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Created January 31, 2019 22:51
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pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
/// @title GeneScience implements the trait calculation for new kitties
/// @author Axiom Zen, Dieter Shirley <> (, Fabiano P. Soriani <> (, Jordan Schalm <> (
contract GeneScience {
bool public isGeneScience = true;
uint256 internal constant maskLast8Bits = uint256(0xff);
uint256 internal constant maskFirst248Bits = uint256(~0xff);
function GeneScience() public {}
/// @dev given a characteristic and 2 genes (unsorted) - returns > 0 if the genes ascended, that's the value
/// @param trait1 any trait of that characteristic
/// @param trait2 any trait of that characteristic
/// @param rand is expected to be a 3 bits number (0~7)
/// @return -1 if didnt match any ascention, OR a number from 0 to 30 for the ascended trait
function _ascend(uint8 trait1, uint8 trait2, uint256 rand) internal pure returns(uint8 ascension) {
ascension = 0;
uint8 smallT = trait1;
uint8 bigT = trait2;
if (smallT > bigT) {
bigT = trait1;
smallT = trait2;
if ((bigT - smallT == 1) && smallT % 2 == 0) {
// The rand argument is expected to be a random number 0-7.
// 1st and 2nd tier: 1/4 chance (rand is 0 or 1)
// 3rd and 4th tier: 1/8 chance (rand is 0)
// must be at least this much to ascend
uint256 maxRand;
if (smallT < 23) maxRand = 1;
else maxRand = 0;
if (rand <= maxRand ) {
ascension = (smallT / 2) + 16;
/// @dev given a number get a slice of any bits, at certain offset
/// @param _n a number to be sliced
/// @param _nbits how many bits long is the new number
/// @param _offset how many bits to skip
function _sliceNumber(uint256 _n, uint256 _nbits, uint256 _offset) private pure returns (uint256) {
// mask is made by shifting left an offset number of times
uint256 mask = uint256((2**_nbits) - 1) << _offset;
// AND n with mask, and trim to max of _nbits bits
return uint256((_n & mask) >> _offset);
/// @dev Get a 5 bit slice from an input as a number
/// @param _input bits, encoded as uint
/// @param _slot from 0 to 50
function _get5Bits(uint256 _input, uint256 _slot) internal pure returns(uint8) {
return uint8(_sliceNumber(_input, uint256(5), _slot * 5));
/// @dev Parse a kitten gene and returns all of 12 "trait stack" that makes the characteristics
/// @param _genes kitten gene
/// @return the 48 traits that composes the genetic code, logically divided in stacks of 4, where only the first trait of each stack may express
function decode(uint256 _genes) public pure returns(uint8[]) {
uint8[] memory traits = new uint8[](48);
uint256 i;
for(i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
traits[i] = _get5Bits(_genes, i);
return traits;
/// @dev Given an array of traits return the number that represent genes
function encode(uint8[] _traits) public pure returns (uint256 _genes) {
_genes = 0;
for(uint256 i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
_genes = _genes << 5;
// bitwise OR trait with _genes
_genes = _genes | _traits[47 - i];
return _genes;
/// @dev return the expressing traits
/// @param _genes the long number expressing cat genes
function expressingTraits(uint256 _genes) public pure returns(uint8[12]) {
uint8[12] memory express;
for(uint256 i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
express[i] = _get5Bits(_genes, i * 4);
return express;
/// @dev the function as defined in the breeding contract - as defined in CK bible
function mixGenes(uint256 _genes1, uint256 _genes2, uint256 _targetBlock) public returns (uint256) {
require(block.number > _targetBlock);
// Try to grab the hash of the "target block". This should be available the vast
// majority of the time (it will only fail if no-one calls giveBirth() within 256
// blocks of the target block, which is about 40 minutes. Since anyone can call
// giveBirth() and they are rewarded with ether if it succeeds, this is quite unlikely.)
uint256 randomN = uint256(block.blockhash(_targetBlock));
if (randomN == 0) {
// We don't want to completely bail if the target block is no-longer available,
// nor do we want to just use the current block's hash (since it could allow a
// caller to game the random result). Compute the most recent block that has the
// the same value modulo 256 as the target block. The hash for this block will
// still be available, and – while it can still change as time passes – it will
// only change every 40 minutes. Again, someone is very likely to jump in with
// the giveBirth() call before it can cycle too many times.
