugins_Sounds"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["KlixUI"] = {
["Long"] = {
["Warning"] = {
["Info"] = {
["Alarm"] = {
["Alert"] = {
["KlixUI Healer"] = {
["Long"] = {
["Warning"] = {
["Info"] = {
["Alarm"] = {
["Alert"] = {
["BigWigs_Plugins_Messages"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["KlixUI"] = {
["outline"] = "OUTLINE",
["fontSize"] = 20,
["growUpwards"] = false,
["font"] = "Expressway",
["BWMessageAnchor_x"] = ((GetScreenWidth() * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()) / 2) - 64,
["BWEmphasizeMessageAnchor_x"] = ((GetScreenWidth() * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()) / 2) - 64,
["BWMessageAnchor_y"] = 600,
["BWEmphasizeMessageAnchor_y"] = 700,
["KlixUI Healer"] = {
["outline"] = "OUTLINE",
["fontSize"] = 20,
["growUpwards"] = false,
["font"] = "Expressway",
["BWMessageAnchor_x"] = ((GetScreenWidth() * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()) / 2) - 64,
["BWEmphasizeMessageAnchor_x"] = ((GetScreenWidth() * UIParent:GetEffectiveScale()) / 2) - 64,
["BWMessageAnchor_y"] = 600,
["BWEmphasizeMessageAnchor_y"] = 700,
["BigWigs_Plugins_Statistics"] = {
["BigWigs_Plugins_Respawn"] = {
["BigWigs_Plugins_Proximity"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["KlixUI"] = {
["fontSize"] = 20,
["font"] = "Expressway",
["posx"] = 561,
["posy"] = 360,
["height"] = 120,
["lock"] = true
["KlixUI Healer"] = {
["fontSize"] = 20,
["font"] = "Expressway",
["posx"] = 561,
["posy"] = 360,
["height"] = 120,
["lock"] = true
["BigWigs_Plugins_Raid Icons"] = {
["LibDualSpec-1.0"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["KlixUI"] = {
["fakeDBMVersion"] = true,
["KlixUI Healer"] = {
["fakeDBMVersion"] = true,
local db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New(BigWigs3DB, nil, true)
KUF:Print("Fixed BigWigs")
function KUF:Print(...)
print("|cfff960d9".."KUF:|r", ...)
local function Callback()
-- noop for now.
E:RegisterModule(KUF:GetName(), Callback)
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