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Created June 5, 2021 22:58
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Python script to find duplicate files in directory and it's child directories
from rich import print
import pathlib
import hashlib
import pprint
# Simple script to hash a diretory and it's subdirectories to see if there are any dupes
# Here's an example awk to take the output report and get the first match in each of the duplicate files found
# awk '/hash matched/ { getline ; print $0 }'
def get_files(path):
p = pathlib.Path(path)
return list(p.glob("**/*"))
def determine_hash(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
return hashlib.md5(
except (IsADirectoryError, FileNotFoundError, PermissionError):
return ''
def print_report(seen_files):
for seen_file in seen_files:
if len(seen_files[seen_file]) > 1:
print("{} hash matched:".format(seen_file))
for matched_file in seen_files[seen_file]:
print(" {}".format(matched_file))
def main():
path = "."
files = get_files(path)
seen_files = {}
for filename in files:
file_hash = determine_hash(filename)
if file_hash == '':
if file_hash in seen_files:
print("[bold red]X[/bold red] Duplicate found!: {}".format(filename))
print("[bold green]O[/bold green] Adding: {}".format(filename))
seen_files[file_hash] = []
if __name__ == "__main__":
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