_targetBlock = (block.number & maskFirst248Bits) + (_targetBlock & maskLast8Bits);
// The computation above could result in a block LARGER than the current block,
// if so, subtract 256.
if (_targetBlock >= block.number) _targetBlock -= 256;
randomN = uint256(block.blockhash(_targetBlock));
// assert(block.number != _targetBlock);
// assert((block.number - _targetBlock) <= 256);
// assert(randomN != 0);
// generate 256 bits of random, using as much entropy as we can from
// sources that can't change between calls.
randomN = uint256(keccak256(randomN, _genes1, _genes2, _targetBlock));
uint256 randomIndex = 0;
uint8[] memory genes1Array = decode(_genes1);
uint8[] memory genes2Array = decode(_genes2);
// All traits that will belong to baby
uint8[] memory babyArray = new uint8[](48);
// A pointer to the trait we are dealing with currently
uint256 traitPos;
// Trait swap value holder
uint8 swap;
// iterate all 12 characteristics
for(uint256 i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
// pick 4 traits for characteristic i
uint256 j;
// store the current random value
uint256 rand;
for(j = 3; j >= 1; j--) {
traitPos = (i * 4) + j;
rand = _sliceNumber(randomN, 2, randomIndex); // 0~3
randomIndex += 2;
// 1/4 of a chance of gene swapping forward towards expressing.
if (rand == 0) {
// do it for parent 1
swap = genes1Array[traitPos];
genes1Array[traitPos] = genes1Array[traitPos - 1];
genes1Array[traitPos - 1] = swap;
rand = _sliceNumber(randomN, 2, randomIndex); // 0~3
randomIndex += 2;
if (rand == 0) {
// do it for parent 2
swap = genes2Array[traitPos];
genes2Array[traitPos] = genes2Array[traitPos - 1];
genes2Array[traitPos - 1] = swap;
// DEBUG ONLY - We should have used 72 2-bit slices above for the swapping
// which will have consumed 144 bits.
// assert(randomIndex == 144);
// We have 256 - 144 = 112 bits of randomness left at this point. We will use up to
// four bits for the first slot of each trait (three for the possible ascension, one
// to pick between mom and dad if the ascension fails, for a total of 48 bits. The other
// traits use one bit to pick between parents (36 gene pairs, 36 genes), leaving us
// well within our entropy budget.
// done shuffling parent genes, now let's decide on choosing trait and if ascending.
// NOTE: Ascensions ONLY happen in the "top slot" of each characteristic. This saves
// gas and also ensures ascensions only happen when they're visible.
for(traitPos = 0; traitPos < 48; traitPos++) {
// See if this trait pair should ascend
uint8 ascendedTrait = 0;
// There are two checks here. The first is straightforward, only the trait
// in the first slot can ascend. The first slot is zero mod 4.
// The second check is more subtle: Only values that are one apart can ascend,
// which is what we check inside the _ascend method. However, this simple mask
// and compare is very cheap (9 gas) and will filter out about half of the
// non-ascending pairs without a function call.
// The comparison itself just checks that one value is even, and the other
// is odd.
if ((traitPos % 4 == 0) && (genes1Array[traitPos] & 1) != (genes2Array[traitPos] & 1)) {
rand = _sliceNumber(randomN, 3, randomIndex);
randomIndex += 3;
ascendedTrait = _ascend(genes1Array[traitPos], genes2Array[traitPos], rand);
if (ascendedTrait > 0) {
babyArray[traitPos] = uint8(ascendedTrait);
} else {
// did not ascend, pick one of the parent's traits for the baby
// We use the top bit of rand for this (the bottom three bits were used
// to check for the ascension itself).
rand = _sliceNumber(randomN, 1, randomIndex);
randomIndex += 1;
if (rand == 0) {
babyArray[traitPos] = uint8(genes1Array[traitPos]);
} else {
babyArray[traitPos] = uint8(genes2Array[traitPos]);
return encode(babyArray);
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