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Created May 17, 2019 09:05
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Simple astar algorithm ( C# implementation of simplemain/astar )
Simple astar algorithm ( C# implementation of simplemain/astar )
namespace AStar
public class Data
internal Point point;
internal double g;
internal double h;
internal Data parent;
public Data(Point p, double g, double h, Data parent)
this.point = p;
this.g = g;
this.h = h;
this.parent = parent;
public double f()
return g + h;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AStar
public class MinHeap
private readonly List<Data> queue = new List<Data>();
private int endPnt = 0;
private readonly Dictionary<string, Data> index = new Dictionary<string, Data>();
public Data getAndRemoveMin()
if (isEmpty())
return null;
Data head = queue[0];
Data last = queue[endPnt - 1];
queue[0] = last;
return head;
public Data find(Point pnt)
Data data;
index.TryGetValue(getKey(pnt), out data);
return data;
public void add(Data data)
if (queue.Count > endPnt)
queue[endPnt] = data;
index[getKey(data.point)] = data;
public bool isEmpty()
return endPnt <= 0;
private string getKey(Point pnt)
return string.Format("{0}-{1}", pnt.x, pnt.y);
private void topDown()
for (int cur = 0; cur < endPnt; )
int left = 2 * cur + 1;
int right = 2 * cur + 2;
Data dc = queue[cur];
Data dl = left < endPnt ? queue[left] : null;
Data dr = right < endPnt ? queue[right] : null;
int next = -1;
Data dn = dc;
if (dl != null && dl.f() < dn.f())
next = left;
dn = dl;
if (dr != null && dr.f() < dn.f())
next = right;
dn = dr;
if (next >= 0 && next < endPnt)
queue[next] = dc;
queue[cur] = dn;
cur = next;
private void bottomUp()
for (int cur = endPnt - 1; cur >= 0; )
int parent = (cur - 1) / 2;
if (parent < 0)
Data dc = queue[cur];
Data dp = queue[parent];
if (dc.f() < dp.f())
queue[parent] = dc;
queue[cur] = dp;
cur = parent;
namespace AStar
public struct Point
internal int x, y;
public Point(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (!(obj is Point))
return false;
Point p = (Point)obj;
return x == p.x && y == p.y;
using System;
namespace AStar
class Program
// 地图元素
const char START = 'S'; // 起点
const char END = 'E'; // 终点
const char SPACE = '.'; // 空地
const char WALL = 'W'; // 墙
const char VISITED = '+'; // 被访问过
const char ON_PATH = '@'; // 在结果路径上
// 地图字符串
static readonly String[] S_MAP = {
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . W W W W . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . W . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . W . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . S . . . W . . . W W W W . . . . . .",
". . . . . . W . . . . . . W . . . . . .",
". . . . . . W . . . . . . W . . E . . .",
". . . . . . W . . . . . . W . . . . . .",
". . . W W W W . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
// 地图
static char[,] MAP = new char[S_MAP[0].Replace(" ", "").Length, S_MAP.Length];
// 地图最大尺寸
static Point MAX_PNT = new Point(MAP.GetLength(0), MAP.GetLength(1));
// 起点
static Point START_PNT;
// 终点
static Point END_PNT;
// 寻路方法
static int searchMethod;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Choose search method: (0-3)");
Console.WriteLine("\t0: BFS");
Console.WriteLine("\t1: Euclidian Distance");
Console.WriteLine("\t2: Pow Euclidian Distance");
Console.WriteLine("\t3: Manhattan Distance");
var sm = Console.ReadLine();
if (int.TryParse(sm, out searchMethod))
while (true);
* 用地图字符串产生地图数据
static void genMap()
int idx = 0;
foreach (string s in S_MAP)
char[] cs = s.Replace(" ", "").ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < cs.Length; i++)
MAP[i, idx] = cs[i];
switch (cs[i])
case START:
START_PNT = new Point(i, idx);
case END:
END_PNT = new Point(i, idx);
* 打印地图
static void printMap()
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_PNT.y; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PNT.x; i++)
Console.Write("{0} ", MAP[i, j]);
* 搜索算法
static void search()
MinHeap heap = new MinHeap(); // 用最小堆来记录扩展的点
int[,] directs = {{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {0, -1}}; // 可以扩展的四个方向
heap.add(new Data(START_PNT, 0, 0, null)); // 把起始点放入堆
Data lastData = null; // 找到的最后一个点的数据,用来反推路径
for (bool finish = false; !finish && !heap.isEmpty(); )
Data data = heap.getAndRemoveMin(); // 取出f值最小的点
Point point = data.point;
if (MAP[point.x, point.y] == SPACE) // 将取出的点标识为已访问点
MAP[point.x, point.y] = VISITED;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) // 遍历四个方向的点
Point newPnt = new Point(point.x + directs[i, 0], point.y + directs[i, 1]);
if (newPnt.x >= 0 && newPnt.x < MAX_PNT.x && newPnt.y >= 0 && newPnt.y < MAX_PNT.y)
char e = MAP[newPnt.x, newPnt.y];
if (e == END) // 如果是终点,则跳出循环,不用再找
lastData = data;
finish = true;
if (e != SPACE) // 如果不是空地,就不需要再扩展
Data inQueueData = heap.find(newPnt);
if (inQueueData != null) // 如果在堆里,则更新g值
if (inQueueData.g > data.g + 1)
inQueueData.g = data.g + 1;
inQueueData.parent = data;
else // 如果不在堆里,则放入堆中
double hv = h(newPnt);
Data newData = new Data(newPnt, data.g + 1, hv, data);
// 反向找出路径
for (Data pathData = lastData; pathData != null; )
Point pnt = pathData.point;
if (MAP[pnt.x, pnt.y] == VISITED)
MAP[pnt.x, pnt.y] = ON_PATH;
pathData = pathData.parent;
* h函数
static double h(Point pnt)
switch (searchMethod)
case 1: return hEuclidianDistance(pnt);
case 2: return hPowEuclidianDistance(pnt);
case 3: return hManhattanDistance(pnt);
default: return hBFS(pnt);
* 曼哈顿距离,小于等于实际值
static double hManhattanDistance(Point pnt)
return Math.Abs(pnt.x - END_PNT.x) + Math.Abs(pnt.y - END_PNT.y);
* 欧式距离,小于等于实际值
static double hEuclidianDistance(Point pnt)
return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(pnt.x - END_PNT.x, 2) + Math.Pow(pnt.y - END_PNT.y, 2));
* 欧式距离平方,大于等于实际值
static double hPowEuclidianDistance(Point pnt)
return Math.Pow(pnt.x - END_PNT.x, 2) + Math.Pow(pnt.y - END_PNT.y, 2);
* BFS的h值,恒为0
static double hBFS(Point pnt)
return 0;
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