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Created October 26, 2012 22:59
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Using pygame and MVC, the view forwards events to its subcomponents.
from clock import Clock
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from constants import RESOLUTION, FONT_SIZE
from events import QuitEvent, EventManager, VTickEvent
from input import InputController
from pygame.rect import Rect
from pygame.sprite import LayeredDirty
from pygame.surface import Surface
from view import PygameDisplay
from widgets import MenuWidget
import logging
import pygame
class SwitchViewEvent():
class MainDisplay(EventManager):
""" Handles transitions between views
and acts as an event broker
between the current view and the main event manager.
def __init__(self, em):
self._em = em
# map events to their callbacks
self._callbacks = defaultdict(set)
# FSM of views
fsm = {
'menu': {
'transitions': {SwitchViewEvent: 'game'}
'game': {
'transitions': {SwitchViewEvent: 'menu'}
self._fsm = fsm
em.subscribe(SwitchViewEvent, self.on_switchview)
def switch_to_view(self, name):
""" Switch to menu or game view. """
if name == 'menu':
self.cur_view = MenuDisplay1(self)
self.cur_view_name = 'menu'
elif name == 'game':
self.cur_view = MenuDisplay2(self)
self.cur_view_name = 'game'
def subscribe(self, ev_class, callback):
""" Register the callback from a view component,
and subscribe to that event from the main event manager.
self._em.subscribe(ev_class, self.forward_evt)
def unsubscribe(self, ev_class, callback):
pass # view components should not unsubscribe
def update_listeners(self):
def forward_evt(self, event):
""" Forward an event from the main event manager
to the view components who subscribed to it.
for cb in self._callbacks[event.__class__]:
def publish(self, event):
""" Forward an event from a view component to the main event manager """
def on_switchview(self, ev):
""" Switch to another view """
for ev_class, callbacks in self._callbacks.items():
for cb in callbacks:
self._em.unsubscribe(ev_class, cb)
view_name = 'game' if self.cur_view_name == 'menu' else 'menu'
class MenuDisplay:
# default view menu: a single quit button
evtlabels = [('quit',QuitEvent)
def __init__(self, em):
self._em = em
window = pygame.display.set_mode(RESOLUTION)
self.window = window
pygame.display.set_caption('Smoothie Factory')
# blit the bg screen: all black
bg = Surface(window.get_size())
bg.fill((0, 0, 0))
bg = bg.convert()
self.window_bg = bg
self.window.blit(bg, (0, 0))
# build GUI
self.gui = self._build_gui() # return a sprite group
em.subscribe(VTickEvent, self.on_tick)
def _build_gui(self):
""" Make a menu widget. """
gui = LayeredDirty() # only reblit when dirty=1
# TODO: prepare a rect
menu_widget = MenuWidget(self._em, self.evtlabels)
return gui
def on_tick(self, ev):
""" Blit the active board elements and the GUI on the screen. """
if not pygame.display.get_init(): # if the display is ON
gui = self.gui
screen = self.window
bg = self.window_bg
# clear the window from all the sprites, replacing them with the bg
gui.clear(screen, bg)
duration = ev.loopduration
gui.update(duration) # call update() on each sprite of the group
#collect the display areas that need to be redrawn
dirty_gui = gui.draw(screen)
dirty_rects = dirty_gui
pygame.display.update(dirty_rects) # redisplay those areas only
# flip the screen
class MenuDisplay1(MenuDisplay):
evtlabels = [('game', SwitchViewEvent),
('quit', QuitEvent)
class MenuDisplay2(MenuDisplay):
evtlabels = [('switch', SwitchViewEvent),
('quit', QuitEvent),
('switch2', SwitchViewEvent),
('quit2', QuitEvent)
def main():
em = EventManager()
view = MainDisplay(em)
keyboard = InputController(em)
clock = Clock(em)
clock.start() # start the main loop
if __name__ == "__main__":
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