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  • Save geekflyer/95e61e967a3276fbbf669fedb495b3dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save geekflyer/95e61e967a3276fbbf669fedb495b3dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
migrate from branch to fork based PR workflow on aptos-labs/aptos-core
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# run this script via: curl -sSL | bash
set -e pipefail
# Verify whether the GitHub CLI is installed and prompt the user to install it if necessary
if ! command -v gh &>/dev/null; then
echo "GitHub CLI not found. Please install it from and then re-run this script."
exit 1
# Verify whether the user is authenticated with the GitHub CLI and authenticate if necessary
if ! gh auth status &>/dev/null; then
echo "GitHub CLI not authenticated. Starting login flow..."
# Start the GitHub CLI login flow
gh auth login -h -p https
# get the current github username from the github cli
GITHUB_USERNAME=$(gh api /user | jq -r '.login')
echo "Your GitHub username is $GITHUB_USERNAME"
# Check whether the script is being run inside inside a git remote that has any remote that points to the aptos-core repository
if ! git remote -v | grep -q "aptos-labs/aptos-core"; then
echo "Please run this script inside a clone of the aptos-core repository."
exit 1
# Check whether the user is already using a fork-based PR workflow
if git remote -v | grep -q "origin.*aptos-labs/aptos-core"; then
echo "renaming remote origin to upstream"
git remote rename origin upstream
elif git remote -v | grep -q "origin.*$GITHUB_USERNAME/aptos-core"; then
echo "You appear to already be using a fork-based PR workflow. Nothing to do here."
exit 0
echo "Encountered an unexpected list of remotes. Please send the output of \"git remote -v\" to @christian on Slack."
git remote -v
exit 0
# Check whether the user has a repository named "aptos-core" under their own GitHub username
echo "Checking whether you have a fork of the aptos-core repository..."
if ! gh api "/repos/$GITHUB_USERNAME/aptos-core" &>/dev/null; then
echo "Forking the aptos-labs/aptos-core repository using the GitHub CLI"
gh repo fork aptos-labs/aptos-core --default-branch-only --clone=false
# # Add a new origin remote pointing to the user's fork
git remote add origin "$(gh api "/repos/$GITHUB_USERNAME/aptos-core" | jq -r '.clone_url')"
gh repo set-default aptos-labs/aptos-core
echo ""
echo "Done! You can now push your changes to your fork and open a PR against the aptos-labs/aptos-core repository."
echo ""
echo "To do so run: git push -u origin $(git branch --show-current)"
echo "And then create a PR via: gh pr create --draft"
echo ""
echo "To pull in the latest changes from the upstream main run: git pull upstream main --rebase"
echo ""
echo "If you have any questions, please reach out to #prod-eng and @christian on Slack."
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geekflyer commented Jul 8, 2023

run this script via curl -sSL | bash

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