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Created April 27, 2021 13:26
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:global DDns do={
:local DDnsDomain "$DDnsSubDomain.<your-domain>";
:local DDnsApiURL "https://<account-id>.<region><your-service>/<your-function>/<your-secert-key>";
:local OldIP [/ip dns static get [find name="$DDnsDomain"] address];
:local NewIPTemp [/ip address get [find interface="$DDnsInterface"] address];
:local NewIP [:pick $NewIPTemp 0 ([:len $NewIPTemp]-3)];
:if ($NewIP != $OldIP) do={
:log info "interface $DDnsInterface ip address $OldIP changed to $NewIP";
/ip dns static set [find name="$DDnsDomain"] address=$NewIP
/tool fetch mode=https url="$DDnsApiURL/$DDnsSubDomain/$NewIP" keep-result=no
:do {
$DDns DDnsSubDomain="unicom-01" DDnsInterface="pppoe-unicom-1"
} on-error={ :put "unicom-01 ddns setup failed" };
:do {
$DDns DDnsSubDomain="unicom-02" DDnsInterface="pppoe-unicom-2"
} on-error={ :put "unicom-02 ddns setup failed" };
:do {
$DDns DDnsSubDomain="unicom-03" DDnsInterface="pppoe-unicom-3"
} on-error={ :put "unicom-03 ddns setup failed" };
:do {
$DDns DDnsSubDomain="unicom-04" DDnsInterface="pppoe-unicom-4"
} on-error={ :put "unicom-04 ddns setup failed" };
var Core = require('@alicloud/pop-core');
const client = new Core({
accessKeyId: '<your-access-key-id>',
accessKeySecret: '<your-access-key-secret>',
endpoint: '',
apiVersion: '2015-01-09'
function apiCall(action, params) {
return client.request(action, params, { method: 'POST' })
async function getRecordId(domain) {
const { DomainRecords } = await apiCall('DescribeSubDomainRecords', {
RegionId: "cn-hangzhou",
SubDomain: domain
const Record = DomainRecords.Record.filter((r) => r.Status === 'ENABLE' && r.Type === 'A')[0]
return Record && Record.RecordId
module.exports.handler = async function (req, resp) {
const [secretKey, subDomain, clientIP] = req.path.split('/').filter(i => i);
if (secretKey !== process.env.SECRET_KEY) return resp.send('ERROR');
const RecordId = await getRecordId(subDomain + '.<your-domain>')
const params = {
RegionId: "cn-hangzhou",
DomainName: "<your-primary-domain>",
RR: subDomain + '..<your-sub-domain>',
Type: "A",
Value: clientIP || req.clientIP
resp.send(JSON.stringify(await apiCall(RecordId ? 'UpdateDomainRecord' : 'AddDomainRecord', params)))
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