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Last active March 8, 2017 23:03
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Output of drupal-vm when type is nothing
$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'support.local' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> support.local: Checking if box 'geerlingguy/ubuntu1604' is up to date...
==> support.local: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2200.
It appears your machine doesn't support NFS, or there is not an
adapter to enable NFS on this machine for Vagrant. Please verify
that `nfsd` is installed on your machine, and try again. If you're
on Windows, NFS isn't supported. If the problem persists, please
contact Vagrant support.
vagrant_hostname: support.local
vagrant_machine_name: support.local
# The first synced folder will be used for the default Drupal installation, if
# any of the build_* settings are 'true'. By default the folder is set to
# the drupal-vm folder.
- local_path: ./elccs
destination: /var/www/elccs
type: ""
create: true
build_composer_project: false
build_composer: false
drupal_composer_path: false
drupal_composer_install_dir: "/var/www/drupalvm"
drupal_core_path: "{{ drupal_composer_install_dir }}/docroot"
php_version: "5.6"
php_memory_limit: "512M"
- adminer
# - blackfire
# - drupalconsole
- drush
# - elasticsearch
# - java
- mailhog
- memcached
# - newrelic
# - nodejs
- pimpmylog
# - redis
# - ruby
# - selenium
- solr
# - upload-progress
- varnish
- xdebug
- xhprof
# MySQL databases and users.
- name: "elccs"
encoding: utf8mb4
collation: utf8mb4_general_ci
- name: "{{ drupal_db_user }}"
host: "%"
password: "{{ drupal_db_password }}"
priv: "elccs.*:ALL"
- servername: "elccs.local"
serveralias: "www.elccs.local"
documentroot: "/var/www/elccs"
extra_parameters: "{{ apache_vhost_php_fpm_parameters }}"
- servername: "adminer.{{ vagrant_hostname }}"
documentroot: "{{ adminer_install_dir }}"
extra_parameters: "{{ apache_vhost_php_fpm_parameters }}"
- servername: "xhprof.{{ vagrant_hostname }}"
documentroot: "{{ php_xhprof_html_dir }}"
extra_parameters: "{{ apache_vhost_php_fpm_parameters }}"
- servername: "pimpmylog.{{ vagrant_hostname }}"
documentroot: "{{ pimpmylog_install_dir }}"
extra_parameters: "{{ apache_vhost_php_fpm_parameters }}"
- servername: "{{ vagrant_ip }}"
serveralias: "dashboard.{{ vagrant_hostname }}"
documentroot: "{{ dashboard_install_dir }}"
extra_parameters: "{{ apache_vhost_php_fpm_parameters }}"
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