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Last active August 2, 2016 06:45
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import { join } from 'path';
import { argv } from 'yargs';
import { Environments, InjectableDependency } from './seed.config.interfaces';
* The enumeration of available environments.
* @type {Environments}
export const ENVIRONMENTS: Environments = {
* This class represents the basic configuration of the seed.
* It provides the following:
* - Constants for directories, ports, versions etc.
* - Injectable NPM dependencies
* - Injectable application assets
* - Temporary editor files to be ignored by the watcher and asset builder
* - SystemJS configuration
* - Autoprefixer configuration
* - BrowserSync configuration
* - Utilities
export class SeedConfig {
* The port where the application will run.
* The default port is `5555`, which can be overriden by the `--port` flag when running `npm start`.
* @type {number}
PORT = argv['port'] || 5555;
* The root folder of the project (up two levels from the current directory).
PROJECT_ROOT = join(__dirname, '../..');
* The current environment.
* The default environment is `dev`, which can be overriden by the `--config-env ENV_NAME` flag when running `npm start`.
ENV = getEnvironment();
* The flag for the debug option of the application.
* The default value is `false`, which can be overriden by the `--debug` flag when running `npm start`.
* @type {boolean}
DEBUG = argv['debug'] || false;
* The port where the documentation application will run.
* The default docs port is `4003`, which can be overriden by the `--docs-port` flag when running `npm start`.
* @type {number}
DOCS_PORT = argv['docs-port'] || 4003;
* The port where the unit test coverage report application will run.
* The default coverage port is `4004`, which can by overriden by the `--coverage-port` flag when running `npm start`.
* @type {number}
COVERAGE_PORT = argv['coverage-port'] || 4004;
* The path to the coverage output
* NB: this must match what is configured in ./karma.conf.js
COVERAGE_DIR = 'coverage';
* The path for the base of the application at runtime.
* The default path is based on the environment ('/' for development and '' for production),
* which can be overriden by the `--base` flag when running `npm start`.
* @type {string}
APP_BASE = argv['base'] || (this.ENV === ENVIRONMENTS.DEVELOPMENT ? '/' : '');
* The base path of node modules.
* @type {string}
NPM_BASE = join(this.APP_BASE, 'node_modules/');
* The flag for the hot-loader option of the application.
* Per default the option is not set, but can be set by the `--hot-loader` flag when running `npm start`.
* @type {boolean}
ENABLE_HOT_LOADING = argv['hot-loader'];
* The port where the application will run, if the `hot-loader` option mode is used.
* The default hot-loader port is `5578`.
* @type {number}
* The build interval which will force the TypeScript compiler to perform a typed compile run.
* Between the typed runs, a typeless compile is run, which is typically much faster.
* For example, if set to 5, the initial compile will be typed, followed by 5 typeless runs,
* then another typed run, and so on.
* If a compile error is encountered, the build will use typed compilation until the error is resolved.
* The default value is `0`, meaning typed compilation will always be performed.
* @type {number}
* The directory where the bootstrap file is located.
* The default directory is `app`.
* @type {string}
* The directory where the client files are located.
* The default directory is `client`.
* @type {string}
APP_CLIENT = argv['client'] || 'client';
* The bootstrap file to be used to boot the application. The file to be used is dependent if the hot-loader option is
* used or not.
* Per default (non hot-loader mode) the `main.ts` file will be used, with the hot-loader option enabled, the
* `hot_loader_main.ts` file will be used.
* @type {string}
BOOTSTRAP_MODULE = `${this.BOOTSTRAP_DIR}/` + (this.ENABLE_HOT_LOADING ? 'hot_loader_main' : 'main');
* The default title of the application as used in the `<title>` tag of the
* `index.html`.
* @type {string}
APP_TITLE = 'Welcome to angular2-seed!';
* The base folder of the applications source files.
* @type {string}
APP_SRC = `src/${this.APP_CLIENT}`;
* The folder of the applications asset files.
* @type {string}
ASSETS_SRC = `${this.APP_SRC}/assets`;
* The folder of the applications css files.
* @type {string}
CSS_SRC = `${this.APP_SRC}/css`;
* The directory of the applications tools
* @type {string}
TOOLS_DIR = 'tools';
* The directory of the tasks provided by the seed.
SEED_TASKS_DIR = join(process.cwd(), this.TOOLS_DIR, 'tasks', 'seed');
* The destination folder for the generated documentation.
* @type {string}
DOCS_DEST = 'docs';
* The base folder for built files.
* @type {string}
DIST_DIR = 'dist';
* The folder for built files in the `dev` environment.
