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Last active December 23, 2024 14:02
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Raspberry Pi CPU temperature and throttling test script
# Raspberry Pi stress CPU temperature measurement script.
# Download this script (e.g. with wget) and give it execute permissions (chmod +x).
# Then run it with ./
# NOTE: In recent years, I've switched to using s-tui. See:
# Variables.
# Verify stress-ng is installed.
if ! [ -x "$(command -v stress-ng)" ]; then
printf "Error: stress-ng not installed.\n"
printf "To install: sudo apt install -y stress-ng\n" >&2
exit 1
printf "Logging temperature and throttling data to: $test_results_file\n"
# Start logging temperature data in the background.
while /bin/true; do
line=$(date | tr '\n' '\t')
line+=$(vcgencmd measure_temp | tr -d "temp=" | tr -d "'C" | tr '\n' '\t')
line+=$(vcgencmd get_throttled | tr -d "throttled=" | tr '\n' '\t')
line+=$(vcgencmd measure_clock arm | sed 's/^.*=//')
echo $line
echo $line >> $test_results_file
sleep 5
done &
# Store the logging pid.
# Stop the logging loop if script is interrupted or when it ends.
trap "kill $PROC_ID" EXIT
# After 5 minutes, run stress.
printf "Waiting 5 minutes for stable idle temperature...\n"
printf "Date °C Status CPU Clock\n"
sleep 300
printf "Beginning $stress_length stress test...\n"
stress-ng -c 4 --timeout $stress_length
# Keep logging for 5 more minutes.
printf "Waiting 5 minutes to return to idle temperature...\n"
sleep 300
printf "Test complete.\n"
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pyro12 commented Jul 31, 2021

@geerlingguy - Nope. I ran

while true 
vcgencmd measure_temp | tr -d "temp=" | tr -d "'C" | tr '\n' '\t'
echo temp=$((`cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp`/1000)).0\'C
sleep 10

via SSH and tried various uses of stress-ng and glxgears and the biggest difference I saw was 1.4 C. A curiousity, but I don't think relevant...

Thanks for helping me understand!

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Weird! I'm surprised there would be that much of a difference. And now I'm wondering if there are multiple temperature sensors in the SoC :)

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yoyojacky commented Nov 10, 2023

I am using following script to record temperature :

from  gpiozero import CPUTemperature
from time import sleep, strftime, time

cpu = CPUTemperature()
count=1200      # 20 minutes
with open("/home/pi/temp_log.csv", "a") as  log:
    while True:
        temp = cpu.temperature
         log.write("{0},{1}".format(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), str(temp)))
         count -= 1
         if count == 0:

and using sysbench in a loop:

while true; 
     sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --threads=4 run 
     sleep 0.1

and it works fine.

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yoyojacky commented Nov 10, 2023


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Question: how did you generated the images from the logging data? Is there any nice script for that?

maybe it can be plot by using matplotlib library.

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willipi72 commented Jun 12, 2024

For those like me that absolutely are newbies with Linux and Pi, this is the command to download the latest version of this file from the CLI:

curl -L -o _filename.extension_

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I updated the script today to output the lines to screen before they're written to the file (helps to also see if the Pi locked up since it will stop printing data). lmk if you'd like that to be a flag so it can be disabled (like -q for quiet).

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