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Created October 14, 2021 11:41
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Second Page - Simulate Android back button
import { Location } from '@angular/common';
import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { AlertController, Platform } from '@ionic/angular';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-second',
templateUrl: './',
styleUrls: ['./'],
export class SecondPage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
subscription: Subscription;
private alertCtrl: AlertController,
private platform: Platform,
private location: Location
) { }
ngOnDestroy() {
delete (window as any).simulateBackButton;
ngOnInit() {
this.subscription = this.platform.backButton.subscribe(async (value) => {
const dialog = await this.alertCtrl.create({
header: 'Confirmation',
message: 'Are you sure you want to exit?',
buttons: [
text: 'YES',
handler: () => {
console.log('pop this page');
text: 'NO',
role: 'cancel'
// let event = new Event('ionBackButton'); // it works but an exception is raised
let event = new CustomEvent('ionBackButton', {
detail: {
register: (priority, handler) => {
console.log({priority, handler});
(window as any).simulateBackButton = () => {
back() {
(window as any).simulateBackButton();
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