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Last active February 22, 2017 03:19
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list of current git aliases of my zsh terminal

Oh-My-Zsh Git Aliases

enable (git) plugin.

g - git	
gst - git status
gl - git pull	
gup - git fetch && git rebase
gp - git push
gc - git commit -v
gca - git commit -v -a	
gco - git checkout
gcm - git checkout master
gb - git branch
gba - git branch -a	
gcount	git shortlog -sn
gcp - git cherry-pick	
glg	- git log --stat --max-count=5
glgg - git log --graph --max-count=5	
gss - git status -s
ga - git add	
gm - git merge
grh - git reset HEAD	
grhh - git reset HEAD --hard
gsr - git svn rebase	
gsd	- git svn dcommit
ggpull - git pull origin $(current_branch)	
ggpush -git push origin $(current_branch)
gdv - git diff -w "$@" | view -
ggpnp -	git pull origin $(current_branch) && git push origin $(current_branch)
git-svn-dcommit-push -	git svn dcommit && git push github master:svntrunk
gpa -git add .; git commit -m "$1"; git push; # only in the ocodo fork.
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