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Created January 23, 2011 09:36
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Dijkstra algorithm java implementation
import java.util.*;
public class Dijkstra {
// assumes Nodes are numbered 0, 1, ... n and that the source Node is 0
ArrayList<Node> findShortestPath(Node[] nodes, Edge[] edges, Node target) {
int[][] Weight = initializeWeight(nodes, edges);
int[] D = new int[nodes.length];
Node[] P = new Node[nodes.length];
ArrayList<Node> C = new ArrayList<Node>();
// initialize:
// (C)andidate set,
// (D)yjkstra special path length, and
// (P)revious Node along shortest path
for(int i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){
D[i] = Weight[0][i];
if(D[i] != Integer.MAX_VALUE){
P[i] = nodes[0];
// crawl the graph
for(int i=0; i<nodes.length-1; i++){
// find the lightest Edge among the candidates
int l = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Node n = nodes[0];
for(Node j : C){
if(D[] < l){
n = j;
l = D[];
// see if any Edges from this Node yield a shorter path than from source->that Node
for(int j=0; j<nodes.length-1; j++){
if(D[] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && Weight[][j] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && D[]+Weight[][j] < D[j]){
// found one, update the path
D[j] = D[] + Weight[][j];
P[j] = n;
// we have our path. reuse C as the result list
int loc =;
// backtrack from the target by P(revious), adding to the result list
while(P[loc] != nodes[0]){
if(P[loc] == null){
// looks like there's no path from source to target
return null;
C.add(0, P[loc]);
loc = P[loc].name;
C.add(0, nodes[0]);
return C;
private int[][] initializeWeight(Node[] nodes, Edge[] edges){
int[][] Weight = new int[nodes.length][nodes.length];
for(int i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){
Arrays.fill(Weight[i], Integer.MAX_VALUE);
for(Edge e : edges){
Weight[][] = e.weight;
return Weight;
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Alip1 commented Dec 17, 2017

Can you make video tutorial to explain this code line by line?

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