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Last active March 18, 2023 20:13
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LRU set created by ChatGPT

Could you suggest a collection implementation for Java/Kotlin? it must be a set of strings. But a set with a limited size. If a new element is added to the set which did not exists in it, the last recently accessed element is removed from the set keeping the size of the set constant.

A suitable collection for this use case would be a LinkedHashSet. This collection maintains the order of elements as they are added and provides constant time access to the most recently added or accessed element.

To implement the limited size constraint, you can create a subclass of LinkedHashSet and override the add method to remove the least recently accessed element when the size limit is reached.

Here is an example implementation in Kotlin:

class LimitedSizeSet(private val maxSize: Int) : LinkedHashSet<String>() {
    override fun add(element: String): Boolean {
        if (!contains(element)) {
            if (size == maxSize) {
                val iterator = iterator()
        return super.add(element)

This implementation overrides the add method to check if the element already exists in the set. If it doesn't, it checks if the size of the set has reached the maximum limit (maxSize). If the limit is reached, it gets an iterator for the set and removes the first element (which will be the least recently accessed). Finally, it calls the add method of the parent class to actually add the element to the set.

You can use this collection as follows:

val set = LimitedSizeSet(5)
println(set) // [a, b, c, d, e]
println(set) // [b, c, d, e, f]
println(set) // [c, d, e, f, g]

In this example, the LimitedSizeSet is initialized with a maximum size of 5. After adding 5 elements, the size is still 5. When a new element ("f") is added, the least recently accessed element ("a") is removed to keep the size constant. The same happens when adding "g".

The idea with reusing LinkedHashSet looks good. But I have more requirements.
I want a least recently used (LRU) behaviour. Re-adding of the element to the set should move it to a "head" of the set. Calling contains() method for an element in the set als should move it to the "head". However, if the set is full and a new element is added, the element at a "tail" of the set should be removed (i.e. the element with the "oldest" usage).
LinkedHashSet cannot satisfy these requirements because it doesn't reorder the elements on calls to contains() or add() (if element is already in the set).
What you can suggest for such case?

In that case, you can implement a custom data structure that combines a LinkedHashMap and a Deque to maintain both the order of insertion and the order of access of the elements.

The LinkedHashMap will store the elements as key-value pairs, where the key is the element itself and the value is a counter that keeps track of the number of times the element has been accessed. The Deque will store the keys of the elements in the order of their access.

Here's an example implementation in Kotlin:

class LimitedSizeSet(private val maxSize: Int) {
    private val elements = LinkedHashMap<String, Int>()
    private val accessOrder = ArrayDeque<String>()

    fun add(element: String): Boolean {
        if (elements.containsKey(element)) {
            elements[element] = elements[element]!! + 1
            return false
        if (elements.size == maxSize) {
            val leastUsedElement = accessOrder.removeLast()
        elements[element] = 1
        return true

    fun contains(element: String): Boolean {
        if (elements.containsKey(element)) {
            elements[element] = elements[element]!! + 1
            return true
        return false

    override fun toString(): String {
        return elements.keys.toString()

This implementation uses a LinkedHashMap to store the elements and their access count. The accessOrder is a Deque that stores the keys of the elements in the order of their access.

The add method checks if the element already exists in the set. If it does, it removes the element from the accessOrder and adds it back to the front. It also increments the access count of the element in the elements map. If the element is not in the set and the size limit has been reached, it removes the least recently used element from the accessOrder and the elements map. Finally, it adds the new element to the accessOrder and the elements map with an initial access count of 1.

The contains method works similarly to add but returns a boolean indicating whether the element exists in the set.

You can use this collection as follows:

val set = LimitedSizeSet(5)
println(set) // [a, b, c, d, e]
println(set) // [f, a, b, c, d]
println(set) // [b, f, a, c, d]
println(set) // [g, b, f, a, c]

In this example, the LimitedSizeSet is initialized with a maximum size of 5. After adding 5 elements, the size is still 5. When a new element ("f") is added, the least recently used element ("e") is removed to keep the size constant. When "b" is accessed, it is moved to the front of the accessOrder. When "g" is added, the least recently used element ("d") is removed.

I think an access counter in the map is redundant because the access order is already controlled by the deque.
Also, I'm afraid about a performance of the remove() operation in the deque. It cannot be done in O(1).
I think a linked list should be used somehow.
Could your fix?

