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The permitted third party applications in the mozilla GitHub organization and their granted scopes and associated risk impacts
App Confidentiality Integrity Availability Permissions
SourceTreeForMac TRUE TRUE TRUE admin:gpg_key admin:org admin:org_hook admin:public_key admin:repo_hook gist repo user
AppVeyor CI TRUE TRUE repo
Coveralls Pro TRUE TRUE read:org repo user:email
Github for Atom TRUE TRUE read:org repo
Docker Hub Registry TRUE TRUE repo
Circle CI TRUE TRUE user:email repo
Codetree TRUE TRUE user:email write:repo_hook repo
Waffle TRUE TRUE user:email repo read:org
Heroku Dashboard TRUE TRUE repo
Reviewable TRUE TRUE read:org user:email repo
SmartGit TRUE TRUE repo user
ZenHub TRUE TRUE repo user:email
Codecov TRUE user:email admin:repo_hook repo:status read:org
Read The Docs Community (.org) TRUE admin:repo_hook read:org repo:status user:email TRUE public_repo write:repo_hook
Travis CI TRUE read:org repo:status repo_deployment user:email write:repo_hook
Homu TRUE admin:repo_hook public_repo
Coveralls read:org repo:status user:email
AppVeyor read:org user:email
Greenkeeper user:email read:org

Note : Since we don't know which users have authorized these third party apps, we don't know what those users' permissions are on what repos and so the true impact could be less than what's shown here.

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