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Created March 9, 2015 17:27
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#-*- coding: latin-1 -*-
"""This module contains pure Python implementations of the
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for data fitting.
import numpy
from numpy import inner, max, diag, eye, Inf, dot
from numpy.linalg import norm, solve
import time
def gauss1d(pars, x, v0 = 0):
"""calculate 1d gaussian.
@return: difference of 1d gaussian and reference (data) values
@param pars: parameters of gaussian. see source.
@param x: x values
@param v0: reference value
A, m, s, offs = pars[0:4]
v = A*numpy.exp(- (x-m)**2 / (2*s**2)) + offs
return v-v0
def Dgauss1d(pars, x, v=0):
calculated Jacobian matrix for 1d gauss
A, m, s, offs = pars[0:4]
f = A*numpy.exp( - (x-m)**2 / (2*s**2))
J = numpy.empty(shape = (4,)+x.shape, dtype = numpy.float_)
J[0] = 1.0/A * f
J[1] = f*(x-m)/s**2
J[2] = f*(x-m)**2/s**3
J[3] = 1
return J
def fJ(pars, x, y = 0):
"Calculation of function and Jacobian for one-dimensional Gaussian."
A, m, s, offs = pars[0:4]
f = A*numpy.exp( - (x-m)**2 / (2*s**2))
if 1:
J = numpy.empty(shape = (4,)+x.shape, dtype = numpy.float_)
J[0] = 1.0/A * f
J[1] = f*(x-m)/s**2
J[2] = f*(x-m)**2/s**3
J[3] = 1
return f + (offs - y), J
return f + (offs - y)
def rF(pars, x):
"""calculate all f_i and df_i/dp_j"""
m, s = pars
#F: function in parts which are then linearly combined to yield total function
F = numpy.empty(shape = (2,) + x.shape)
F[0] = numpy.exp( - (x-m)**2 / (2*s**2))
F[1] = 1
Fd = numpy.empty(shape = (2,) + F.shape)
##Ableitungen nach nichtlinearen Parametern
#Fd[0]: Ableitungen der F[i] nach m
Fd[0][0] = F[0] * (x-m)/(s**2)
Fd[0][1] = 0
Fd[1][0] = F[0] * (x-m)**2/(s**3)
Fd[1][1] = 0
return F, Fd
def fJr(pars, x, y = 0, calcJ = True):
calculate f and J for reduced system (only nonlinear parameters)
F, Fd = rF(pars, x)
#calculate linear Parameters
FtF = inner(F, F)
Fty = inner(F, y)
c = solve(FtF, Fty)
#calculate residuum
r = dot(c, F) - y
if not calcJ:
return r, c, F
##calculate complete Jacobian
cd = numpy.empty(shape = (len(pars),) + c.shape)
Jr = numpy.empty(shape = (len(pars),) + x.shape)
for j in range(len(pars)):
cd[j] = solve(FtF, inner(Fd[j], r) - inner(F, dot(c, Fd[j])))
Jr[j] = dot(c, Fd[j]) + dot(cd[j], F)
return r, Jr
def fitparerror(fitpar, J, res):
fitpar: fit parameters
J: Jacobi matrix
r: residuum
import scipy.stats
alpha = 0.05 #confidence level 95% for alpha = 0.05, 2sigma confidence limit
N = max(J.shape) #number of points
m = len(fitpar) #number of parameters
rnorm = sum(res*res) #norm residuum
sigma = numpy.sqrt(rnorm/(N - m)) # estimated standard deviation
#R = numpy.linalg.qr(numpy.transpose(J), mode='r') # %QR Zerlegung
#Rinv = numpy.linalg.inv(R) #R\eye(size(R));
#diagonale = numpy.sum((Rinv*Rinv),1) #diagonal entries of inv(R^T R)
diagonale = numpy.diagonal( numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.inner(J,J)))
parerr = numpy.sqrt(diagonale) * sigma * scipy.stats.t.ppf(1-alpha/2, N-m);
parerrrel = parerr/fitpar #relative error
return parerr, sigma
def LM(fun, pars, args,
tau = 1e-2, eps1 = 1e-6, eps2 = 1e-6, kmax = 20,
verbose = False,
full_output = False):
"""Implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm in pure
Python. Solves the normal equations."""
p = pars
f, J = fun(p, *args)
A = inner(J,J)
g = inner(J,f)
I = eye(len(p))
k = 0; nu = 2
mu = tau * max(diag(A))
stop = norm(g, Inf) < eps1
while not stop and k < kmax:
k += 1
d = solve( A + mu*I, -g)
except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
print "Singular matrix encountered in LM"
stop = True
reason = 'singular matrix'
if norm(d) < eps2*(norm(p) + eps2):
stop = True
reason = 'small step'
pnew = p + d
fnew, Jnew = fun(pnew, *args)
#rho = (norm(f) - norm(fnew))/inner(d, mu*d - g) # /2????
