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Last active November 30, 2023 15:55
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* Snippet For Gravity Perks Google Sheets
* Description: Create a daily spreadsheet for your feed. The spreadsheet will be created after the first entry of that day.
* Instructions: Copy this code to your functions.php and enter your form id and feed ids at the bottom in the configuration section
* @author Johan d'Hollander
* @link
class GOTRGPGS_Daily_Spreadsheets {
private $_args = array();
public function __construct($args = array()) {
// set arguments and store for use throughout the class
$this->_args = wp_parse_args($args, array(
"form_id" => 0,
"feed_ids" => array(),
add_action('init', array($this, 'init'));
public function init() {
add_filter( "gform_gp-google-sheets_pre_process_feeds_" . $this->_args["form_id"], array($this , "maybe_create_new_spreadsheet") , 10 , 3 );
* Loop through all GPGS feeds and maybe create a new spreadsheet for that feed if needed
* @param array $feeds an array of all feeds
* @param array $entry current entry for which $feeds is processed
* @param array $form current form
public function maybe_create_new_spreadsheet($feeds, $entry, $form) {
$form_id = rgar($form , "id");
foreach($feeds as $key => $feed) {
$feed_id = rgar($feed , "id");
// only proceed for eligible feeds
if( in_array($feed_id , $this->_args["feed_ids"]) && $this->check_if_spreadsheet_created($form_id , $feed_id) == false ) {
$feed_name = rgars($feed , "meta/feed_name");
$account_email = rgars($feed , "meta/google_sheet_account");
if( $feed_name && $account_email ) {
// create a new spreadsheet for this feed
$new_spreadsheet = $this->create_new_spreadsheet( $feed_name , $account_email);
if(!$new_spreadsheet) {
gp_google_sheets()->log_debug(__METHOD__ . " Error while creating a new spreadsheet." );
// get the current meta
$meta = $feed['meta'];
// new spreadsheet url
$meta['google_sheet_url'] = $new_spreadsheet->get_url();
// @David. I'm not sure about this. suppose this has to do with creating new sheets? GP seems to not add an Id here but instead the string add.
$meta["google_spreadsheet_id"] = "add"; // could possibly also be $new_spreadsheet->get_id();
$meta["google_sheet_id"] = 0; // ensure this is set to the first sheet in the spreadsheet to avoid fatal error
$meta["google_sheet_account"] = $account_email; // This seems to fix the account email disappearing from the meta after updating the feed
// update the current feeds. This will be returned for processing of the current active feed
$feeds[$key]["meta"] = $meta;
// update the feed
$update = GFAPI::update_feed($feed_id , $meta , $form_id );
// proceed with mapping of the new spreadsheet if the update was success
if( is_wp_error($update) ) {
gp_google_sheets()->log_debug(__METHOD__ . " Updating feed " . $feed_id . " failed. " . $update->get_error_message() );
} else {
// updating feed success so now lets update the column mapping
// @David. Is this the proper way of handling this ? I want to ensure future compatibility
gp_google_sheets()->update_sheet_after_field_map_change($feed_id , $form_id , $meta , gp_google_sheets() );
// set a transient for today
set_transient("gotrgpgs_sheet_created_" . $form_id . "_" . $feed_id . "_" . $this->get_today_date(), true, DAY_IN_SECONDS);
// DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES trigger this feed now to get around the sheduler. Remove this in production
$feed = GFAPI::get_feed( $feed_id ); // this will always return 1 feed
gp_google_sheets()->process_feed( $feed, $entry, $form );
return $feeds;
* check if a transient for todays spreadsheet already exists
* @return bool If the transient does not exist, WP will return false and otherwise the transient will have true as value
public function check_if_spreadsheet_created( $form_id , $feed_id ) {
return get_transient("gotrgpgs_sheet_created_" . $form_id . "_" . $feed_id . "_" . $this->get_today_date());
* Create a new spreadsheet in google
* @param string $feed_name The current feed name
* @param string $account email The current account email
* @return Spreadsheet|Bool $new_spreadsheet A new Spreadsheet instance or false if the GPGS classes do not exist
public function create_new_spreadsheet( $feed_name , $account_email) {
if (class_exists("\GP_Google_Sheets\Spreadsheets\Spreadsheet") && class_exists("\GP_Google_Sheets\Accounts\Google_Account")) {
// get instance of the GPGS spreadsheet class
$spreadsheet = new \GP_Google_Sheets\Spreadsheets\Spreadsheet();
// get instance of the GPGS google account class
$google_account = '\GP_Google_Sheets\Accounts\Google_Account';
$account = $google_account::from_email( $account_email );
return $spreadsheet->create( $feed_name . "_" . $this->get_today_date() , $account );
return false;
* Get the todays date in format Y-m-d
* @return string $date of today
public function get_today_date() {
return date('Y-m-d');
// configuration
new GOTRGPGS_Daily_Spreadsheets( array(
"form_id" => 20,
"feed_ids" => array("7") // array of all the feed ids to apply this to.
) );
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