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Created April 3, 2009 15:21
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-- Parsec 3 tutorial code --
-- module Main where -- this isn't necessary
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser) -- type Parser = Parsec String ()
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
import Text.Parsec.Language (haskellStyle)
import Data.Char
-- import Control.Monad.Identity -- for the Identity monad
simple :: Parser Char
simple = letter
run :: Show a => Parser a -> String -> IO ()
run p input =
case (parse p "" input) of
Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
print err
Right x -> print x
openClose :: Parser Char
openClose = do char '('
char ')'
{- -- parens is defined in Text.Parsec.Token
parens :: Parser ()
parens = do char '('
char ')'
<|> return ()
testOr :: Parser String
testOr = string "(a)"
<|> string "(b)"
testOr1 :: Parser Char
testOr1 = do char '('
char 'a' <|> char 'b'
char ')'
testOr2 :: Parser String
testOr2 = try (string "(a)")
<|> string "(b)"
testOr3 :: Parser String
testOr3 = do try (string "(a")
char ')'
return "(a)"
<|> string "(b)"
nesting :: Parser Int
nesting = do char '('
n <- nesting
char ')'
m <- nesting
return (max (n+1) m)
<|> return 0
word :: Parser String
word = do{ c <- letter
; do{ cs <- word
; return (c:cs)
<|> return [c]
word :: Parser String
word = do c <- letter
do cs <- word
return (c:cs)
<|> return [c] -- <|> indentation is confusing here, but it works
--word :: Parser String
--word = many1 letter
sentence :: Parser [String]
sentence = do words <- sepBy1 word separator
oneOf ".?!"
return words
separator :: Parser ()
separator = skipMany1 (space <|> char ',')
word :: Parser String
word = many1 letter <?> "word"
separator :: Parser ()
separator = skipMany1 (space <|> char ',' <?> "")
sentence :: Parser [String]
sentence = do words <- sepBy1 word separator
oneOf ".?!" <?> "end of sentence"
return words
expr :: Parser Integer
expr = buildExpressionParser table factor <?> "expression"
table = [[op "*" (*) AssocLeft, op "/" div AssocLeft]
,[op "+" (+) AssocLeft, op "-" (-) AssocLeft]
where op s f assoc
= Infix (do{ string s; return f}) assoc
factor = do char '('
x <- expr
char ')'
return x
<|> number
<?> "simple expression"
number :: Parser Integer
number = do ds <- many1 digit
return (read ds)
<?> "number"
lexer :: P.TokenParser ()
lexer = P.makeTokenParser (haskellStyle
{ P.reservedOpNames = ["*", "/", "+", "-"]}
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
symbol = P.symbol lexer
natural = P.natural lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
semi = P.semi lexer
identifier = P.identifier lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
--expr :: Parser Integer
expr = buildExpressionParser table factor <?> "expression"
-- for evaluating expressions
--table :: Integral a => OperatorTable String () Identity a
table = [[op "*" (*) AssocLeft, op "/" div AssocLeft]
,[op "+" (+) AssocLeft, op "-" (-) AssocLeft]
where op s f assoc
= Infix (do{ reservedOp s; return f} <?> "operator") assoc
factor = parens expr
<|> natural
<?> "simple expression"
{- -- for recognizing expressions and outputting text
-- this section is not in the tutorial
strIn op = (\x y -> x ++ " " ++ op ++ " " ++ y)
mulStr = strIn "*"
divStr = strIn "/"
addStr = strIn "+"
subStr = strIn "-"
table = [[op "*" mulStr AssocLeft, op "/" divStr AssocLeft]
,[op "+" addStr AssocLeft, op "-" subStr AssocLeft]
where op s f assoc
= Infix (do{ reservedOp s; return f} <?> "operator") assoc
factor = parens expr
<|> lexeme (many1 digit) -- natural
<?> "simple expression"
runLex :: Show a => Parser a -> String -> IO ()
runLex p input
= run (do whiteSpace
x <-p
return x
) input
price :: Parser Int -- price in cents
price = lexeme (do ds1 <- many1 digit
char '.'
ds2 <- count 2 digit
return (convert 0 (ds1 ++ ds2))
<?> "price"
convert n [] = n
convert n (d:ds) = convert (10*n + digitToInt d) ds
receipt :: Parser Bool
receipt = do ps <- many produkt
p <- total
return (sum ps == p)
produkt = do symbol "return"
p <- price
return (-p)
<|> do identifier
p <- price
return p
<?> "product"
total = do p <- price
symbol "total"
return p
produkt = do try (symbol "return")
p <- price
return (-p)
<|> do identifier
p <- price
return p
<?> "product"
lexer :: P.TokenParser ()
lexer = P.makeTokenParser (haskellStyle
{ P.reservedNames = ["return", "total"]
, P.reservedOpNames = ["*","/","+","-"]
receipt :: Parser Bool
receipt = do ps <- many produkt
p <- total
return (sum ps == p)
produkt = do reserved "return"
p <- price
return (-p)
<|> do identifier
p <- price
return p
<?> "produkt"
total = do p<- price
reserved "total"
return p
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rpg-314 commented Sep 14, 2010

Nice :)

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