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Created November 24, 2016 16:47
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# Solving as MDP using Value Iteration Algorithm
import gym
import numpy as np
def iterate_value_function(v_inp, gamma, env):
ret = np.zeros(env.nS)
for sid in range(env.nS):
temp_v = np.zeros(env.nA)
for action in range(env.nA):
for (prob, dst_state, reward, is_final) in env.P[sid][action]:
temp_v[action] += prob*(reward + gamma*v_inp[dst_state]*(not is_final))
ret[sid] = max(temp_v)
return ret
def build_greedy_policy(v_inp, gamma, env):
new_policy = np.zeros(env.nS)
for state_id in range(env.nS):
profits = np.zeros(env.nA)
for action in range(env.nA):
for (prob, dst_state, reward, is_final) in env.P[state_id][action]:
profits[action] += prob*(reward + gamma*v[dst_state])
new_policy[state_id] = np.argmax(profits)
return new_policy
env = gym.make('Taxi-v1')
gamma = 0.999999
cum_reward = 0
n_rounds = 500
env.monitor.start('/tmp/taxi-vi', force=True)
for t_rounds in range(n_rounds):
# init env and value function
observation = env.reset()
v = np.zeros(env.nS)
# solve MDP
for _ in range(100):
v_old = v.copy()
v = iterate_value_function(v, gamma, env)
if np.all(v == v_old):
policy = build_greedy_policy(v, gamma, env).astype(
# apply policy
for t in range(1000):
action = policy[observation]
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
cum_reward += reward
if done:
if t_rounds % 50 == 0 and t_rounds > 0:
print(cum_reward * 1.0 / (t_rounds + 1))
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dc2032 commented May 9, 2023

Recently I purchased the book "Deep Reinforcement Learning" by Aske Plaat. He uses your code to illustrate how value iteration works. However, when I try to run it, I get the error messages 'TaxiEnv' object has no attribute nS and nA. I've been through the gym documentation, and various forums and can find no reference to these values. Can you tell me what they represent so I can put them into the code to get it working? Thanks.

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Bruzie987 commented May 23, 2023

The code provided above is outdated. Replace env.nS with env.observation_space.n and env.nA with env.action_space.n. Use the code from the book.

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dc2032 commented May 23, 2023

Thanks, I'll give that a try.

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Taresin commented Feb 26, 2024

I also found this through the textbook. Sorry I'm a year late. Just started reading the book.

Here's my updated code to work with the Gymnasium library:

Hoping that this might help others.

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