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Created September 27, 2017 19:57
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console output
allan@ThinkPad-T470:~/workspace/elccs-new-curriculum (elnc-267)
$ terminus drush elccs-new-curriculum.elnc-267 -- stage
[warning] This environment is in read-only Git mode. If you want to make changes to the codebase of this site (e.g. updating modules or plugins), you will need to toggle into read/write SFTP mode first.
The authenticity of host '[]:2222 ([]:2222)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:yPEkh1Amd9WFBSP5syXD5rhUByTjaKBxQnlb5CahZZE.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222,[]:2222' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Running Registry Rebuild
The registry has been rebuilt via registry_rebuild (A). [success]
The registry has been rebuilt via registry_rebuild (A2). [success]
All caches have been cleared with drush_registry_rebuild_cc_all. [success]
The registry has been rebuilt via drush_registry_rebuild_cc_all (B). [success]
All caches have been cleared with drush_registry_rebuild_cc_all. [success]
All registry rebuilds have been completed. [success]
Running Database Updates
The following module is missing from the file system: <em [warning]
class="placeholder">cdn</em>. For information about how to fix this,
see <a href="">the documentation
The following module is missing from the file system: <em [warning]
class="placeholder">varnish</em>. For information about how to fix
this, see <a href="">the
documentation page</a>.
Field_collection 7003 Update field_collection_field_schema columns for all
Field_collection 7004 Add index on {$field_collection_field}_revision_id
column for all tables.
Field_collection 7005 Force the creation of the table
entity_update_7003 will attempt to install entitycache
tables for existing modules, but it uses
module_list() to get the list of available modules,
which, when called from a database update, may not
return field_collection since drupal is bootstrapped
at a lower level.
Field_collection 7006 Ensures revision_id indexes are present at
field_config table.
Field_collection 7007 Add index on {$field_collection_field}_value column
for all tables.
Field_collection 7008 Update fields in field collections already set to use
Entity Translation.
Feature_ocp_less 7102 Moar cleanup! >:ᗡ There are still field collection
on instances partially left.
Do you wish to run all pending updates? (y/n): y
The following module is missing from the file system: <em [warning]
class="placeholder">cdn</em>. For information about how to fix this,
see <a href="">the documentation
The following module is missing from the file system: <em [warning]
class="placeholder">varnish</em>. For information about how to fix
this, see <a href="">the
documentation page</a>.
Performed update: field_collection_update_7003 [ok]
Performed update: field_collection_update_7004 [ok]
Performed update: field_collection_update_7005 [ok]
Performed update: field_collection_update_7006 [ok]
Performed update: field_collection_update_7007 [ok]
Performed update: field_collection_update_7008 [ok]
Performed update: feature_ocp_lesson_update_7102 [ok]
'all' cache was cleared. [success]
Finished performing updates. [ok]
Enabling master module...
master is already enabled. [ok]
There were no extensions that could be enabled. [ok]
Running master to enable/disable modules.
All master modules and requirements are enabled. [ok]
No modules have to be uninstalled. [ok]
No modules have to be disabled. [ok]
Clearing All Caches
'all' cache was cleared. [success]
Reverting All Features
The following modules will be reverted: panopoly_widgets, feature_ocp_units, feature_ocp_lesson, feature_ocp_modules, feature_ocp_grades, feature_ocp_skills_block_modules, feature_ocp_texts, panopoly_users, panopoly_pages_overrides, panopoly_users_overrides
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Reverted panopoly_widgets.field_instance. [ok]
Reverted feature_ocp_units.field_group. [ok]
Reverted feature_ocp_lesson.field_base. [ok]
Reverted feature_ocp_lesson.field_group. [ok]
Reverted feature_ocp_modules.field_group. [ok]
Reverted feature_ocp_grades.field_group. [ok]
Reverted feature_ocp_skills_block_modules.field_group. [ok]
Reverted feature_ocp_texts.field_group. [ok]
Reverted panopoly_users.field_group. [ok]
Reverted panopoly_pages_overrides.features_overrides. [ok]
Reverted panopoly_users_overrides.features_overrides. [ok]
Clearing All Caches
'all' cache was cleared. [success]
[notice] Command: elccs-new-curriculum.elnc-267 -- drush stage [Exit: 0]
allan@ThinkPad-T470:~/workspace/elccs-new-curriculum (elnc-267)
$ terminus drush elccs-new-curriculum.elnc-267 -- cron
[warning] This environment is in read-only Git mode. If you want to make changes to the codebase of this site (e.g. updating modules or plugins), you will need to toggle into read/write SFTP mode first.
WD search_api: SearchApiException while deleting items from server [error]
Solr Server: "404" Status: Not Found: Not Found in
SearchApiSolrConnection->checkResponse() (line 546 of
Cron run successful. [success]
[notice] Command: elccs-new-curriculum.elnc-267 -- drush cron [Exit: 0]
allan@ThinkPad-T470:~/workspace/elccs-new-curriculum (elnc-267)
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