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Last active March 7, 2024 17:58
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Implement custom columns in lightning-datatable LWC
<!-- Embed custom datatable component in your parent component -->
* @File Name : app.js
* @Description : Parent most component where custom-datatable will be embedded.
* @Author : Akshay Poddar
* @Last Modified On : 29/6/2020, 8:02:44 pm
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
export default class App extends LightningElement {
//Sample hard-coded data to demonstrate how to structure (generate) data for custom columns
toggleExampleData = [
{Id: 1, isSelected: true, name: 'Google', website: ''},
{Id: 2, isSelected: false, name: 'Facebook', website: ''},
{Id: 3, isSelected: true, name: 'DevLife', website: ''},
{Id: 4, isSelected: false, name: 'Gmail', website: '', isDisabled: true}
//Sample hard-coded column data to demonstrate how to structure (generate) column data for custom columns
toggleExampleColumns = [
{ label: 'Custom Buttons', fieldName: 'isSelected', type: 'toggleButton',
typeAttributes: {
buttonDisabled: { fieldName: 'isDisabled' },
rowId: { fieldName: 'Id' },
{ label: 'Service', fieldName: 'name', iconName: 'custom:custom18' },
{ label: 'Website', fieldName: 'website', type: 'url', iconName: 'custom:custom20' },
//Handler for custom column interations - like handle what to do when toggle button is pressed
//Write your logic to handle button interations
<!--Leave this template blank - Contents will be rendered dynamically-->
* @File Name : customDatatable.js
* @Description : Common JS for all custom data type HTML templates, Contains
* logic to define custom data type and link with html template.
* @Author : Akshay Poddar
* @Last Modified On : 29/6/2020, 8:02:44 pm
import LightningDatatable from 'lightning/datatable';
import toggleButtonColumnTemplate from './toggleButtonColumnTemplate.html';
import richTextColumnTemplate from './richTextColumnTemplate.html';
import iconColumnTemplate from './iconColumnTemplate.html';
export default class CustomDatatable extends LightningDatatable {
static customTypes = {
toggleButton: {
template: toggleButtonColumnTemplate,
standardCellLayout: true,
typeAttributes: ['buttonDisabled', 'rowId'],
<!--HTML template which connect custom column component with custom datatable component-->
<!--Custom component which will be rendered as each cell in custom column in datatable-->
label="Basic option"
* @File Name : toggleButtonOutput.js
* @Description : JS file which contains attribute declaration for custom data type
* which can be used to customize columns even further. It also contains
* code to call custom event whenever button gets clicked (interation with
* column is to be defined).
* @Author : Akshay Poddar
* @Last Modified On : 29/6/2020, 8:02:44 pm
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class ToggleButtonOutput extends LightningElement {
@api checked = false;
@api buttonDisabled = false;
@api rowId;
handleToggle(event) {
const event = CustomEvent('selectedrec', {
composed: true,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
detail: {
value: { rowId: this.rowId, state: }
get getInactiveMsg(){
return this.buttonDisabled?'Disabled':'Not Selected';
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Hi @geekyakshay,

I found out the issue of why it is not console logging values inside the parent's handleSelectedRec method.

handleSelectedRec(event){ console.log('Customdatatableapp handleSelectedRec event.detail.value ='+event.detail.value.rowId); console.log('Customdatatableapp handleSelectedRec event.detail.value ='+event.detail.value.state); }

The dispatch event values has to be capture as below. Then it is working fine.

Thank you for your help and knowledge sharing @geekyakshay. This sharing helps me a lot to build my requirement quickly and easily.

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