* @type {string}
DEV_DEST = `${this.DIST_DIR}/dev`;
* The folder for the built files in the `prod` environment.
* @type {string}
PROD_DEST = `${this.DIST_DIR}/prod`;
* The folder for temporary files.
* @type {string}
TMP_DIR = `${this.DIST_DIR}/tmp`;
* The folder for the built files, corresponding to the current environment.
* @type {string}
* The folder for the built CSS files.
* @type {strings}
CSS_DEST = `${this.APP_DEST}/css`;
* The folder for the built JavaScript files.
* @type {string}
JS_DEST = `${this.APP_DEST}/js`;
* The version of the application as defined in the `package.json`.
VERSION = appVersion();
* The name of the bundle file to includes all CSS files.
* @type {string}
CSS_PROD_BUNDLE = 'main.css';
* The name of the bundle file to include all JavaScript shims.
* @type {string}
JS_PROD_SHIMS_BUNDLE = 'shims.js';
* The name of the bundle file to include all JavaScript application files.
* @type {string}
JS_PROD_APP_BUNDLE = 'app.js';
* The required NPM version to run the application.
* @type {string}
VERSION_NPM = '2.14.2';
* The required NodeJS version to run the application.
* @type {string}
VERSION_NODE = '4.0.0';
* The ruleset to be used by `codelyzer` for linting the TypeScript files.
CODELYZER_RULES = customRules();
* The flag to enable handling of SCSS files
* The default value is false. Override with the '--scss' flag.
* @type {boolean}
ENABLE_SCSS = argv['scss'] || false;
* The list of NPM dependcies to be injected in the `index.html`.
* @type {InjectableDependency[]}
NPM_DEPENDENCIES: InjectableDependency[] = [
{ src: 'zone.js/dist/zone.js', inject: 'libs' },
{ src: 'core-js/client/shim.min.js', inject: 'shims' },
{ src: 'systemjs/dist/system.src.js', inject: 'shims', env: ENVIRONMENTS.DEVELOPMENT },
{ src: 'rxjs/bundles/Rx.js', inject: 'libs', env: ENVIRONMENTS.DEVELOPMENT }
* The list of local files to be injected in the `index.html`.
* @type {InjectableDependency[]}
APP_ASSETS: InjectableDependency[] = [
{ src: `${this.CSS_SRC}/main.${ this.getInjectableStyleExtension() }`, inject: true, vendor: false },
* The list of editor temporary files to ignore in watcher and asset builder.
* @type {string[]}
TEMP_FILES: string[] = [
* Returns the array of injectable dependencies (npm dependencies and assets).
* @return {InjectableDependency[]} The array of npm dependencies and assets.
get DEPENDENCIES(): InjectableDependency[] {
return normalizeDependencies(this.NPM_DEPENDENCIES.filter(filterDependency.bind(null, this.ENV)))
.concat(this.APP_ASSETS.filter(filterDependency.bind(null, this.ENV)));
* The configuration of SystemJS for the `dev` environment.
* @type {any}
protected SYSTEM_CONFIG_DEV: any = {
defaultJSExtensions: true,
packageConfigPaths: [
paths: {
'@ngrx/core': `node_modules/@ngrx/core/index.js`,
'@ngrx/store': `node_modules/@ngrx/store/index.js`,
'@ngrx/effects': `node_modules/@ngrx/effects/index.js`,
'@angular/common': `node_modules/@angular/common/bundles/common.umd.js`,
'@angular/compiler': `node_modules/@angular/compiler/bundles/compiler.umd.js`,
'@angular/core': `node_modules/@angular/core/bundles/core.umd.js`,
'@angular/forms': `node_modules/@angular/forms/bundles/forms.umd.js`,
'@angular/http': `node_modules/@angular/http/bundles/http.umd.js`,
'@angular/platform-browser': `node_modules/@angular/platform-browser/bundles/platform-browser.umd.js`,
'@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': `node_modules/@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/bundles/platform-browser-dynamic.umd.js`,
'@angular/router': `node_modules/@angular/router/index.js`,
'rxjs/*': `node_modules/rxjs/*`,
'app/*': `/app/*`,
'*': `node_modules/*`
packages: {
rxjs: { defaultExtension: 'js' }
* The configuration of SystemJS of the application.
* Per default, the configuration of the `dev` environment will be used.
* @type {any}
* The system builder configuration of the application.
