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Created October 17, 2019 06:15
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
// Rotate a monochrome bitmap in Microsoft BMP format by pi/2.
// Monochrome BMP format:
// * Pixels in big-endian order: Bit 7 of byte 0 is bottom-left-most.
// * Rest of first row bytes follow, left to right.
// * Rest or rows follow, bottom to top.
// The image is guaranteed square with edge size a multiple of 64.
// For speed, rotate "bit squares" of size 2^k for k = 6 with a fast
// algorithm and blt bit squares to their correct position in the image.
// Fast bit square rotation:
// Use three shear transformations - left, down, left - modulo the
// row size. Shear left is simple row rotation: row i is rotated
// i places left. Shear down is column shifting: col j rotates j
// rows downward. For this, make k passes, rotating blocks of bits
// with size halved for each pass.
// Caveat: BMP's big-endiean rep must be converted to little-endian for
// simple rotation to work for shear. Within a bit square row, byte[0]'s
// msb must shift right into byte[1]'s lsb. For speed, we'll reverse
// bits AND bytes within a bit square row while doing this conversion.
// Set up bit square. Rows correspond to an int type.
typedef uint64_t BSQ_ROW;
#define LOG_BSQ_ROW_BITS 6
#define BSQ_ROW_BITS_MASK (~(~0u << LOG_BSQ_ROW_BITS))
// Masks for blocks within bit square rows.
static const BSQ_ROW block_masks[] = {
// Row rotations, important for speed.
#ifdef __clang__
#define rotate_left __builtin_rotateleft64
static BSQ_ROW rotate_left(BSQ_ROW row, unsigned n) {
return (row << n) | (row >> (BSQ_ROW_BITS_MASK & (BSQ_ROW_BITS - n)));
static void shear_down(BSQ_ROW *a) {
// Make passes shifting decreasing-sized blocks within rows.
for (int i_mask = LOG_BSQ_ROW_BITS - 1, shift = BSQ_ROW_BITS / 2, n_blocks = 2;
i_mask >= 0;
--i_mask, shift /= 2, n_blocks *= 2) {
// Iterate over rows within blocks.
for (int row = 0; row < shift; ++row) {
// Iterate over blocks, shifting a cycle of rows.
BSQ_ROW src = a[row];
for (int blk = 0, i_dst = shift + row;
blk < n_blocks;
++blk, i_dst = (i_dst + shift) & BSQ_ROW_BITS_MASK) {
BSQ_ROW dst = a[i_dst];
// Write masked bits from source while letting unmasked bits as-is.
a[i_dst] = (a[i_dst] & ~block_masks[i_mask]) | (src & block_masks[i_mask]);
src = dst;
static void shear_left(BSQ_ROW *a) {
for (int i = 1; i < BSQ_ROW_BITS; ++i) a[i] = rotate_left(a[i], i);
void rotate_clockwise(BSQ_ROW *a) {
// Test frame.
typedef struct {
uint8_t *pixels;
int size;
} BMP;
#define BMP_PIXEL_BYTE(Bmp, X, Y) (Bmp->pixels[(Y) * (Bmp->size / 8) + (X) / 8])
// Copy the given bit square to the given BMP so that its lower left corner
// is at pixel (x * 2^k, y * 2^k).
void copy_bit_square_to_bmp(BSQ_ROW *rows, BMP *bmp, int x, int y) {
for (int i = 0; i < BSQ_ROW_BITS; ++i) {
BSQ_ROW row = __builtin_bitreverse64(bmp->pixels[i]);
memcpy(&BMP_PIXEL_BYTE(bmp, x * BSQ_ROW_BITS, y * BSQ_ROW_BITS + i), &row, sizeof(BSQ_ROW));
#define LOW8(X) ((uint8_t) (X))
#define UINT16_BYTES(X) LOW8(X), LOW8(X >> 8)
#define UINT32_BYTES(X) LOW8(X), LOW8(X >> 8), LOW8(X >> 16), LOW8(X >> 24)
void write_bmp(char *file_name, BSQ_ROW *rows, int rows_per_scanline) {
const int total_header_size = 54;
uint32_t rows_in_image = rows_per_scanline * BSQ_ROW_BITS * rows_per_scanline;
uint32_t file_size = total_header_size + sizeof(BSQ_ROW) * rows_in_image;
uint32_t pixel_data_offset = total_header_size + 8;
uint8_t hdr[] = {
'B', 'M', // Microsoft magic number
UINT32_BYTES(0), // reserved
uint32_t size = rows_per_scanline * BSQ_ROW_BITS;
uint8_t file_hdr[] = {
UINT32_BYTES(40), // size of this header
UINT32_BYTES(size), // width
UINT32_BYTES(size), // height
UINT16_BYTES(1), // color planes
UINT16_BYTES(1), // bits per pixel
UINT32_BYTES(0), // compression/none
UINT32_BYTES(0), // compressed size
UINT32_BYTES(10000),// horizontal resolution pixels/m
UINT32_BYTES(10000),// vertical resolution pixels/m
UINT32_BYTES(2), // actually used colors
UINT32_BYTES(0), // important color/all
uint8_t color_tbl[] = {
255, 255, 255, // RGB for 0
0, // reserved
0, 0, 0, // RGB for 1
0, // reserved
FILE *f = fopen(file_name, "wb");
fwrite(hdr, sizeof hdr, 1, f);
fwrite(file_hdr, sizeof file_hdr, 1, f);
fwrite(color_tbl, sizeof color_tbl, 1, f);
uint8_t copy[rows_in_image * sizeof(BSQ_ROW)];
memset(copy, 0, rows_in_image * sizeof(BSQ_ROW));
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) copy[8 * i] = 0x40;
memcpy(copy, rows, sizeof copy);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof copy; ++i) copy[i] = __builtin_bitreverse8(copy[i]);
fwrite(copy, sizeof(BSQ_ROW), rows_in_image, f);
int main(void) {
uint64_t b[64] = {0};
for (int i = 0, d = 2; i < 64; i += d, d *= 2) b[i] = 0xff00f0f0aaaa0000;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) printf("%016llx\n", b[i]); printf("\n");
write_bmp("original.bmp", b, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) printf("%016llx\n", b[i]);
write_bmp("rotated.bmp", b, 1);
return 0;
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