You're right that the access counter is redundant in this case since the access order is already being tracked by the deque. As for the remove() operation in the deque, you're also correct that it's not O(1) - it's actually O(n) since it needs to traverse the deque to find the element to remove.

To address these concerns, you can use a LinkedList instead of a Deque, since LinkedList provides an O(1) remove() operation for removing a specific element. Here's an updated implementation that uses a LinkedHashSet to maintain the uniqueness of elements, a LinkedList to maintain the order of access, and a HashMap to store the elements' access counts:

class LimitedSizeSet(private val maxSize: Int) {
    private val elements = LinkedHashSet<String>()
    private val accessOrder = LinkedList<String>()
    private val accessCounts = HashMap<String, Int>()

    fun add(element: String): Boolean {
        if (elements.contains(element)) {
            return false
        if (elements.size == maxSize) {
            val leastUsedElement = accessOrder.removeLast()
        accessCounts[element] = 1
        return true

    fun contains(element: String): Boolean {
        if (elements.contains(element)) {
            accessCounts[element] = accessCounts[element]!! + 1
            return true
        return false

    override fun toString(): String {
        return elements.toString()

This implementation uses a LinkedHashSet to maintain the uniqueness of elements. The accessOrder is a LinkedList that stores the elements in the order of their access. The accessCounts is a HashMap that stores the access count of each element.

The add method checks if the element already exists in the set. If it does, it removes the element from the accessOrder and adds it back to the front. If the element is not in the set and the size limit has been reached, it removes the least recently used element from the accessOrder, the elements set, and the accessCounts map. Finally, it adds the new element to the accessOrder, the elements set, and the accessCounts map with an initial access count of 1.

The contains method works similarly to add but updates the access count of the element in the accessCounts map instead of adding it to the set and the access count is only updated if the element is already in the set.

You can use this collection as follows:

val set = LimitedSizeSet(5)
println(set) // [a, b, c, d, e]
println(set) // [f, a, b, c, d]
println(set) // [b, f, a, c, d]
println(set) // [g, b, f, a, c]

In this example, the LimitedSizeSet is initialized with a maximum size of 5. After adding 5 elements, the size is still 5. When a new element ("f") is added, the least recently used element ("e") is removed to keep the

Please, remove the access counter.
And you're not right. remove() in LinkedList is not O(1) because it has to iterate over the list to find a necessary element to remove.
Could you create an O(1) implementation?

Apologies for the mistake regarding the LinkedList remove() operation - you are correct that it's not O(1).

Here's an updated implementation that removes the access counter and uses a custom linked list implementation to achieve an O(1) remove() operation:

class LimitedSizeSet(private val maxSize: Int) {
    private val elements = LinkedHashSet<String>()
    private var head: Node? = null
    private var tail: Node? = null

    private inner class Node(val value: String) {
        var prev: Node? = null
        var next: Node? = null

    fun add(element: String): Boolean {
        if (elements.contains(element)) {
            return false
        if (elements.size == maxSize) {
        return true

    fun contains(element: String): Boolean {
        if (elements.contains(element)) {
            return true
        return false

    private fun addToHead(element: String) {
        val node = Node(element)
        if (head == null) {
            head = node
            tail = node
        } else {
            head!!.prev = node
   = head
            head = node

    private fun removeNode(node: Node) {
        if (node == head) {
            head =
   = null
        } else if (node == tail) {
            tail = node.prev
            node.prev?.next = null
        } else {
            node.prev?.next =
   = node.prev

    private fun findNode(element: String): Node {
        var node = head
        while (node != null) {
            if (node.value == element) {
                return node
            node =
        throw NoSuchElementException("Element not found: $element")

    override fun toString(): String {
        return elements.toString()

This implementation uses a custom Node class to represent the elements in the linked list. The head and tail fields keep track of the head and tail nodes of the list, respectively. The addToHead method adds a new node to the head of the list, and the removeNode method removes a specified node from the list. The findNode method finds a node with a specified value.

The add method checks if the element already exists in the set. If it does, it removes the node corresponding to the element from the linked list and adds it back to the head. If the element is not in the set and the size limit has been reached, it removes the tail node from the linked list and the elements set. Finally, it adds the new element to the head of the linked list and the elements set.

The contains method works similarly to add but only moves the node to the head of the list if the element is already in the set.

