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Last active June 19, 2024 14:29
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Fix false positives in Godot joypad device detection (e.g. touchpads). See
# Public domain, as per The Unlicense. NO WARRANTY. See
extends Node
## Solves a [url=]bug[/url] where touchpad devices
## can be detected as a joypad.
## This script should be autoloaded in the project settings.
## This is merely a workaround, not for use in production code.
static var _Self: GDScript = (func() -> void:).get_object() as GDScript
func _ready() -> void:
int(Input.joy_connection_changed.connect(Callable(_Self, joy_check.get_method())))
## Validates a joypad connection. Called for every joypad device connected.
## Device names matching the pattern will be disabled (remapped to an empty mapping).
static func joy_check(device: int, connected: bool) -> void:
if not connected:
var device_name: String = Input.get_joy_name(device)
# Uncomment the line below to debug problematic devices:
# print('Connected device ', device, ': ', device_name)
if not is_banned(device_name):
# If name has matched any banned word, this joypad device should be ignored.
var guid: String = Input.get_joy_guid(device)
# Disable input by mapping no axes or buttons. Will ignore future joypad input from this device.
var mapping: String = guid + ',' + device_name.replace(',', '')
Input.add_joy_mapping(mapping, true)
# Past input events might have been sent. Reset this device sending 0 on all SDL axes and buttons.
for axis: JoyAxis in range(JOY_AXIS_SDL_MAX) as Array[JoyAxis]:
var event: InputEventJoypadMotion =
event.device = device
event.axis = axis
for button_index: JoyButton in range(JOY_BUTTON_SDL_MAX) as Array[JoyButton]:
var event: InputEventJoypadButton =
event.device = device
event.button_index = button_index
prints('Ignoring joypad device:', mapping) # you can comment out or remove this line
## True only if the device name contains a banned word, case-insensitively.
## A banned substring only matches if it's guaranteed to be a separate word.
static func is_banned(device_name: String) -> bool:
for word: String in banned_words:
var i: int = device_name.findn(word)
if i < 0:
continue # this banned word was not found as a substring
if i > 0 and not is_ascii_non_letter(device_name[i - 1]):
continue # substring found, but it's not guaranteed to start a word
var j: int = i + word.length()
if j < device_name.length() and not is_ascii_non_letter(device_name[j]):
continue # it starts a word, but it's not guaranteed to also end it
return true # substring found and guaranteed to form a separate word
return false # no banned word found
## True only if the character is ASCII and not a letter.
static func is_ascii_non_letter(c: String) -> bool:
return c.unicode_at(0) < 128 and not (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z' or c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z')
## List of words forbidden in joypad names.
static var banned_words: PackedStringArray = [
'touchpad', 'trackpad', 'clickpad',
'pen', 'finger', # drawing tablets
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Calinou commented Jun 19, 2024

I opened a PR to fix the issue in the engine:

Thanks for providing the list of banned words 🙂

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