* @type {any}
defaultJSExtensions: true,
packageConfigPaths: [
join(this.PROJECT_ROOT, 'node_modules', '*', 'package.json'),
join(this.PROJECT_ROOT, 'node_modules', '@ngrx', '*', 'package.json'),
join(this.PROJECT_ROOT, 'node_modules', '@angular', '*', 'package.json')
paths: {
[`${this.TMP_DIR}/*`]: `${this.TMP_DIR}/*`,
'*': 'node_modules/*'
packages: {
'@ngrx/core': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'cjs'
'@ngrx/store': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'cjs'
'@ngrx/effects': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'cjs'
'@angular/common': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'@angular/compiler': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'@angular/core': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'@angular/forms': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'@angular/http': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'@angular/platform-browser': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'@angular/router': {
main: 'index.js',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'rxjs': {
defaultExtension: 'js'
* The Autoprefixer configuration for the application.
* @type {Array}
'ie >= 10',
'ie_mob >= 10',
'ff >= 30',
'chrome >= 34',
'safari >= 7',
'opera >= 23',
'ios >= 7',
'android >= 4.4',
'bb >= 10'
* White list for CSS color guard
* @type {[string, string][]}
COLOR_GUARD_WHITE_LIST: [string, string][] = [
* Configurations for NPM module configurations. Add to or override in project.config.ts.
* If you like, use the mergeObject() method to assist with this.
* The BrowserSync configuration of the application.
* The default open behavior is to open the browser. To prevent the browser from opening use the `--b` flag when
* running `npm start` (tested with
* Example: `npm start -- --b`
* @type {any}
'browser-sync': {
middleware: [require('connect-history-api-fallback')({ index: `${this.APP_BASE}index.html` })],
port: this.PORT,
startPath: this.APP_BASE,
open: argv['b'] ? false : true,
injectChanges: false,
server: {
baseDir: `${this.DIST_DIR}/empty/`,
routes: {
[`${this.APP_BASE}${this.APP_DEST}`]: this.APP_DEST,
[`${this.APP_BASE}node_modules`]: 'node_modules',
[`${this.APP_BASE.replace(/\/$/, '')}`]: this.APP_DEST
// Note: you can customize the location of the file
'environment-config': require('../env/config.json'),
* The options to pass to gulp-sass (and then to node-sass).
* Reference:
* @type {object}
'gulp-sass': {
includePaths: ['./node_modules/']
* The options to pass to gulp-concat-css
* Reference:
* @type {object}
'gulp-concat-css': {
targetFile: this.CSS_PROD_BUNDLE,
options: {
rebaseUrls: false
* Recursively merge source onto target.
* @param {any} target The target object (to receive values from source)
* @param {any} source The source object (to be merged onto target)
mergeObject(target: any, source: any) {
const deepExtend = require('deep-extend');
deepExtend(target, source);
* Locate a plugin configuration object by plugin key.
* @param {any} pluginKey The object key to look up in PLUGIN_CONFIGS.
getPluginConfig(pluginKey: string): any {
if (this.PLUGIN_CONFIGS[ pluginKey ]) {
return this.PLUGIN_CONFIGS[pluginKey];
return null;
getInjectableStyleExtension() {
return this.ENV === ENVIRONMENTS.PRODUCTION && this.ENABLE_SCSS ? 'scss' : 'css';
* Normalizes the given `deps` to skip globs.
* @param {InjectableDependency[]} deps - The dependencies to be normalized.
export function normalizeDependencies(deps: InjectableDependency[]) {
.filter((d: InjectableDependency) => !/\*/.test(d.src)) // Skip globs
.forEach((d: InjectableDependency) => d.src = require.resolve(d.src));
return deps;
* Returns if the given dependency is used in the given environment.
* @param {string} env - The environment to be filtered for.
* @param {InjectableDependency} d - The dependency to check.
* @return {boolean} `true` if the dependency is used in this environment, `false` otherwise.
function filterDependency(env: string, d: InjectableDependency): boolean {
if (!d.env) {
d.env = Object.keys(ENVIRONMENTS).map(k => ENVIRONMENTS[k]);
if (!(d.env instanceof Array)) {
(<any>d).env = [d.env];
return d.env.indexOf(env) >= 0;
* Returns the applications version as defined in the `package.json`.
* @return {number} The applications version.
function appVersion(): number | string {
var pkg = require('../../package.json');
return pkg.version;
* Returns the linting configuration to be used for `codelyzer`.
* @return {string[]} The list of linting rules.
function customRules(): string[] {
var lintConf = require('../../tslint.json');
return lintConf.rulesDirectory;
* Returns the environment of the application.
function getEnvironment() {
let base: string[] = argv['_'];
let prodKeyword = !!base.filter(o => o.indexOf(ENVIRONMENTS.PRODUCTION) >= 0).pop();
let env = (argv['env'] || '').toLowerCase();
if ((base && prodKeyword) || env === ENVIRONMENTS.PRODUCTION) {
} else {
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