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geekscrapy / lighthouse.json
Last active October 21, 2020 20:39
feye lighthouse openapi schema (e835ea422177e891cb04dba68f35659a)
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"x-zally-ignore": [
from visidata import *
def save_xlsx(vd, p, vs, *vsheets):
import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
for vs in vsheets or [vs]:
from visidata import *
option(name='delta_timedelta', default='days=1', helpstr='delta between date columns. This should be in the timedelta kwarg format such as days=1, or hours=3')
option(name='delta_nocase', default=True, helpstr='compare keycol strings ignoring case')
option(name='delta_round_timedelta', default=True, helpstr='draw a line where the time delta is rounded down. The delta will be rounded down')
option(name='delta_int', default=0, helpstr='delta between integers/floats for cpmparison')
option(name='delta_nKeyCols', default=-1, helpstr='number of keyColumns to compare. -1 is all')
theme('color_delta', 'underline', 'color of a row which is different to the one below')
# Copy data_dict = {"AAA": {"Instruction...
data_dict = {"AAA": {"Instruction...
def pretty(d, indent=0):
for key, value in d.items():
print('\t' * indent + str(key))
if isinstance(value, dict):
pretty(value, indent+1)
geekscrapy /
Created August 22, 2018 21:52
Retrieve language properties from a PE
import lief, os, sys
path = sys.argv[1]
fnames = os.listdir(path)
for f in fnames:
print('****** : {}{}'.format(path, f))
exebin = lief.parse(filepath=path+f)
geekscrapy /
Last active August 1, 2018 09:42
Deception difficulty algo - SIMPLE!!

IOC deception difficulty

Playing with the idea to feed into other attribution tools. Calulates the difficulty to deceive given an IOC type.

IOC type Overall difficulty Trivial (1) Medium (2) Hard (3)
IP 2 VPN hosting provider e.g. rentable IP space. Has many ports exposed Bastian host few ports exposed. Contained within a company which has few security function
# fields = ordered list of sorting fields
# obs = an iterator of objects where fields are present (fields MUST exist)
# order_desc = Sort descending(false)
# ignore_case = put field vales to lowercase, generates less overlap
# top_count = return the top X
def histo(fields, obs, order_desc=True, ignore_case=False, top_count=None):
master = []