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Created September 2, 2023 20:39
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Micropython variable sharing
# This version works, notice where ros_event_callbasck is declasred
from microros import readROSMsg, publishMsg, registerEventSubscription, init_event_queue
import machine
import utime
import _thread
import gc
print("\r\nInit Event Queue")
# Thread code
def ros_event_thread():
# THis works
def ros_event_callback(data):
print("Ros did something")
print("\r\nRegistgering Event Subscription")
registerEventSubscription("CmdVel", "Twist", ros_event_callback)
while True:
print("In event Thread")
# Function that initializ
_thread.start_new_thread(ros_event_thread, ())
while True:
print("In Main Thread")
# This does not work, notice that where the ros_event_callback is declared, it is
# crated on the MP main THread but we are trying to access in the event thread.
from microros import readROSMsg, publishMsg, registerEventSubscription, init_event_queue
import machine
import utime
import _thread
import gc
print("\r\nInit Event Queue")
def ros_event_callback(data):
print("Ros did something")
def ros_event_thread():
print("\r\nRegistgering Event Subscription")
registerEventSubscription("CmdVel", "Twist", ros_event_callback)
while True:
print("In event Thread")
# Function that initializ
_thread.start_new_thread(ros_event_thread, ())
while True:
print("In Main Thread")
# Shows how call back is registered in the C Module
mp_obj_t g_eventName = NULL;
mp_obj_t g_eventType = NULL;
mp_obj_t g_eventCallback = NULL;
mp_obj_t registerEventSubscription(mp_obj_t eventName, mp_obj_t eventType, mp_obj_t eventCallback) {
g_eventName = eventName;
g_eventType = eventType;
g_eventCallback = eventCallback;
return eventName;
# Poll the Queue for a new event. Note: the queue is configured to transfer an
# unsigned long, the ROS event payload informatuon is not being conveyed yet.
# A Timer task wiil load unsigned longs into the queue and when received will
# call a callback dispatch method, this method will run on the Event thread and
not the MP main thread.
mp_obj_t readROSMsg() {
const TickType_t xDelay = 100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
unsigned long value;
if (xQueueReceive(mp_uros_queue, &value, 0 )== pdTRUE) {
if (g_eventCallback != NULL) {
mp_call_function_1(g_eventCallback, NULL);
return NULL;
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