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Extract Data from wikipedia for World Cup 2022 Dataset

Extract Code

generated by OpenAI ChatGPT, data fetched from

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv

# Define the URL of the Wikipedia page
url = ''

# Use the requests library to fetch the HTML content of the page
response = requests.get(url)

# Parse the HTML content using BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

# Initialize a list to store the team names
team_names = []

# Loop over each paragraph on the page
for p in soup.find_all('p'):
    # Extract the text from the paragraph
    text = p.text.strip()
    # Check if the paragraph contains a team name
    if ' announced' in text:
        # Split the text at the team name
        parts = text.split(' announced')
        # Extract the team name from the first part
        team_name = parts[0]
        # Add the team name to the list

# Find all of the tables containing squad information
tables = soup.find_all('table', {'class': 'wikitable'})

# Initialize an empty list to store the data
data = []

# Loop over each of the tables
for table, team in zip(tables, team_names):
    # Set the team group based on the team index
    team_group = chr(65 + team_names.index(team) // 4)

    # Extract the data for each player in the table
    for row in table.find_all('tr'):
        cells = row.find_all('td')
        if len(cells) > 0:
            # Extract the data from each cell
            no = cells[0].text.strip()
            pos = cells[1].text.strip()
            # Extract the player name from the first 'th' element
            player = row.find('th').text.strip()
            dob = cells[2].text.strip()
            caps = cells[3].text.strip()
            goals = cells[4].text.strip()
            club = cells[5].text.strip()

            # Add the team name and player data to the list
            data.append([team, team_group, no, pos, player, dob, caps, goals, club])

# Write the extracted data to a CSV file
with open('world_cup_squads.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    writer.writerow(['Team', 'Group', 'No.', 'Pos.', 'Player', 'DOB', 'Caps', 'Goals', 'Club'])


ChatGPT conversation

How asked for the help from OpenAI ChatGPT to help generate this code:

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