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Created November 6, 2012 09:22
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Python refactors
Use setattr
# Normal
item.price = self.request['price']
item.quantity = self.request['quantity']
item.shipping = self.request['shipping']
# Pythonic
item_attrs = ['price', 'quantity', 'shipping']
for attr in item_attrs:
setattr(item, attr, self.request[attr])
Use reduce() or list comprehension for incrementing values
# Normal
total_price = 0
for item in items:
total_price += item.price * item.quantity
# Pythonic
total_price = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y.price * y.quantity, items, 0)
total_price = sum([item.price * item.quantity for item in items])
Use defaultdict() to avoid initializing dictionaries
# Normal
stats = {}
for line in order_lines:
if line.product_id in stats:
stats[]['quantity'] += line.product.quantity
stats[]['price'] += line.product.price
stats[]['shipping'] += line.product.shipping
stats[]['quantity'] = 0
stats[]['price'] = 0
stats[]['shipping'] = 0
# Pythonic
from collections import defaultdict
stats = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
item_attrs = ['price', 'quantity', 'shipping']
for line in order_lines:
for attr in item_attrs:
stats[][attr] += getattr(line.product, attr)
Use operator module with reduce()
# Normal
search_keyword = 'iPhone'
Q(title__icontains=search_keyword) | Q(description__icontains=search_keyword) | Q(short_title__icontains=search_keyword)
# Pythonic
import operator
keys = ['title__icontains', 'description__icontains', 'short_title__icontains']
conditions = [(k, search_keyword) for k in keys]
Product.objects.filter(reduce(operator.or_, [Q(c) for c in conditions]))
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