You can use this collection as follows:

val set = LimitedSizeSet(5)
println(set) // [a, b, c, d, e]
println(set) // [f, a, b, c, d]

Your removeNode(findNode(element)) has O(n) complexity. Please, improve it.

You're right that findNode has O(n) complexity, and as a result, removeNode(findNode(element)) also has O(n) complexity.

Here's an updated implementation that uses a HashMap to store the nodes and their corresponding keys. This allows for constant time lookup of the node to remove in the removeNode method:

class LimitedSizeSet(private val maxSize: Int) {
    private val elements = LinkedHashSet<String>()
    private val nodes = HashMap<String, Node>()
    private var head: Node? = null
    private var tail: Node? = null

    private inner class Node(val value: String) {
        var prev: Node? = null
        var next: Node? = null

    fun add(element: String): Boolean {
        if (elements.contains(element)) {
            return false
        if (elements.size == maxSize) {
        nodes[element] = head
        return true

    fun contains(element: String): Boolean {
        if (elements.contains(element)) {
            return true
        return false

    private fun addToHead(element: String) {
        val node = Node(element)
        if (head == null) {
            head = node
            tail = node
        } else {
            head!!.prev = node
   = head
            head = node

    private fun removeNode(node: Node) {
        if (node == head) {
            head =
   = null
        } else if (node == tail) {
            tail = node.prev
            node.prev?.next = null
        } else {
            node.prev?.next =
   = node.prev

    override fun toString(): String {
        return elements.toString()

This implementation adds a nodes HashMap that stores the nodes and their corresponding keys. The add method now adds the node to the nodes map along with its corresponding key. The removeNode method now takes a Node parameter instead of a key and looks up the key in the nodes map to remove the node from the map.

This implementation still uses a custom linked list implementation to achieve O(1) add, contains, and addToHead operations, and now also has an O(1) removeNode operation thanks to the nodes map.

You can use this collection as follows:

val set = LimitedSizeSet(5)
println(set) // [a, b, c, d, e]
println(set) // [f, a, b, c, d]
println(set) // [b, f, a, c, d]
import org.apache.commons.collections.list.AbstractLinkedList
import java.util.HashMap

 * A set of elements, limited in size.
 * All elements in the set are ordered based on their usage.
 * Any call to [add] or [contains] moves the element to the head of the set.
 * If the set is full, one element from the tail of the set is removed when new element is added.
 * Not thread safe!
class LruSet<T>(
    private val maxSize: Int
) {
    private val list = HashedLruLinkedList<T>()

    fun add(element: T) {
        val contains = list.containsLru(element)
        if (!contains) {
            if (list.size >= maxSize) {

    fun contains(element: T): Boolean {
        return list.containsLru(element)

    internal fun head(): T {
        return list.last as T

    internal fun size(): Int {
        return list.size


 * In this implementation new elements are added to the end of the list
 * and old elements are removed from the beginning of the list.
 * This is just because there's no access to traverse individual nodes,
 * and it's easier to add or move a node to the end of the list.
internal class HashedLruLinkedList<T>: AbstractLinkedList() {
    init {

    private val nodesMap = HashMap<T, Node>()

    fun addLru(element: T) {
        val node = nodesMap[element]
        if (node != null) {
        } else {
            val newNode = createNode(element)
            addNode(newNode, header)
            nodesMap[element] = newNode

    fun containsLru(element: T): Boolean {
        val node = nodesMap[element]
        if (node != null) {
        return node != null

    fun removeLru() {
        val element = removeFirst()

    private fun moveNodeToLast(node: Node) {
        addNode(node, header)

class LruSetTest {

    private lateinit var set: LruSet<String>

    fun setUp() {
        set = LruSet<String>(3)

    fun testAdd() {
        assertEquals(1, set.size())
        assertEquals("one", set.head())

        assertEquals(2, set.size())
        assertEquals("two", set.head())

        assertEquals(2, set.size())
        assertEquals("one", set.head())

        assertEquals(3, set.size())
        assertEquals("three", set.head())

        assertEquals(3, set.size())
        assertEquals("four", set.head())
        assertFalse(set.contains("two")) // least recently used removed

    fun testContains() {
        assertEquals(3, set.size())
        assertEquals("four", set.head())

        assertEquals("four", set.head())

        assertEquals("two", set.head())

        assertEquals("three", set.head())

        assertEquals("four", set.head())

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