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Created August 10, 2023 19:54
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Posting something to Bluesky in PHP

Posting to Bluesky in PHP

Small example how to post something to Bluesky using PHP.

This example is based on the library cjrasmussen/bluesky-api.

composer require cjrasmussen/bluesky-api

This is the result of the snippet below:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use cjrasmussen\BlueskyApi\BlueskyApi;
// full handle without the @-sign:
$handle = '';
// retrieve app password here:
$app_password = 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx';
$bluesky = new BlueskyApi($handle, $app_password);
// Post a message
$args = [
'collection' => '',
'repo' => $bluesky->getAccountDid(),
'record' => [
// The actual text of the post
'text' => 'This is a test message! With a link!',
// The facets below are optional, but you need them to create a link in your message
'facets' => [
"index" => [
"byteStart" => 30, // where the link should start. Character 30 here is from 'a link'
"byteEnd" => 36, // and where the link should end - just before the exclamation mark.
"features" => [
'$type' => "app.bsky.richtext.facet#link",
'uri' => '', // URL to link to
'langs' => ['en'], // language (English here)
'createdAt' => date('c'), // just the current timestamp
'$type' => '',
// Actually post it to Bluesky
$data = $bluesky->request('POST', 'com.atproto.repo.createRecord', $args);
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