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Geetika Batra geetikabatra

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# Pridhi Outreachy
Send this to Máirín Duffy
"Máirín Duffy" <>
Hi Máirín
geetikabatra / gist:cec4fe43d9342c44e2fd99256d664b65
Created May 23, 2020 08:00
QA for Podcast: Nimisha Mukherjee
Ques 1) In Corporate, people have mixed opinions about the general behavior of a person. Some people like energy and a happy culture.
Some like it to be a strict culture, where a senior person's opinion is the ultimate decision. When I met you, I found you filled with super energy, a magnetic personality combined with humility. What is the secret of this magnetism?
I would like to ask you what made you a charming personality. Who were the major influencers in your life?
Ques 2) I see that you are very ambitious, what do you think is your purpose in life?
Ques 3) What do you want people to remember you as? What do you want your kids to feel about you?
Ques 4) When you began in Software Industry, I am sure you must have a version of it when you started, and then it must have changed as you advanced yourself. So what were those things made you feel like "Wait! the corporate works like this, doing this would help."
geetikabatra /
Created January 24, 2019 13:44
#!/bin/bash -e
here=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
#Check for configuration file
if ! [ -f "${here}/" ]
echo '`` configuration file is missing.
geetikabatra /
Created January 24, 2019 13:20
# (Required)
# Your Openshift username
export OC_USERNAME='not-set'
# Your Openshift password
export OC_PASSWD='not-set'
# Export Openshift token
export OC_TOKEN='not-set'
# Export Openshift project name
export OC_PROJECT='not-set'
geetikabatra /
Created January 24, 2019 13:15
# This is a deployment configuration template with default values used to configure dev deployment of fabric8-analytics.
# It is recommended to copy this file and then modify it:
# $ cp
# (Required) Dev cluster
# Your dev cluster username
export OC_USERNAME='not-set'
# Your dev cluster password
export OC_PASSWD='not-set'
geetikabatra /
Created January 24, 2019 06:22
function is_set_or_fail() {
local name=$1
local value=$2
if [ ! -v value ] || [ "${value}" == "not-set" ]; then
echo "You have to set $name" >&2
exit 1
{'npm:media-typer:0.3.0', 'npm:array-flatten:1.1.1', 'npm:vary:1.1.2', 'npm:range-parser:1.2.0', 'npm:on-finished:2.3.0', 'npm:setprototypeof:1.0.2', 'npm:unpipe:1.0.0', 'npm:debug:2.2.0', 'npm:send:0.14.2', 'npm:inherits:2.0.3', 'npm:ipaddr.js:1.4.0', 'npm:methods:1.1.2', 'npm:ms:0.7.1', 'npm:encodeurl:1.0.2', 'npm:statuses:1.3.1', 'npm:depd:1.1.2', 'npm:escape-html:1.0.3', 'npm:path-to-regexp:0.1.7', 'npm:cookie-signature:1.0.6', 'npm:qs:6.2.0', 'npm:merge-descriptors:1.0.1', 'npm:parseurl:1.3.2', 'npm:content-type:1.0.4', 'npm:utils-merge:1.0.0', 'npm:destroy:1.0.4', 'npm:fresh:0.3.0', 'npm:ee-first:1.1.1', 'npm:forwarded:0.1.2', 'npm:etag:1.7.0', 'npm:content-disposition:0.5.2', 'npm:mime-types:2.1.21', 'npm:mime-db:1.37.0', 'npm:ms:0.7.2', 'npm:cookie:0.3.1', 'npm:negotiator:0.6.1', 'npm:mime:1.3.4'}
When I delete all pods for the service f8a-server-backbone # features/steps/ 2.198ss "f8a-server-backbone" not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/gbatra/fabric8/fabric8-analytics-common/integration-tests/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/behave/", line 1456, in run
File "/Users/gbatra/fabric8/fabric8-analytics-common/integration-tests/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/behave/", line 1903, in run
self.func(context, *args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/gbatra/fabric8/fabric8-analytics-common/integration-tests/features/steps/", line 91, in oc_delete_selected_pods
File "/Users/gbatra/fabric8/fabric8-analytics-common/integration-tests/features/src/", line 87, in oc_delete_pods
geetikabatra / feature list
Created April 17, 2018 18:34
# Order of the features in this file is significant, so shuffle them carefully.
geetikabatra / oclogs
Last active April 17, 2018 18:30
oc logs
1m 1m 1 bayesian-data-importer-2-9fxz6 Pod spec.containers{bayesian-data-importer} Normal Pulling kubelet, pulling image ""
58s 58s 1 bayesian-data-importer-2-9fxz6 Pod spec.containers{bayesian-data-importer} Normal Pulled kubelet, Successfully pulled image ""
Geetikas-MBP:f8a_version_comparator gbatra$ oc get events | grep data-importer
3m 3m 1 bayesian-data-importer-2-9fxz6 Pod Normal Scheduled default-scheduler Successfully assigned bayesian-data-importer-2-9fxz6 to
3m 3m 1 bayesian-data-importer-2-9fxz6 Pod