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Created May 8, 2011 16:43
Parse git log with PHP to an array
// Author: Ngo Minh Nam
$dir = "/path/to/your/repo/";
$output = array();
exec("git log",$output);
$history = array();
foreach($output as $line){
if(strpos($line, 'commit')===0){
array_push($history, $commit);
$commit['hash'] = substr($line, strlen('commit'));
else if(strpos($line, 'Author')===0){
$commit['author'] = substr($line, strlen('Author:'));
else if(strpos($line, 'Date')===0){
$commit['date'] = substr($line, strlen('Date:'));
$commit['message'] .= $line;
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jankal commented Mar 20, 2016

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This is probably a newb question and not exactly on topic: For Apache, I found I had to add the www-data user to the git group in order for the php page to read the repo (my bare repo has git:git for ownership). Having done that, there doesn't seem to be a security problem, like with someone accessing the repo files themselves via URL, because Apache's DocumentRoot is elsewhere and it therefore prevents that kind of access but I wanted to ask the group whether any part of what I described is a no-no or can be improved.

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yawnolly commented Oct 27, 2016

if you do a str_replace to remove any "\n"s in your commit message than the code looks alot cleaner.

function parseLog($log) {
    $history = array();
    foreach($log as $key => $line) {
        if(strpos($line, 'commit') === 0 || $key + 1 == count($lines)){
            $commit['hash'] = substr($line, strlen('commit') + 1);
        } else if(strpos($line, 'Author') === 0){
            $commit['author'] = substr($line, strlen('Author:') + 1);
        } else if(strpos($line, 'Date') === 0){
            $commit['date'] = substr($line, strlen('Date:') + 3);
        } elseif (strpos($line, 'Merge') === 0) {
            $commit['merge'] = substr($line, strlen('Merge:') + 1);
            $commit['merge'] = explode(' ', $commit['merge']);
        } else if(!empty($line)){
            $commit['message'] = substr($line, 4);
            array_push($history, $commit);  
    return $history;

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