rho = (norm(f)**2 - norm(fnew)**2)/inner(d, mu*d - g)
if rho > 0:
p = pnew
A = inner(Jnew, Jnew)
g = inner(Jnew, fnew)
f = fnew
J = Jnew
if (norm(g, Inf) < eps1): # or norm(fnew) < eps3):
stop = True
reason = "small gradient"
mu = mu * max([1.0/3, 1.0 - (2*rho - 1)**3])
nu = 2.0
mu = mu * nu
nu = 2*nu
if verbose:
print "step %2d: |f|: %9.6g mu: %8.3g rho: %8.3g"%(k, norm(f), mu, rho)
reason = "max iter reached"
if verbose:
print reason
if not full_output:
return p
return p, J, f #fitparerror(p, J, f)
def LMqr(fun, pars, args,
tau = 1e-3, eps1 = 1e-8, eps2 = 1e-8, kmax = 100,
verbose = False):
from scipy.linalg import lstsq
import scipy.linalg
"""Implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm in pure
Python. Instead of using the normal equations this version uses QR
factorization for enhanced accuracy. Significantly slower (factor
p = pars
f, J = fun(p, *args)
A = inner(J,J)
g = inner(J,f)
I = eye(len(p))
k = 0; nu = 2
mu = tau * max(diag(A))
stop = norm(g, Inf) < eps1
while not stop and k < kmax:
k += 1
if verbose:
print "step %d: |f|: %9.3g mu: %g"%(k, norm(f), mu)
tic = time.time()
A = inner(J, J)
g = inner(J, f)
d = solve( A + mu*I, -g)
print 'XX', d, time.time() - tic
des = numpy.hstack((-f, numpy.zeros((len(p),))))
Des = numpy.vstack((numpy.transpose(J),
tic = time.time()
d0, resids, rank, s = lstsq(Des, des)
print 'd0', d0, time.time() - tic
tic = time.time()
#q, r = scipy.linalg.qr(Des, econ = True, mode = 'qr')
#d4 = solve(r, inner(numpy.transpose(q), des))
r = scipy.linalg.qr(Des, econ = True, mode = 'r')
d4 = scipy.linalg.cho_solve( (r, False), -inner(J, f))
print 'd4', d4, time.time() - tic
tic = time.time()
q, r = scipy.linalg.qr(numpy.transpose(J), econ = True, mode = 'qr')
d3 = solve( r + mu*numpy.linalg.inv(r.transpose()), -inner(numpy.transpose(q),f))
#d3 = scipy.linalg.cho_solve( (r + mu*numpy.linalg.inv(r.transpose()), False),
# -inner(numpy.transpose(q),f))
print 'd3', d3, time.time() - tic
print d - d0
print d3 - d0
print d4 - d0
if norm(d) < eps2*(norm(p) + eps2):
stop = True
reason = 'small step'
pnew = p + d
fnew, Jnew = fun(pnew, *args)
rho = (norm(f) - norm(fnew))/inner(d, mu*d - g) # /2????
if rho > 0:
p = pnew
#A = inner(Jnew, Jnew)
#g = inner(Jnew, fnew)
f = fnew
J = Jnew
if (norm(g, Inf) < eps1): # or norm(fnew) < eps3):
stop = True
reason = "small gradient"
mu = mu * max(1.0/3, 1 - (2*rho - 1)**3)
nu = 2
mu = mu * nu
nu = 2*nu
reason = "max iter reached"
if verbose:
print reason
return p
def testLM():
# A m s offs
pars = [1, 0.1, 1, 0.5]
x = numpy.linspace(-3,3,1001)
y = gauss1d(pars, x)
#y+= numpy.random.randn(len(x))
# A m s offs
startpars = [1*2, 0.5, 2, 0.5]
return LM(fJ, startpars, (x, y), verbose = True, tau = 1e-4)
def testfLMs():
x = numpy.linspace(-3,3,1001)
# A m s offs
pars = [1, 0.1, 1, 0.5]
y = gauss1d(pars, x)
# m s
startpar = [0.5, 2]
#f,c,F = fJl(startpar, x, y, calcJ = False)
#f,J = fJl(startpar, x, y, calcJ = True)
#print "c: ", c
#print "f: ", f
#print "F: ", F
#print "J: ", J
p = LM(fJr, startpar, (x, y), verbose = True, tau = 1e-4)
print p
def testLMqr():
pars = [1, 0.1, 1, 0.5]
x = numpy.linspace(-5,5,1000001)
y = gauss1d(pars, x) # + numpy.random.randn(len(x))
pars2 = [1.1, 0.15, 1.3, 0.2]
return LMqr(fJ, pars2, (x, y), verbose = True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print testLM()
#print '-'*40
#print testLMqr()
print testfLMs()
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