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Created February 4, 2011 01:51
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Save gegere/810614 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is used to properly stored multiple session objects to the database. This code was enhanced a little from the PHP5 Advanced Book
// Define the open_session() function:
// This function takes no arguments.
// This function should open the database connection.
function open_session() {
global $dbconn;
// Connect to the database.
$dbconn = mysqli_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME) OR die ('Cannot connect to the database.');
return true;
} // End of open_session() function.
// Define the close_session() function:
// This function takes no arguments.
// This function closes the database connection.
function close_session() {
global $dbconn;
return mysqli_close($dbconn);
} // End of close_session() function.
// Define the read_session() function:
// This function takes one argument: the session ID.
// This function retrieves the session data.
function read_session($sid) {
global $dbconn, $session_table;
// Query the database:
$q = sprintf('SELECT `data` FROM '.$session_table.' WHERE id="%s"', mysqli_real_escape_string($dbconn, $sid));
$r = mysqli_query($dbconn, $q);
// Retrieve the results:
if (mysqli_num_rows($r) == 1) {
list($data) = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_NUM);
// Return the data:
return stripslashes($data);
} else { // Return an empty string.
return '';
} // End of read_session() function.
// Define the write_session() function:
// This function takes two arguments:
// the session ID and the session data.
function write_session($sid, $data) {
global $dbconn, $session_table;
// Store in the database:
$q = sprintf('REPLACE INTO '.$session_table.' (id, data) VALUES ("%s", "%s")', mysqli_real_escape_string($dbconn, $sid), mysqli_real_escape_string($dbconn, addslashes($data)));
$r = mysqli_query($dbconn, $q);
return mysqli_affected_rows($dbconn);
} // End of write_session() function.
// Define the destroy_session() function:
// This function takes one argument: the session ID.
function destroy_session($sid) {
global $dbconn, $session_table;
// Delete from the database:
$q = sprintf('DELETE FROM '.$session_table.' WHERE id="%s"', mysqli_real_escape_string($dbconn, $sid));
$r = mysqli_query($dbconn, $q);
// Clear the $_SESSION array:
$_SESSION = array();
return mysqli_affected_rows($dbconn);
} // End of destroy_session() function.
// Define the clean_session() function:
// This function takes one argument: a value in seconds.
function clean_session($expire) {
global $dbconn, $session_table;
// Delete old '.$session_table.':
$q = sprintf('DELETE FROM '.$session_table.' WHERE DATE_ADD(last_accessed, INTERVAL %d SECOND) < NOW()', (int) $expire);
$r = mysqli_query($dbconn, $q);
return mysqli_affected_rows($dbconn);
} // End of clean_session() function.
function process_HG_sessions() {
// Declare the functions to use:
session_set_save_handler('open_session', 'close_session', 'read_session', 'write_session', 'destroy_session', 'clean_session');
// Make whatever other changes to the session settings.
/** Begin session */
function save_HG_sessions() {
global $comment, $plugin_dir, $User, $order, $comment, $register, $cart, $Products;
// Save sessions that might be needed to process and session form field data. Other sessions
// and classes are saved in the processing files located in the /wp-content/plugins/
// Processing files are typically what forms post to.
// You will need to add an object to this file if a process script needs to save a session.
// If a object is not listed below the posted data will not be saved in the PHP session database.
// The order of these objects matter. The irst object listed will be the first to be saved in the
// session table. An update to this session logging would be to loop the data and store all objeects.
/** Call save functions */
if (is_object($cart)) $cart->save_cart();
/** Serialize and save the shopping cart */
if (is_object($cart)) {$_SESSION["cart"] = serialize($cart);}
/** Serialize Security Object */
//if (is_object($Security)) {$_SESSION["Security"] = serialize($Security);}
/** Serialize User Object */
if (is_object($User)) {$_SESSION["eUser"] = serialize($User);}
/** Serialize Register Object */
if (is_object($register)) {$_SESSION["Register"] = serialize($register);}
/** Serialize and save the order information */
if (is_object($order)) {$_SESSION["Order"] = serialize($order);}
/** ------------------ */
session_write_close(); // Close the DB data storage session
/** ------------------ */
# ************************************ #
# ************************************ #
function save_HG_sessions() {
/** ------------------ */
session_write_close(); // Close the DB data storage session
/** ------------------ */
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