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Created September 19, 2018 16:05
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AWS STS Token update playbook for MFA
#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook -c local
# AWS STS token update playbook.
# Updating AWS session tokens with STS can be a pain. But MFA is good. So let's
# automate the management of the .aws/credentials file to make it not painful!
# Usage:
# 1. Save this to a file like /usr/local/bin/aws-sts-token
# 2. Make the file executable (chmod +x /usr/local/bin/aws-sts-token)
# 3. Run the command:
# ./aws-sts-token -e aws_userarn=ARN_FROM_IAM -e aws_profile=PROFILE -e aws_sts_profile=STS_PROFILE -e token_code=TOKEN
# Options:
# - ARN_FROM_IAM: Your AWS user account ARN, like "arn:aws:iam::241312619141:mfa/geerlingguy"
# - PROFILE: AWS credentials profile, like "personal"
# - STS_PROFILE: AWS credentials profile for STS, like "default"
# - TOKEN: One-time token from your MFA device
# For even more awesome, add to your bash .profile:
# # AWS STS Token.
# function awssts() {
# if [[ ! "$1" ]] ; then
# echo "You must supply a token code."
# return 0
# fi
# aws-sts-token -e aws_userarn=ARN_FROM_IAM -e aws_profile=PROFILE -e aws_sts_profile=STS_PROFILE -e token_code=$1
# return 0
# }
# Then you can just run `awssts TOKEN` and it will update your profile.
- hosts: localhost
become: no
gather_facts: no
aws_userarn: ''
aws_profile: ''
aws_sts_profile: ''
token_code: ''
- name: Get STS session token.
command: aws sts get-session-token --serial-number {{ aws_userarn }} --profile {{ aws_profile }} --token-code {{ token_code }}
register: sts_session_creds
- debug: var=(sts_session_creds.stdout|from_json)
- name: Print session token.
secret_access_key: "{{ (sts_session_creds.stdout|from_json)['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey'] }}"
session_token: "{{ (sts_session_creds.stdout|from_json)['Credentials']['SessionToken'] }}"
access_key_id: "{{ (sts_session_creds.stdout|from_json)['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'] }}"
expiration: "{{ (sts_session_creds.stdout|from_json)['Credentials']['Expiration'] }}"
- name: Print token expiration date
msg: "Token expires at {{ expiration }}"
- name: Print all the credentials for debug (only with -vv).
var: "{{ item }}"
verbosity: 2
- access_key_id
- secret_access_key
- session_token
- name: Update credentials in .aws/credentials file.
path: ~/.aws/credentials
marker: "# ANSIBLE MANAGED PROFILE: {{ aws_sts_profile }} {mark}"
insertafter: EOF
backup: yes
block: |
[{{ aws_sts_profile }}]
aws_access_key_id={{ access_key_id }}
aws_secret_access_key={{ secret_access_key }}
aws_session_token={{ session_token }}
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