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Last active April 24, 2017 10:39
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Time Scale Window in Unity

Time Scale Window in Unity

Just pulled out the time scale as a separate window(Tools > Time Scale Editor) from time manager window(Edit > Project Settings > Time). It also recovers the value if has any changes in PlayMode.

how to use

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class TimeScaleWindow: EditorWindow
float timeScale = 1.0f;
float timeScaleBefore = 0f;
[MenuItem("Tools/Time Scale Window")]
public static void OpenWindow()
var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(TimeScaleWindow));
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Time Scale Window");
void OnEnable()
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += OnPlaymodeStateChange;
void OnDiable()
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= OnPlaymodeStateChange;
void OnGUI()
timeScale = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Time Scale", timeScale, 0.0f, 1.0f);
void OnPlaymodeStateChange()
if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode && EditorApplication.isPlaying)
timeScaleBefore = timeScale;
else if (!EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode && !EditorApplication.isPlaying)
timeScale = timeScaleBefore;
void ChangeTimeScale(float value)
if (timeScale != Time.timeScale) { Time.timeScale = timeScale; }
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