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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Global traits, local components

The idea is to combine the best bit of global styling (reuse, small payload) and local styling (total isolation, first-class React syntax)

This is combined with the concept of traits: you can think of them as permitted property/value pairs. Instead of every component being able to have every CSS property available to it, you can reduce your permitted set to X font families, Y font-size + line-height pairs, Z foreground/background colour pairs, W padding amounts. This is based off my work using amcss on real projects — traits were the single key feature that kept me using AM.

The one-sentence explanation: A site defines a set of permitted visual features, all components are simply a combination of those features


@define-trait X establishes X as a type of trait. These include the above mentioned concepts: typography, colouring, spacing, layout, etc.

Any CSS inside a @define-trait :default block are shared by all users of that class. If a trait was button, this would be all the default styling for a button.

Any sub-rule under a trait indicates a trait variant. These get turned into classes, and components mix them in. E.g. the variant vertical of trait flex gets turned into the class .t-trait--vertical.


:local exports local to React, which is a set of classnames that include an auto-generated class-name for any one-off CSS if needed, plus any traits it includes. Using that in React is dead simple.

Inside a :local expression, a & block will allow arbitrary CSS to be written. That will be extracted into a one-off class.

Using traits inside a :local block should be the main way you include styles. The syntax is like pure css: trait: variant-a variant-b;.

@define-trait flex {
:default {
display: flex;
inline {
display: inline-flex;
vertical {
flex-direction: column;
wrap {
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-center {
align-items: center;
align-stretch {
align-items: stretch;
/* more flex-parent aliases */
@define-trait flex-child {
no-shrink {
flex-shrink: 0;
grow {
flex-grow: 1;
/* more flex-child aliases */
@define-trait colors {
default {
background-color: white;
color: hsl(240,7%,29%);
inverted {
background-color: hsl(240,7%,29%);
color: hsl(240,7%,99%);
recessed {
background-color: #eee;
color: black;
box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
/* more types of colour pairings */
/* more traits */
:outer {
flex: vertical align-stretch;
colors: default;
:header {
colors: inverted;
flex-child: no-shrink;
& {
height: 10vh;
min-height: 100px;
/* more one-off styles */
import Styles from './my_component.css!'
export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div className={Styles.outer}>
<header className={Styles.header}>
<!-- more header stuff -->
<!-- more stuff here too -->
/* from definitions.css */
.t-flex {
display: flex;
.t-flex--inline {
display: inline-flex;
.t-flex--vertical {
flex-direction: column;
.t-flex--wrap {
flex-wrap: wrap;
.t-flex--align-center {
align-items: center;
.t-flex--align-stretch {
align-items: stretch;
.t-flex-child {
.t-flex-child--no-shrink {
flex-shrink: 0;
.t-flex-child--grow {
flex-grow: 1;
.t-colors {
.t-colors--default {
background-color: white;
color: hsl(240,7%,29%);
.t-colors--inverted {
background-color: hsl(240,7%,29%);
color: hsl(240,7%,99%);
.t-colors--recessed {
background-color: #eee;
color: black;
box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
/* from my_component.css */
.my_component_18ab4f_head {
height: 10vh;
min-height: 100px;
<div class="t-flex t-flex--vertical t-flex--align-stretch">
<header class="t-colors t-colors--inverted t-flex-child--no-shrink my_component_18ab4f_head">
<!-- more header stuff -->
<!-- more stuff here too -->

Questions for you, esteemed internet friend

  • Is there a better prefix that t- for generated styles? Something better as a separator than --?
  • Is Webpack's local .local[className] syntax better than :className? I don't see much point in conflating the idea of class and export. :local means "this is a pseudo-selector, it will be compiled into something". .local[className] seems dumb to me...
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necolas commented May 21, 2015

Well, I suggested :local(className) would be preferable to the current syntax. But I'd prefer a solution where authoring is in JS, like this – – with CSS being part of the compiled output. Authoring styles in CSS is a vestige / habit, rather than something that's necessary to achieve the intended outcome.

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geelen commented May 21, 2015

Well, I think I'm working backwards from the one actually new idea here — exporting tokens from CSS to JS. I love the approach already in @sokra and @markdalgleish's work, but exporting only a single class from CSS to JS seems like a waste. I really like the idea of exporting atomic classes — if you treat classnames on elements as the compilation target of whatever fancy shit you're trying to do, you get decent semantics (the class names dont need to be obfuscated to begin with) and absolutely the best-possible performance. @necolas just sketched out a similar idea, going from JS to CSS instead.

So, the trait thing is orthogonal to the exporting thing, but in my head they go nicely together. So how about we come up with a standard for the exporting first, that both webpack and JSPM can build upon, and could be one day turned into a CSS spec proposal:


So, current css-loader syntax is simple:

/* input */
.local[className] {
  foo: bar;
  baz: 2rem;

/* output */
@export className .d4e5f6;
.d4e5f6 {
  foo: bar;
  baz: 2rem;

Same thing for postcss-local-scope:

/* input */
.className {
  foo: bar;
  baz: 2rem;

/* output */
@export className .d4e5f6;
.d4e5f6 {
  foo: bar;
  baz: 2rem;

My trait idea here ends up generating:

.t-flex {
  display: flex;
.t-flex--inline {
    display: inline-flex;
.t-flex--vertical {
    flex-direction: column;
/* etc... */

@export outer .t-flex.t-flex--vertical.t-flex--align-stretch;
@export header .t-colors.t-colors--inverted.t-flex-child--no-shrink.my_component_18ab4f_head;

.my_component_18ab4f_head {
  height: 10vh;
  min-height: 100px;
  /* more one-off styles */

A couple of my thoughts on the exact syntax:

  • I think it's better to export multiple classnames using native CSS syntax instead of introducing something new. So, exporting a single class should be .className not "className", and multiple classes should be .classOne.classTwo not "classOne classTwo". This means an additional transformation is required to consume this in React, but it's dead-simple.
  • @export rules should be able to anywhere at the top-level in the file (i.e. not nested, but not required to be the first statement in the file).
  • It's not important to try to replicate JS export syntax. This isn't JS.

If we agreed on a standard, it would make interop between Webpack, JSPM & Browserify easier, and let me do my Trait idea and let other people do their own multi-export ideas as PostCSS transforms.


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geelen commented May 21, 2015

Oh, and on clashing. Only :root, :not and :host can appear at the beginning of a CSS selector. :not is the odd one out, since it takes an argument, but the semantics of :root and :host are very similar to an exported token — what they match is dependent on context.

Maybe :: would be better, since they're pseudo-elements not pseudo-_selectors, though you'd then have to avoid ::selection and potentially ::backdrop

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